Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

Which is why they fastidiously avoid the evidence like it were chasing them with a butcher knife in a hockey mask.

They simply won't do it

If the evidence was weak, they'd be all over it. Demonstrating elegantly that they already know that the charges were justified.
Again. You lie. There is no evidence.
LOL Man, you are in store for a world of hurt.

The fact that you fastidiously avoid discussing the evidence says otherwise.

If it was weak, your ilk would tear it apart. But you avoid it frantically, desperately, and consistently.

Even Trump has shifted his bleating to babble about 'appeals'. That doesn't bode well.
If random insults to me are the best defense your ilk can muster for Trump......he's fucked.
Not random "And what is he going to have to be prepped for? The 'truth'?"

You make it clear you have zero knowledge of the process.
Deliberate prosecutorial misconduct......according to who?

Is it you citing yourself? Its you citing yourself, isn't it?

Damn; you’re in love with your stale and dishonest lines.
I checked all 4 indictments and the superseding indictment. "Some dipshit on the internet" wasn't cited once.
You checked? Oh. Well that settles everything.

You imbecile hack. You’re too stupid to breathe.

Reading the indictments you already agree with will never inform you of their many glaring faults. You’re a homer.
The fact that you fastidiously avoid discussing the evidence says otherwise.

We have discussed the mountain of evidence of Biden's corruption and bribery. But unlike your elk (private joke) this thread is about Trump and we don't derail it with discussing the criminality of your leader

If it was weak, your ilk would tear it apart. But you avoid it frantically, desperately, and consistently.

Even Trump has shifted his bleating to babble about 'appeals'. That doesn't bode well.
We have torn your lame defense of Biden apart. But you guys stick your fingers in your ears and go LALALALALA TRUMP
Which is why they fastidiously avoid the evidence like it were chasing them with a butcher knife in a hockey mask.

They simply won't do it

If the evidence was weak, they'd be all over it. Demonstrating elegantly that they already know that the charges were justified.
They're stupid and they want to believe, so when somebody goes on Fox news and tells them "Hunter is paying Joe Rent" they believe it, even though its a lie.
Just like with Trump's big election fraud lie
or all the other lies.
Again. You lie. There is no evidence.

Like you 'lied' when you said this in a feeble defense of Trump's pathetic election loss?

"But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after Crystal clear Evidence suggesting Massive Voting Fraud of various types, any claim of a Stolen Election is just kook “Conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections."

Why, whatever evidence were you referring to?

Laughing....were you lying then about your standards of evidence, or are you lying now? Because you can't have it both ways. Even you don't give a fiddler's fuck what pseudo-legal nonsense you make up.

Against Trump there are tapes, there are transcripts, recanted grand jury testimony, recordings, testimony from Trump's own lawyers (do you know how hard it is to pierce attorney-client privilege?), lists of classified documents pulled from his home, forged election documents kept by NARA, even pictures.

But you ignore it all. Good luck with that!
They're stupid and they want to believe, so when somebody goes on Fox news and tells them "Hunter is paying Joe Rent" they believe it, even though its a lie.
Just like with Trump's big election fraud lie
or all the other lies.

The stupid part is that their willful ignorance will have ZERO impact on the trial. That kind of dipshit nonsense only works in the right-wing echo chamber. And Trump is facing 4 different courts of law.
Like you 'lied' when you said this in a feeble defense of Trump's pathetic election loss?

"But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after Crystal clear Evidence suggesting Massive Voting Fraud of various types, any claim of a Stolen Election is just kook “Conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections."

Why, whatever evidence were you referring to?

Laughing....were you lying then about your standards of evidence, or are you lying now? Because you can't have it both ways. Even you don't give a fiddler's fuck what pseudo-legal nonsense you make up.

Against Trump there are tapes, there are transcripts, recanted grand jury testimony, recordings, testimony from Trump's own lawyers (do you know how hard it is to pierce attorney-client privilege?), lists of classified documents pulled from his home, forged election documents kept by NARA, even pictures.

But you ignore it all. Good luck with that!
Wow. There’s a line you’ve only resorted to a few times today alone.

Since it’s already been refuted and since you’re a dishonest hack completely unable and unwilling to acknowledge your own dishonesty, I’ll just let you stew some more in your fail.

By the way, you still have no evidence. 👍
Not random "And what is he going to have to be prepped for? The 'truth'?"

You make it clear you have zero knowledge of the process.
The judges that issued the warrants, the appellant courts that upheld those warrants, the prosecutors, and the grand juries......all say otherwise.

But you know more than all of them, huh?

Well you keep making up random insults while you ignore the evidence. I'll keep grinning as I read the damning and detailed evidence against Trump laid out in no less than 4 indictments.


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