Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

But he sure can be impeached...can't he, Faun! Bribery is specifically named as one of the high crimes that Presidents can be impeached for.

Sure he can. Too bad you have no real evidence he took a bribe. And again, he can't be charged for crimes committed by his family.
You know what's sad, Faun? You don't even seem to grasp that if someone in power can do this to Trump...they can do it to any one of us! What you on the left are doing right now is far more dangerous to the country than the riot on Jan. 6th ever was but you're too myopic to see it!

That's Trump's bullshit line to garner sympathy because he's the perpetual victim. No one is coming after any of us for crimes we didn't commit. If they're coming after you, it's because like Trump, there is suspicion you committed a crime.
LOL She sets the trial the day before Super Tuesday. Could this twatwaffle be any more transparent in her political bias?
She doesn't give a shit about politics, just the law. Trump doesn't have to run for POTUS. It's a hobby, not a job. He's doing it because he wants to, not because he has to. It's no different than telling the judge he can't make those trial dates because he needs to practice to try out for the PGA Senior Tour.
Clearly you guys just want to delay this until after the election.

Tough shit.
This "no evidence" chant of theirs is a pretty good example of the alternate universe.

Holy crap. In many cases, the Trump Crime Family™ isn't even denying what they did. They're just saying it wasn't illegal.

But sheep gotta sheep. It's in their DNA.

This "no evidence" chant of theirs is a pretty good example of the alternate universe.

Holy crap. In many cases, the Trump Crime Family™ isn't even denying what they did. They're just saying it wasn't illegal.

But sheep gotta sheep. It's in their DNA.
You misspelled Biden crime family.
You use a lossing tactic of gaslighting and projection. When in fact the one you supports is actually guilty of what you are trying to accuse others of doing.
She doesn't give a shit about politics, just the law. Trump doesn't have to run for POTUS. It's a hobby, not a job. He's doing it because he wants to, not because he has to. It's no different than telling the judge he can't make those trial dates because he needs to practice to try out for the PGA Senior Tour.
Sure she does. She could have done everything a year ago.
While I tend to agree Trump lost the last election, it is completely impossible for Trump to have remotely done anything to "overturn a fair, legal election".
The results were public on election night, so how could anyone possibly change anything?
If you kidnapped the official electors and tried to replace them with alternates, everyone would know.
This is the craziest, most insane, and impossible charge I have ever heard of in my whole life.
That was the Trump enterprise's plan. It's in writing....emails and texts and documents amongst the Enterprise.... Begin by searching John Eastman memo....and all on why they needed Pence to reject the electoral college vote.....
You know what's sad, Faun? You don't even seem to grasp that if someone in power can do this to Trump...they can do it to any one of us! What you on the left are doing right now is far more dangerous to the country than the riot on Jan. 6th ever was but you're too myopic to see it!
He was charged by a grand jury, because he committed crimes..... not because he was a candidate.

If any other future candidates COMMIT CRIMES, expect them to be charged and tried too, regardless of their running for a political position or office.
A fine sentiment but one wonders why the prosecutors waited two and a half years before convening Grand Juries yet now are in a hurry to have the case settled? If this judge wasn't the partisan that she is...that would be the question that she should have put to Jack Smith. You can't delay bringing charges because you want the case to hamstring Trump's election campaign...and then demand that the trial be fast tracked. At least you can't in a court of law that isn't a joke. Who knows with this one.
Jack Smith was appointed Special Council in November 22. He's investigated and has brought unprecedented charges against a former sitting President in less than a year.
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That makes no sense.
The people are supposed to decide when they vote.
This is an attempt harm the voting process.
That is illegal.
It's not illegal you fucking moron. Criminal justice takes precedence over your political aspirations. By your logic all a defendant would have to do to avoid a trial indefinitely is to continually run for public office. That's stupid. Why would we allow criminal defendants to dictate when they face judgement?
I hope it happens. As long as jurors don’t have a case around Election Day. I’m okay with any calendar that comes up with that.

I prefer all this stuff just take place after Election Day but if they can get it started March of next year. Sure.

My gut says that it gets delayed until the cows come home.

Aw. Is it just too bad a look, even for you?

It's because I support justice I support these indictments. They appear to be based on sound evidence. But yeah, I really don't care how a billionaire, who aside from his current wealth, is bilking his Qult out of hundreds of millions more, pays for his own legal defense after appearing to commit such heinous crimes.

Your "justice" is bootlicking power. That's what you support.
Fanni has to prove beyond reasonable doubt with evidence. Trump is presumed innocent. Of course its going to take her longer to build her case.

And what is he going to have to be prepped for? The 'truth'?

Trump should be prepared. He's spent $56 million dollars on legal fees since January.

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