Judge strikes down voter id law

In the state I live in...

State ID cost $10- need your Birth certificate and social security card to obtain

Birth certificate cost- $25
Social security card- $27

In the state I live in, you can get help for everything including getting others to pay for your kids school supplies....
In the state I live in...

State ID cost $10- need your Birth certificate and social security card to obtain

Birth certificate cost- $25
Social security card- $27

In the state I live in, you can get help for everything including getting others to pay for your kids school supplies....

There are some churches I know of who pass out vouchers to help obtain the birth certificate, but I don't know of any program to obtain them for free.
In the state I live in...

State ID cost $10- need your Birth certificate and social security card to obtain

Birth certificate cost- $25
Social security card- $27

So how do you get your food stamps?

You don't need to show your birth certificate every time you use your ebt card.

I think all adults have had either the ss card or birth certificate at some point, however they get lost and or misplaced, especially for the poor who move often.
there are over 1.8 million registered DEAD voters. Who is to say a person will get these names and VOTE in states that do not require ID laws.. You guys do not want IDs because you KNOW you cant even come close to winning with them

Why aren't states purging the rolls of dead citizens, instead of pissing on the rights of living American citizens?

Ohhh, you mean the voter purge where:

Despite claims of 182,000 non-citizen on the roles, the state only sent 2,700 names to election officials for verification?
A practice which was originally discontinued by the Republican Secretary of State who believed the methods to be inherently flawed?
The purge that all 67 county election supervisors (30 of whom are Republicans) refused to follow through on due to unreliable data?
The purge where 1,638 of those 2,700 voters were located in Miami-Dade county where in May more than 20% of those supposed non-citizens confirmed their citizenship (and the bulk of the remaining had not yet responded to the letter).
The purge that disproportionately targets Hispanics, Democrats and Independents?
The purge that wasn't important to Rick Scott until now, just months before the 2012 elections?

That purge?

I wonder if the results will be anything like the supposed 900 dead voters in South Carolina or the attempted purge in Colorado.

(Also worth noting, not even Rick Scott is claiming that there are millions and millions of dead or ineligible voters on the rolls in Florida)
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“The demographics race we’re losing badly. We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

- Republican Senator Lindsey Graham
At least here in Pennsylvania, only citizens will be permitted to vote. That ruling has no effect upon us, and Texas is solidly republican, so the fraudulent voters that the Unions will be busing in won't make a difference.
At least here in Pennsylvania, only citizens will be permitted to vote. That ruling has no effect upon us, and Texas is solidly republican, so the fraudulent voters that the Unions will be busing in won't make a difference.

Because before in person voter fraud was just rampant. Maybe you should let the state of PA know about it....
In a stipulation agreement signed earlier this month, state officials conceded that they had no evidence of prior in-person voter fraud, or even any reason to believe that such crimes would occur with more frequency if a voter ID law wasn't in effect.

"There have been no investigations or prosecutions of in-person voter fraud in Pennsylvania; and the parties do not have direct personal knowledge of any such investigations or prosecutions in other states,” the statement reads.

According to the agreement, the state “will not offer any evidence in this action that in-person voter fraud has in fact occurred in Pennsylvania and elsewhere,” nor will it "offer argument or evidence that in-person voter fraud is likely to occur in November 2012 in the absence of the Photo ID law.”

In the state I live in...

State ID cost $10- need your Birth certificate and social security card to obtain

Birth certificate cost- $25
Social security card- $27

So how do you get your food stamps?

You don't need to show your birth certificate every time you use your ebt card.

I think all adults have had either the ss card or birth certificate at some point, however they get lost and or misplaced, especially for the poor who move often.

I'm an Air Force brat, we moved a lot and I have my birth certificate AND we were poor.
So how do you get your food stamps?

You don't need to show your birth certificate every time you use your ebt card.

I think all adults have had either the ss card or birth certificate at some point, however they get lost and or misplaced, especially for the poor who move often.

I'm an Air Force brat, we moved a lot and I have my birth certificate AND we were poor.

Well then it's a good thing that everyone else in the country has the exact same backstory as you. No excuses for missing documents you dumb poors!
At least here in Pennsylvania, only citizens will be permitted to vote. That ruling has no effect upon us, and Texas is solidly republican, so the fraudulent voters that the Unions will be busing in won't make a difference.

