Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

This is not a complicated court case.

One, Trump is being charged alone... not with co conspirators which makes it much much easier with fewer defendants and all of their lawyer motions.

Two, it doesn't involve top secret classified documents and a lawyer clearance ....for all other defendants too, and SCIF viewing ONLY kind of things like in the Mara Lago case.

The Georgia case has 19 defendants and it could take a few years to work through all of them

The N.Y. State Case in March should be pushed out because it is not nearly as important as the 2020 election subversion by Trump trial.

Georgia probably isn't happening before the election. Its a complicated case.

The classified docs case may not start, depending on how deferential Cannon is to Trump. And so far, she's aped what Trump's lawyers have said on Fox News. This after being thrown off her previous attempt to re-write caselaw for Trump in the Mar-a-lago warrant case. So its anyone's call

If I were to guess.....I say that Cannon will over play her hand by trying to interfere with the investigation against Trump, exactly what she was slapped down for by the Appeals court last time.

The federal obstruction charges will almost certainly go through before the election. Trump absolutely has the means to review discovery. If he chooses not to use it, that's on him.

And the NY fraud case is definitely happening before the election.
Uh, gathering evidence is preparation.

Fuck Due Process huh? Why not just ditch the trial and hang him now.

You guys should not pretend to understand the law or the process, you just embarrass yourselves

What about due process is being 'fucked'? Every i has been dotted, every t crossed. The warrants were valid and justified, the evidence is overwhelming, and absolutely justifies the charges (maybe misdemeanors in NY more than felonies, but that's the grand jury's call). Trump has access to representation, he's being given discovery, trial dates, a trial, even appeal if convicted.

Just because you don't like the outcome of due process doesn't mean that due process doesn't exist.
That’s called election interference: to load someone down with a bunch of shit so they are unable to campaign.
Actually lawyers do this kind of crap all the time. Especially a big firm against a small one. You should see the shit they pull. They'll send out a thousand interrogatories to be answered in 30 days. Set 40 depositions on the same day. Normally a judge slaps this mess down and orders sanctions.
Because he knew he was going to fundraise off that mugshot. I ordered a mug! Trump got over 7 million dollars in donations on the basis of that photo.

Oh, of course. Conservatives delight in corruption. The more Trump is charged, the more evidence he committed very serious crimes, the more the Deplorables love him.

The general electorate? Not so much.
Uh, gathering evidence is preparation.
Yes and No.

Pulling-together proof is nowhere NEAR the same as filtering it and applying the surviving elements for an aggressive prosecution.

That part most likely required a much shorter timeframe and now it's all organized and indexed and handed to the Defense on a silver platter.

Fuck Due Process huh? Why not just ditch the trial and hang him now.
Nope. Six months prep-time is more than enough. Well within legally acceptable parameters. Better hurry. You're losing time. :auiqs.jpg:
You guys should not pretend to understand the law or the process, you just embarrass yourselves
No need. That's what District Attorneys and Attorneys General are for. But it's every citizen's right to comment on it all.
What about due process is being 'fucked'? Every i has been dotted, every t crossed. The warrants were valid and justified, the evidence is overwhelming, and absolutely justifies the charges (maybe misdemeanors in NY more than felonies, but that's the grand jury's call). Trump has access to representation, he's being given discovery, trial dates, a trial, even appeal if convicted.

Just because you don't like the outcome of due process doesn't mean that due process doesn't exist.
You’ve gone over the evidence and have already decided he’s guilty?

Ladies and gentleman, I you a peek at the “unbiased jury of his peers” who will decide his fate.
Oh, of course. Conservatives delight in corruption. The more Trump is charged, the more evidence he committed very serious crimes, the more the Deplorables love him.

The general electorate? Not so much.
The evidence of TRUE corruption is massive, all right….against Biden.

But look….a squirrel!
What about due process is being 'fucked'?

Fanni had 2 1/2 years to prepare her case, The judge gave Trump 7 months.
Every i has been dotted, every t crossed. The warrants were valid and justified, the evidence is overwhelming, and absolutely justifies the charges (maybe misdemeanors in NY more than felonies, but that's the grand jury's call). Trump has access to representation, he's being given discovery, trial dates, a trial, even appeal if convicted.

Just because you don't like the outcome of due process doesn't mean that due process doesn't exist.
Thanks for making it clear you don't have a clue what Due Process even is. Kudos.
No they aren't

Of course they would be. Deal with it or not, J6 is an insurrection [attempt]. That was cemented when members of that mob were convicted of seditious conspiracy, which is the planning of, or incitement of, insurrection.

And Trump aided that effort by being derelict of duty by taking no action for hours to get his Qult out of the Capitol; and he comforted them by calling them special and declared his love for them. Even made it sound justified to storm the Capitol.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Yes and No.

Pulling-together proof is nowhere NEAR the same as filtering it and applying the surviving elements for an aggressive prosecution.

That part most likely required a much shorter timeframe and now it's all organized and indexed and handed to the Defense on a silver platter.

Nope. Six months prep-time is more than enough. Well within legally acceptable parameters. Better hurry. You're losing time. :auiqs.jpg:

No need. That's what District Attorneys and Attorneys General are for. But it's every citizen's right to comment on it all.
Actually lawyers do this kind of crap all the time. Especially a big firm against a small one. You should see the shit they pull. They'll send out a thousand interrogatories to be answered in 30 days. Set 40 depositions on the same day. Normally a judge slaps this mess down and orders sanctions.
Too bad we can’t get a fair judge.
Fanni had 2 1/2 years to prepare her case, The judge gave Trump 7 months.

Thanks for making it clear you don't have a clue what Due Process even is. Kudos.

Fanni has to prove beyond reasonable doubt with evidence. Trump is presumed innocent. Of course its going to take her longer to build her case.

And what is he going to have to be prepped for? The 'truth'?
Of course they would be. Deal with it or not, J6 is an insurrection [attempt]. That was cemented when members of that mob were convicted of seditious conspiracy, which is the planning of, or incitement of, insurrection.

And Trump aided that effort by being derelict of duty by taking no action for hours to get his Qult out of the Capitol; and he comforted them by calling them special and declared his love for them. Even made it sound justified to storm the Capitol.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
He didnt give aid and comfort numbnuts

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