Judges who support transgender youth

As a rule, the decision to receive transgender medical care is made by the child, their parents and medical professionals…..NOT Republicans who hate Transexuals and are passing legislation based on lies and misinformation
Aw poor baby.. did it feel good to have that little temper tantrum you just had?
Bruce Jenner waited until he was 65 before he decided to go for transitioning. Didn't hurt him in the least. Lived life, earned a lot of money, got a gold at the olympics.

Ditto with Dr. Levine at HHS. He became a doctor, and had a very successful transition to Tranny status, when he decided to get into a government job in his 50's.

Why the anxiety to get fucking children to go for this?
Lets see…

Nobody is grooming a child to become transexual against their Will
Young children are not being “mutilated”

The decision to offer a child transition treatment is not taken lightly. The child, the Parent,, medical PROFESSIONALS evaluate the child and begin a gradual transition that starts with the child assuming another gender and then taking puberty blockers.

NOBODY is rushing in and mutilating the genitals of young children
Puberty blockers stunt their growth and makes them sterile.

Nevermind the fact activists in the medical field fast track them through the process before they change their mind. Try talking to a few detransitioners.
Contrary to Conservative lies and misinformation, young childrens sex organs are not being mutilated.

What DOES a happen is children are given psychological assistance to help with the transition and puberty blockers (which are reversible). Only after the child has been successfully transitioning for years do they receive hormone replacement.
Genital mutilation does not occur in children and most Transexuals do not receive it at all.
Puberty blockers are not reversible. You really should stop with the misinformation.
Schools will provide psychological counseling
Or at least they used to

Where is a child supposed to go for counseling?
The real question is why a child is told about things they are too young to understand properly. The answer is that children should not be exposed to what they have no hope of understanding.
Don’t say Gay laws prohibit school teachers and counselors from discussing sexuality with children. They also require schools to turn in any child who speaks of being homosexual or transexual to their parents.

At a time children need help, Republicans are cutting off any counseling on their sexuality. If a child felt they could talk about their sexuality with their parents, they already would.
Parents don’t need lefties to assign students activist “ councilors”.
“Americans have been brainwashed by our own tolerance,” Meckler told The Epoch Times. “What we’re told to do is to tolerate anything, even if it’s cruel. That’s a problem because tolerance is an important part of the American ethos. It’s the reason why we’re able to live together over the long term with such an ideologically diverse population. Unfortunately, that tolerance has now extended to the toleration of things that are clearly wrong and evil. I think Americans are waking up to that, and the thing that is waking them up is the children.”

Democrats have secret labs where they test their trans meds on undocumented children.
Sick. Only a sick mind would make up such a lie.

Jesus wept. At all the lies and the harm all of those lies do to people who do not deserve to be lied about. Geesh.
"Johnny, we know you just entered Kindergarten, but we all want you to know that it is never too early to start thinking that you might really be a girl".
They judge this by their favorite color being pink. They like to play with a kitchen set

Lefties are very superficial. And don’t think maybe they like the kitchen set because their parents like to cook.

Then they break out the gender unicorn teaching aid and try to force them to choose genders and pronouns. That they are required to use.
They judge this by their favorite color being pink. They like to play with a kitchen set

Lefties are very superficial. And don’t think maybe they like the kitchen set because their parents like to cook.

Then they break out the gender unicorn teaching aid and try to force them to choose genders and pronouns. That they are required to use.
Bring that to any court of law and watch it fly right of of court by the Judge.
Wouldn’t surprise me.
The globalist pushing this attack on america have been preparing this for a long time. They have been working with cartels to bring them kids. Word on the street is that the democrat's secret labs look like a mix between a children's hospital and a nazi death camp.
I would not doubt it.
Democrats wouldn't be able to get away with such great evils without public support. In the end, God will judge those who supported Democrats and their great evils and will condemn them to burn in Hell along side them.
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You are pushing for it. Who are you trying to kid.
Is there any irrational, fictional story started by Republican extremists you will not believe?

Beware of defaming people by accusing them. Lucky you that here, you are incognito. Otherwise, you would be visiting a court with luckily a Trump appointed Judge, who would be more than happy to clarify how empty and false accusations do get people in trouble.

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