Judges who support transgender youth

Now STFU...fckn dumbas
She did not have her sex organs removed.

There will always be cases of regret after gender reassignment.

However, there is substantially more regret among Transexuals who were denied hormone blockers and did not begin transition until they were adults.

The result is Transexuals who still maintain features of their former sex and are mocked as “freaks” by todays conservatives

She did not have her sex organs removed.

There will always be cases of regret after gender reassignment.

However, there is substantially more regret among Transexuals who were denied hormone blockers and did not begin transition until they were adults.

The result is Transexuals who still maintain features of their former sex and are mocked as “freaks” by todays conservatives

You lost, STFU and sit down you flaming old fckwit
Contrary to Conservative lies and misinformation, young childrens sex organs are not being mutilated.

What DOES a happen is children are given psychological assistance to help with the transition and puberty blockers (which are reversible). Only after the child has been successfully transitioning for years do they receive hormone replacement.
Genital mutilation does not occur in children and most Transexuals do not receive it at all.
Any adult who gives puberty blockers to a child should be imprisoned.
THIS is why Conservatives should not be involved in decisions related to trans-youth

The lie that children are being forced to become Transexuals against their Will is rampant among conservatives

This is an example
What if a child tells his parents that he's a pirate and wants his left leg amputated below the knee and a wooden peg attached? Should the parents and a surgeon consider it?
Contrary to Conservative lies and misinformation, young childrens sex organs are not being mutilated.

What DOES a happen is children are given psychological assistance to help with the transition and puberty blockers (which are reversible). Only after the child has been successfully transitioning for years do they receive hormone replacement.
Genital mutilation does not occur in children and most Transexuals do not receive it at all.
Do any of these laws prohibit psychological assistance?

Seems you're OK with laws that prohibit surgical procedures on minors.

Do you have any long term studies showing no harm from puberty blockers? Seems like there are plenty of short and long term effects, some irreversible.

Do any of these laws prohibit psychological assistance?

Seems you're OK with laws that prohibit surgical procedures on minors.

Do you have any long term studies showing no harm from puberty blockers? Seems like there are plenty of short and long term effects, some irreversible.

That is why the decision needs to be made by those who have carefully studied each child and assessed the risks and rewards.
There are risks in starting puberty blockers and hormone replacement in children before 18. There are also rewards in transitioning before puberty has taken place

There are also risks in demanding that no child start the process till they are 18 and sexual characteristics have already taken hold. Someone who has already fully developed sexually will still maintain most of their former features. They will be labeled “freaks” by Conservatives and openly mocked
Anyone who supports, aids, or abets the democrats/pedos who manipulate and mutilate children are pure evil.
Naturally... Democrats rate this post fake news because they don't believe in evil and they don't think manipulating and mutilating a child is wrong.
That is why the decision needs to be made by those who have carefully studied each child and assessed the risks and rewards.
There are risks in starting puberty blockers and hormone replacement in children before 18. There are also rewards in transitioning before puberty has taken place

There are also risks in demanding that no child start the process till they are 18 and sexual characteristics have already taken hold. Someone who has already fully developed sexually will still maintain most of their former features. They will be labeled “freaks” by Conservatives and openly mocked
You can't change your gender. What's it gonna take for you creatures to understand this?
Do any of these laws prohibit psychological assistance?

Don’t say Gay laws prohibit school teachers and counselors from discussing sexuality with children. They also require schools to turn in any child who speaks of being homosexual or transexual to their parents.

At a time children need help, Republicans are cutting off any counseling on their sexuality. If a child felt they could talk about their sexuality with their parents, they already would.
Don’t say Gay laws prohibit school teachers and counselors from discussing sexuality with children. They also require schools to turn in any child who speaks of being homosexual or transexual to their parents.
I don't want a democrat/pedophile grooming 5 year Olds into their perv cult, so ya, this is a good law.

At a time children need help, Republicans are cutting off any counseling on their sexuality. If a child felt they could talk about their sexuality with their parents, they already would.
Democrats/pedophiles are coming for your kids. Look how badly Democrats desire to talk to small children about perverted sex acts.
Don’t say Gay laws prohibit school teachers and counselors from discussing sexuality with children. They also require schools to turn in any child who speaks of being homosexual or transexual to their parents.

At a time children need help, Republicans are cutting off any counseling on their sexuality. If a child felt they could talk about their sexuality with their parents, they already would.

Don’t say Gay laws prohibit school teachers and counselors from discussing sexuality with children.

Teachers shouldn't be discussing sexuality with little kids.
This democrat says I lie and then agrees with me.

If my kid tells a good democrat/pedophile it's trans and wants a sex change, and I say no, will the good democrat not report me, especially in California?

Or a good democrat could kidnap my kid and take it to Washington state where the state will help hide the kidnap child from its parents and law enforcement while democrats/pedophiles mutilate it.
Or a good Republican who also has a Homosexual or Trans child.

No, none of them will be Kidnapping your poor kid and transporting them anywhere. Your very smart kid will be waiting until they are of age, have saved enough money and THEN they will be doing what Daddy is beyond hysterical about, that Daddy, or Mommy, would not help their child.

That is if the child was ever stupid enough to say anything to their parents considering they would know how their parents feel about all of this.
That is why the decision needs to be made by those who have carefully studied each child and assessed the risks and rewards.
There are risks in starting puberty blockers and hormone replacement in children before 18. There are also rewards in transitioning before puberty has taken place

There are also risks in demanding that no child start the process till they are 18 and sexual characteristics have already taken hold. Someone who has already fully developed sexually will still maintain most of their former features. They will be labeled “freaks” by Conservatives and openly mocked
Seems you are worried about cosmetics, how these people will be viewed by others.
Or a good Republican who also has a Homosexual or Trans child.

No, none of them will be Kidnapping your poor kid and transporting them anywhere. Your very smart kid will be waiting until they are of age, have saved enough money and THEN they will be doing what Daddy is beyond hysterical about, that Daddy, or Mommy, would not help their child.

That is if the child was ever stupid enough to say anything to their parents considering they would know how their parents feel about all of this.
So you believe that the state has authority over my child?
Seems you are worried about cosmetics, how these people will be viewed by others.

The suicide rate is very high among Transexuals

Much of it is how they are perceived by society. If you are openly mocked as a freak, taunted and ostracized you are more likely to suffer depression and suicide
Or a good Republican who also has a Homosexual or Trans child.

No, none of them will be Kidnapping your poor kid and transporting them anywhere. Your very smart kid will be waiting until they are of age, have saved enough money and THEN they will be doing what Daddy is beyond hysterical about, that Daddy, or Mommy, would not help their child.

That is if the child was ever stupid enough to say anything to their parents considering they would know how their parents feel about all of this.
"Trans child" is like "vegan cat".....Anyone with a lick of sense understands where the decisions are being made.

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