Judges who support transgender youth

The suicide rate is very high among Transexuals

Much of it is how they are perceived by society. If you are openly mocked as a freak, taunted and ostracized you are more likely to suffer depression and suicide
Much of is is because they have an extreme mental impairment.

And your "solution" is to force everyone else to accede to their psychological delusions as reality.
Or a good Republican who also has a Homosexual or Trans child.

No, none of them will be Kidnapping your poor kid and transporting them anywhere. Your very smart kid will be waiting until they are of age, have saved enough money and THEN they will be doing what Daddy is beyond hysterical about, that Daddy, or Mommy, would not help their child.

That is if the child was ever stupid enough to say anything to their parents considering they would know how their parents feel about all of this.

Democrats pass laws like these to do exactly what I said.

If a parent denies their kid a sex change, are they child abusers?
Don’t say Gay laws prohibit school teachers and counselors from discussing sexuality with children.
Nope. Lying doesn't help your argument.
They also require schools to turn in any child who speaks of being homosexual or transexual to their parents.

Turn in? Really? If they know child is 3 times as likely to commit suicide, they should keep this information from parents? Really?
At a time children need help, Republicans are cutting off any counseling on their sexuality
Nope. Again with the lies. No laws prohibit a child from seeking psychological counseling. None.

If a child felt they could talk about their sexuality with their parents, they already would.

So teachers and administrators know better? Scary thing is that they may have convinced you of this.
Don’t say Gay laws prohibit school teachers and counselors from discussing sexuality with children. They also require schools to turn in any child who speaks of being homosexual or transexual to their parents.

At a time children need help, Republicans are cutting off any counseling on their sexuality. If a child felt they could talk about their sexuality with their parents, they already would.
The child is being pressured by media, entertainment and the education system with this transgender shit. This was unheard of before the media became Goliath.

Democrats pass laws like these to do exactly what I said.

If a parent denies their kid a sex change, are they child abusers?
Parents abuse homosexuals out of ignorance, the same with Trans, so why in the world would you not understand that not wanting to understand what their child is saying and going though would be less of an abuse, especially when parents do really get verbally or physically abusive, or even kick the child out of the house.

The law is talking about estranged parents, not parents in a family which are together. Why do you choose to not understand what the law says or is about?
Parents abuse homosexuals out of ignorance, so why in the world would you not understand that not wanting to understand what their child is saying and going though would be less of an abuse, especially when parents do really get verbally or physically abusive, or even kick the child out of the house.

The law is talking about estranged parents, not parents in a family which are together. Why do you choose to not understand what the law says or is about?
I'm pointing out that if a democrat deems an American child trans and the parents deny the child gender affirming care, democrats believe you're a child abuser and take action.
I'm pointing out that if a democrat deems an American child trans and the parents deny the child gender affirming care, democrats believe you're a child abuser and take action.
The Law in CA is very clear.
It is ABOUT protecting Trans children during a divorce.

And in California, or anywhere else, there are Republican parents who WILL protect their children and be on their side if told that they are Homosexuals or Trans.

Your mind refuses to understand that Trans is not a Party affiliation, and that Thousands of people amongst the Republicans are born Homosexuals or Trans.
The Law in CA is very clear.
It is ABOUT protecting Trans children during a divorce.

And in California, or anywhere else, there are Republican parents who WILL protect their children and be on their side if told that they are Homosexuals or Trans.

Your mind refuses to understand that Trans is not a Party affiliation, and that Thousands of people amongst the Republicans are born Homosexuals or Trans.

The Law in CA is very clear.
It is ABOUT protecting Trans children during a divorce.

Helping them get mutilated is protecting them?
Leftists are sick.
Nope. Lying doesn't help your argument.

Turn in? Really? If they know child is 3 times as likely to commit suicide, they should keep this information from parents? Really?

Nope. Again with the lies. No laws prohibit a child from seeking psychological counseling. None.

So teachers and administrators know better? Scary thing is that they may have convinced you of this.

Trannies are more likely to off themselves- surgery and hormones doesn't change that a whit.

The myth that sex changes operations are "successful" is the biggest load of shit out there. If Almighty God made you a dude , no quack is going to be able to change that. A dude who has his penis lopped off isn't a "broad" in any sense of the word.
If not by schools, who is a child supposed to turn to?
No idea what you are talking about. The OP is about laws. No law in any state prohibits providing psychological counseling to minors. None.
No idea what you are talking about. The OP is about laws. No law in any state prohibits providing psychological counseling to minors. None.
There are many laws requiring schools to report to parents if a child says they are gay and asks for help

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His or her parents or other family members. Unless you are a Biden.
And there lies the problem

Many children grow up in homes where they hear their parents mock homosexuals, attend churches where they say homosexuals will go to hell.

Who is a child who feels they are homosexual supposed to turn to?
And there lies the problem

Many children grow up in homes where they hear their parents mock homosexuals, attend churches where they say homosexuals will go to hell.

Who is a child who feels they are homosexual supposed to turn to?
If a child says it's gay, there is abuse and grooming going on.

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