Because before in person voter fraud was just rampant. Maybe you should let the state of PA know about it....
In a stipulation agreement signed earlier this month, state officials conceded that they had no evidence of prior in-person voter fraud, or even any reason to believe that such crimes would occur with more frequency if a voter ID law wasn't in effect.

"There have been no investigations or prosecutions of in-person voter fraud in Pennsylvania; and the parties do not have direct personal knowledge of any such investigations or prosecutions in other states,” the statement reads.

According to the agreement, the state “will not offer any evidence in this action that in-person voter fraud has in fact occurred in Pennsylvania and elsewhere,” nor will it "offer argument or evidence that in-person voter fraud is likely to occur in November 2012 in the absence of the Photo ID law.”
Because before, women could not find birth control pills just about anywhere......

Epic fail.

There is no down side to Voter ID. Those who say that it prevents people from voting are not only fucking idiots, but weak-minded losers, fearful that if they are not permitted to cheat, they're life is over.

Do yourself a favor and do some research on the number of counties in this country that have more registrations to vote than they have people.

You'd not make a post like that, which makes you look like an idiot.
They establish their citizenship during the voter registration process, dipshit.


And without an ID, how does anyone know such a process was followed?

I am guessing you have never voted. You cannot vote on Election Day unless your name is on the voter registration list.

There is no value added by Voter ID. The current system is more than capable of preventing or catching voter fraud when properly managed. If dead people are voting that is because dead people are not being properly removed from the voter lists. Voter ID will not purge the dead from the lists.

And before you go and post someone committing absentee voter fraud as evidence we need Voter ID like so many other retards have done, you should know that Voter ID does not prevent absentee voter fraud.

And don't run off at the mouth about imaginary largescale frauds which don't actually occur, either. One Voter ID retard on here actually claimed 20 million illegals are going to vote this November!


That was NOT the claim I made, so stop lying. What I said was that voter ID would prevent 20 million illegals from having the opportunity to vote. I also cited a Telemundo poll that showed 80% of illegals WOULD vote, even though they are ineligible.
At least here in Pennsylvania, only citizens will be permitted to vote. That ruling has no effect upon us, and Texas is solidly republican, so the fraudulent voters that the Unions will be busing in won't make a difference.

Because before in person voter fraud was just rampant. Maybe you should let the state of PA know about it....
In a stipulation agreement signed earlier this month, state officials conceded that they had no evidence of prior in-person voter fraud, or even any reason to believe that such crimes would occur with more frequency if a voter ID law wasn't in effect.

"There have been no investigations or prosecutions of in-person voter fraud in Pennsylvania; and the parties do not have direct personal knowledge of any such investigations or prosecutions in other states,” the statement reads.

According to the agreement, the state “will not offer any evidence in this action that in-person voter fraud has in fact occurred in Pennsylvania and elsewhere,” nor will it "offer argument or evidence that in-person voter fraud is likely to occur in November 2012 in the absence of the Photo ID law.”
Because before, women could not find birth control pills just about anywhere......

Epic fail.

There is no down side to Voter ID. Those who say that it prevents people from voting are not only fucking idiots, but weak-minded losers, fearful that if they are not permitted to cheat, they're life is over.

Do yourself a favor and do some research on the number of counties in this country that have more registrations to vote than they have people.

You'd not make a post like that, which makes you look like an idiot.

The irony of you calling my post an epic fail is just beautiful. Not only do you lead with a complete non-sequiter (while additionally demonstrating that you know jack shit about women or birth control, kudos), but you then go on to call me stupid for providing proof that the state of PA themselves admitted that they had no evidence of in-person voter fraud, while simultaneously providing zero sources for your specious assertions.

Who's the idiot here kiddo?
Yep it's so tough to get an ID, wow what an adventure you have to do. Oh wait you do have to go to a government agency....soo.......it can take waaaaaay longer than it has to. sorry we're closed come back after our 2 hour lunch

Actually, I have spoken with several older people who had no birth certificates because they were born at home, and now they are struggling to get an ID. So, the GOP plan is working well...until it is struck down by a court. Keep the blacks and the old people out of the voter booth and the republicans will win. Ryan's medicare plan will have seniors running for the hills.

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