Judge strikes down North Carolina ultrasound abortion law

Women are not obliged to suffer the physical effects of pregnancy just because a bunch of lunatics believe that the fetus is more important than she is.

Here's the rub,they are equal,both have rights, and nether trump the others.
No, she is not, but you, thanatos, are a hater of humanity.

Sure since I don't want to see innocent defenceless humans killed I hate humanity. You are so dumb it is amazing. tapatalk post

Abortion is a medical procedure, murder is a legal term, and a fetus is not a human.

Then nether are you,not human is the stupidest excuse yet.

Guess you were just a cabbage head at one time right??
Women are not obliged to suffer the physical effects of pregnancy just because a bunch of lunatics believe that the fetus is more important than she is.

Here's the rub,they are equal,both have rights, and nether trump the others.

Here's the rub. You're wrong.

Really,so why do states convict people of killing an unborn person? Why are there laws protecting unborn children,if they have no rights,why do we have these laws?

Who's wrong
Abortion is a medical procedure, murder is a legal term, and a fetus is not a human.

So when is this magical transformation take place,from non human to human,what is the very exact moment??
Judge strikes down North Carolina ultrasound abortion law - CNN.com

(CNN) -- A North Carolina law that made women who wanted an abortion get an ultrasound, and then have the image described to them, is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled Friday.

"The Supreme Court has never held that a state has the power to compel a health care provider to speak, in his or her own voice, the state's ideological message in favor of carrying a pregnancy to term and this court declines to do so today," U.S. District Judge Catherine Eagles said in her ruling.

The law required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound and place the image in the woman's line of sight. The fetus would then be described in detail, even if the woman asked the provider not to.

Supporters of the law had argued that it would promote childbirth.

The American Civil Liberties Union and other groups that brought the lawsuit praised the judge's decision.


Good news. I had never considered the angle of not allowing the doctor's free speech.


Thank God. I was about to have major objections to the state mandating that I stick a wand into a woman's vagina for the sole purpose of inflicting mental duress upon her.

I was contemplating how I was going to comply with this absurd law.

"Okay Ma'am, the state mandates that I stick this ultrasound probe into your vagina and put the screen in a place where you can see it. However, there is no way I can make you keep your eyes open or look at it."

Not to mention the potential harm and litigation from performing an un-necessary procedure on a patient.

"First do no harm".
Judge strikes down North Carolina ultrasound abortion law - CNN.com

(CNN) -- A North Carolina law that made women who wanted an abortion get an ultrasound, and then have the image described to them, is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled Friday.

"The Supreme Court has never held that a state has the power to compel a health care provider to speak, in his or her own voice, the state's ideological message in favor of carrying a pregnancy to term and this court declines to do so today," U.S. District Judge Catherine Eagles said in her ruling.

The law required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound and place the image in the woman's line of sight. The fetus would then be described in detail, even if the woman asked the provider not to.

Supporters of the law had argued that it would promote childbirth.

The American Civil Liberties Union and other groups that brought the lawsuit praised the judge's decision.


Good news. I had never considered the angle of not allowing the doctor's free speech.


Thank God. I was about to have major objections to the state mandating that I stick a wand into a woman's vagina for the sole purpose of inflicting mental duress upon her.

I was contemplating how I was going to comply with this absurd law.

"Okay Ma'am, the state mandates that I stick this ultrasound probe into your vagina and put the screen in a place where you can see it. However, there is no way I can make you keep your eyes open or look at it."

Not to mention the potential harm and litigation from performing an un-necessary procedure on a patient.

"First do no harm".

You tell her "This is so we can accurately determine the age and location of the fetus, so we don't accidentally perforate your bowel, remove your spleen and be forced to watch you to bleed out with your feet in the stirrups while the drug addicts we hire to do the procedure stash the dead babies in the trunks of their cars before the ambulance is called to take you to a hospital where I don't have admitting rights, therefore don't have the right to practice in."
Today, 09:48 AM JakeStarkey This message is hidden because JakeStarkey is on your ignore list.
Today, 09:48 AM JakeStarkey This message is hidden because JakeStarkey is on your ignore list.

yes, [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION], you are on her ignore list, which is why she went out of her way to let us all know that you are on her ignore list. Of course, she would only want to do that had she actually read what you wrote.

So transparent. Actually, kind of an uncomfortable translucent.

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