Judicial nominee faces Senate scrutiny over Knights of Columbus membership

A judicial nominee faced questions from Senators this month about whether membership in the Knights of Columbus might impede his ability to judge federal cases fairly. The Knights of Columbus say that no candidate for public office should have to defend his membership in a Catholic service organization.

Senators Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) raised concerns about membership in the Knights of Columbus while the Senate Judiciary Committee reviewed the candidacy of Brian C. Buescher, an Omaha-based lawyer nominated by President Trump to sit on the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska.

Senators also asked whether belonging to the Catholic charitable organization could prevent judges from hearing cases “fairly and impartially.”


Constitution be damned.
A judicial nominee faced questions from Senators this month about whether membership in the Knights of Columbus might impede his ability to judge federal cases fairly. The Knights of Columbus say that no candidate for public office should have to defend his membership in a Catholic service organization.

Senators Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) raised concerns about membership in the Knights of Columbus while the Senate Judiciary Committee reviewed the candidacy of Brian C. Buescher, an Omaha-based lawyer nominated by President Trump to sit on the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska.

Senators also asked whether belonging to the Catholic charitable organization could prevent judges from hearing cases “fairly and impartially.”


Constitution be damned.

Point of order; what you're describing is NOT "flirting" with a religious test for nominees...

… it's sticking your tongue in it's mouth then bending it over and doing it doggy style on the floor of the Senate.
Anyone else think Hirono and Harris lack the basic intelligence needed to be in their position ?
Mazie Hirono is a good reason to cut Hawaii loose and give it back its sovereignty. If the Knights of Columbus and their potluck dinners are radical then I am not sure what the meaning of that word is anymore.

Judicial nominee faces Senate scrutiny over Knights of Columbus membership
Communists reject all religion.

Well digging up some BS 40 year old assault attempt didn't work with Kavanaugh

Demoquacks have no shame
Misleading headline!

It's not the entire Senate. It's a couple of Loony Leftist DimocRATs who are trying very hard to undermine the president's determination to take back the federal judiciary by years or socialism and progressivism.
You have no problem getting vetted for a judicial position with the DemonRATS if you are a Satan worshiper a Communist, or an active atheist!

The ugly specter of religious bigotry reared its disgusting head during Senate confirmation of the nomination of Brian Buescher for a federal judgeship. The Constitution’s Article VI, Clause 3 clearly specifies that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States,” but that must be news to Senators Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris.

Ed Condon of the Catholic News Agency reports:

A judicial nominee faced questions from Senators this month about whether membership in the Knights of Columbus might impede his ability to judge federal cases fairly. The Knights of Columbus say that no candidate for public office should have to defend his membership in a Catholic service organization.

Senators Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) raised concerns about membership in the Knights of Columbus while Senate Judiciary Committee reviewed the candidacy of Brian C. Buescher, an Omaha-based lawyer nominated by President Trump to sit on the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska.

Senators also asked whether belonging to the Catholic charitable organization could prevent judges from hearing cases “fairly and impartially.”

In written questions sent to Buescher by committee members Dec. 5, Sen. Hirono stated that “the Knights of Columbus has taken a number of extreme positions. For example, it was reportedly one of the top contributors to California’s Proposition 8 campaign to ban same-sex marriage.”

Hirono then asked Buescher if he would quit the group if he was confirmed “to avoid any appearance of bias.”

“The Knights of Columbus does not have the authority to take personal political positions on behalf of all of its approximately two million members,” Buescher responded.

“If confirmed, I will apply all provisions of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges

Read more at americanthinker.com .
Leftardz consistently try to link religious views and abortion (despite the fact that religion is not needed for anyone to oppose abortion).

Abortions are sacrosanct to Dimz and other leftardz. So, of course, the logic is there. They will defend abortion with an un-official litmus test on religion if they feel that will help them protect Roe.

Simple as that.
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Thats [sic] a bunch of bullshit. I can have my private opinion that marriage is between a man and a woman no matter what a law says. :rolleyes:

Private opinions cannot change reality. Even passing a law cannot change reality.

There is no such thing, and never can be, as a marriage between two men or between two women. That's not what marriage is, that's not what marriage has ever been, and that's not what marriage will ever be.
I disagree but my point has nothing to do with what you just said. My point is it doesnt matter what you accept or dont accept. It has no effect on your life unless you are forced to marry another man. No matter what the law says its not going to change what you personally accept. We know this because you dont accept gay people getting married because you are a homophobe. No law can change that about you.
There is no such thing, and never can be, as a marriage between two men or between two women. That's not what marriage is, that's not what marriage has ever been, and that's not what marriage will ever be.
I disagree but my point has nothing to do with what you just said. My point is it doesnt [sic] matter what you accept or dont [sic] accept. It has no effect on your life unless you are forced to marry another man. No matter what the law says its not going to change what you personally accept. We know this because you dont [sic] accept gay people getting married because you are a homophobe. No law can change that about you.

You're free to believe that the Earth is flat, and that it is only my “opinion” if I assert otherwise. But treating plain and obvious truth as “opinion” doesn't make it so, and doesn't make the falsehood to which you cling any less false.

It does affect my life, when society demands that I treat falsehood as truth, that I treat madness as sanity, that I treat perversion as decency. We have real, tangible examples to see, of good people having their livelihoods disrupted or destroyed, for standing ip for truth and refusing to give in to lies.

You call me a “homophobe” as if this is some vile insult. All that “homophobe” means is that I recognize a sick, insane, immoral sexual perversion for what it truly is, and refuse to treat it approvingly. There's nothing shameful about this. To not be a homophobe is what would be shameful, as that would mean that I embrace and accept evil as equal to good.
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Hmmm, so all that retarded Republican blustering about Oblama being a Muslim was just for shitz and giggles?
We also need to wonder why JFK was the only Catholic Potus, talk about the Protestants being prejudice.
Hmmm, so all that retarded Republican blustering about Oblama being a Muslim was just for shitz and giggles?

No one opposed B. Hussein O just because, according to Sharia Law, he was a muslim.

The opposition to O was due to the fact he was extremist, hardcore socialist.
We also need to wonder why JFK was the only Catholic Potus, talk about the Protestants being prejudice.

What are you talking about? Catholic runners-up to the GOP nomination weren't rejected because of their religion.

The most notable Catholic runner-up, Patrick J. Buchanan, had a huge amount of support from some of the most Protestant areas of the country and got the respect of academician Bob Jones IV, who has numerous theological disputes with Catholcism
The problem is that we have to ascertain that a judicial nominee will be fair and impartial if appointed to the bench.

We have had judges and other officials who have attempted to exercise the powers of their offices to advance their personal religious agendas instead of abiding by the rule of law. How do we guarantee that a person given power will not do this? This is an assurance that all Americans deserve to have.

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