Judge Throws out Desantis's racist district map

What part of "shall not" do you idiots fail to understand?

abridging the equal opportunity of racial or language minorities to participate in the political process

They can still participate in the process.

or to diminish their ability to elect representatives of their choice;

They can still vote for the representatives of their choice.
wHy dO bLk pEoPlE tHiNk wE rAziS. y tHey nO vOtE fOr uS. When a republican says something is "race neutral", I got news for you: It ain't . Likewise when they call everything under the sun racist/anti white: It ain't.

Racist would be the "logic" of the judge.

Driving the news: "I am finding that the enacted map is unconstitutional under the Fair District amendment ... because it diminishes African Americans' ability to elect the representatives of their choice," Leon County Circuit Judge Layne Smith said.

The constitution says our districts represent the will of the people who live in them, nothing about race based representation.
So you hate white men and beat them. Your racism is out of control and you need counseling. Seriously, anger management would do you good if you are being violent toward someone because of their race.
I like beating up racist white males, yes. What's wrong with that? Talk shit, get hit. It's not because of their race, it's because of their actions.

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