Judge Warns "Mr. Trump" Not Commit Any Offenses Or Have Release Revoked

Obviously you don't know the facts. trump is infamous for attempting to intimidate people, or having other people doo it for him..
Being infamous is an opinion or feeling and not a fsct
It’s an arbitrary label
You have No expertise with Facts.
Priors mostly inadmissible
LOL, he's been warned, he should be thankful. Let him try that shit again and see what happens. I'd love to see his ass thrown in jail because he thinks he outwitted justice once again.
Being infamous is an opinion or feeling and not a fsct
It’s an arbitrary label
You have No expertise with Facts.
? I never claimed to be an expert but you seem to make that claim. I voiced an opinion. So did the judge. All she did was tell the defendent she wasn't going to put up with any shenanigans in her courtroom. He should be thankful for the warning. I know lawyers are thankful when a judge admonishes them . To me this means she does not intend to sequester the jurors, which would have been very costly because you know trump's lawyers are going to try to drag this out as long as possible. Too bad they can't sequester the defendent.
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Priors inadmissible so judge should not be impugning Trump by threatening him
Not impartial
Perhaps your problem is you do not know the difference between a warning and a threat. You should, trump is infamous for making threats, you should know that fact. Judges do not make threats.
Perhaps your problem is you do not know the difference between a warning and a threat. You should, trump is infamous for making threats, you should know that fact. Judges do not make threats.
A warning or threat have way more similarities than differences
Pump prices are increasing because wait for it...refineries are saying the heat is stifling production.

You can't make this shit up.
Facts are facts and that's what the government deals with. Reality not fiction.
A warning or threat have way more similarities than differences
Threat :A threat is ill intended by the person making it against the person receiving it. Warning : A warning is intended for the benefit and safety of the recipient. That's a huge difference.
It started in 2003, and continued unabated. It was achieved through solar and wind growing at a record pace. More oil and natural gas are being produced now than ever before.

But that means nothing. Trump was the worst economic president since the Hoover administration.

Holy shit are are retarded.
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