Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

Obama was not a whoring reality tv celebrity that repeatedly endorsed rapists. Trump is the aberration.

Obama divided this country significantly to where Trump became the alternative. You're blind if you cannot see that.
Dubya began the division. Obama, looked at objectively, was not the least bit extreme, but it was naive to think the 1st black President would be accepted smoothly. The amount of hatred stirred up in the GOP during that time against anybody who was different, Muslims, black people, hispanics, immigrants, gay people, etc. reached unprecedented levels. Then Rubio and Kasich stayed in the primary for too long, and the most twisted, sickening man in modern history to run for office managed to win with a plurality of the vote. Some Russian sabotage and a broken electoral system later, and we have a President that is openly laughed at by world leaders during speeches and who, by the way, keeps endorsing rapists.

IMO the 2012 campaign divided the country not the 2008.
Maybe you don’t remember republicans under Dubya regularly calling everybody that opposed the Iraq war a soldier hating traitor.

Many were, and still are to this day, for matters unrelated.

Maybe you forget how instead of using Dubya’s 90% approval rating for the good of the nation, republicans instead villified their fellow Americans

Trying to undermine the country rather deprives you of the title "American".
Ah there it is. Fuck you, trash. Trump even ran on Dubya being a retarded little idiot who was a fool for going to Iraq and you bitches are it up. You kept sending soldiers to die for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, and you call Americans who opposed that traitors.
Change your first sentence to "Obama"....You got Trump because of Obama.
Obama was not a whoring reality tv celebrity that repeatedly endorsed rapists. Trump is the aberration.

Obama divided this country significantly to where Trump became the alternative. You're blind if you cannot see that.

No the Republicans did, they could not stand a brown skin person sitting and sleeping in the "White House".
You are always wrong and an alarmist.

I'm just reporting the news.

Find the link that the GOP could not stand a brown skin person in the WH. Since it is “news”.
Let’s hear it Republicans

All women lie about these things

Seems it's only demoquacks getting gang raped....ever wonder why it's only democrats?

Of course you haven't, you're fucking stupid

The response from Republicans to everything they don’t want to hear is.....Lies, lies, lies

It is becoming tiresome

Why don’t you just admit that you don’t care if Kavenaugh raped someone.
As long as another conservative fanny gets put on the bench

Pot meet kettle... No matter how much Kavanaugh denies this he is already guilty in your eyes. All I see is a man who's whole life is being ruined by allegations that can't be substantiated just because a president, who you hate, wants to put him in office. Hell, even Hillary was looking at this man for the SC if she would have won.
I haven’t convicted him of anything
But why do you want to give a man a lifetime appointment with uninvestigated charges hanging over his head?
Change your first sentence to "Obama"....You got Trump because of Obama.
Obama was not a whoring reality tv celebrity that repeatedly endorsed rapists. Trump is the aberration.

Obama divided this country significantly to where Trump became the alternative. You're blind if you cannot see that.

No the Republicans did, they could not stand a brown skin person sitting and sleeping in the "White House".
You are always wrong and an alarmist.

I'm just reporting the news.
You are stating an opinion.
No doubt republicans will try to destroy her life too. The confirmation MUST be delayed.
Yet it won’t...
It already has been, it must be again
Or what...?
Or a rapist may be confirmed to the Supreme Court

The democrats elected one president.
I was 4 when he was elected. Now tell me, how did his election convince you it’s okay for rapists to be put into the most powerful positions in America?
Obama was not a whoring reality tv celebrity that repeatedly endorsed rapists. Trump is the aberration.

Obama divided this country significantly to where Trump became the alternative. You're blind if you cannot see that.

No the Republicans did, they could not stand a brown skin person sitting and sleeping in the "White House".
You are always wrong and an alarmist.

I'm just reporting the news.
You are stating an opinion.

Opinions are not facts or news.
And conservatives maintain all four women are "lying."

She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story
Yeah, she would never lie.....which is why she keeps refusing to testify.

Same old song

All women lie about rape. Let Republicans chant that at the November election
Silly statement as it isn't going to happen, nor how Republicans think.
Use some common sense folks.

If this had really happened back then it would have been all over the news and the police would be involved.

People don't keep their mouths shut about stuff like this. It would have been all over town.

You can bet the "gang raped" girls would been talking about it. And you can bet their parents would have gone to the police.

The fact that only Swetnick has come forward 36 years late speaks volumes.

If this had really happened every gang raped woman would be right there with Swetnick.

Common Sense 101
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Or what...?
Or a rapist may be confirmed to the Supreme Court
Not a problem. If proven true he can be impeached.
Unlikely. That would require too many republicans to put country over party. Not going to happen.
What’s the problem? Dems are putting party over country right now...
By opposing a rapist? Holy crap, dude. Seek help.
Still repeating the lie I see.
There are no statute of limitations in Maryland for attempted rape or rape. None of the boys (now men) will come forward now because they could be criminally charged. But other people that didn’t participate could come forward. And this woman who is already been vetted and has multiple security clearances has corroborating witnesses.

Apparently all this information was turned over to the Senate last Sunday and they sat on it.

So, since she knew this was happening and did nothing, we can easily assume she conspired and is admittedly was involved in human trafficking. Did she supply the young girls.

Too funny.

That it is. Oh and where are the other "gang raped" girls?? How come they aren't right beside Swetnick??
Obama was not a whoring reality tv celebrity that repeatedly endorsed rapists. Trump is the aberration.

Obama divided this country significantly to where Trump became the alternative. You're blind if you cannot see that.

No the Republicans did, they could not stand a brown skin person sitting and sleeping in the "White House".
You are always wrong and an alarmist.

I'm just reporting the news.

Find the link that the GOP could not stand a brown skin person in the WH. Since it is “news”.
When they got nothing else the pull that stinky shit stained race card out of their A holes!
She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Very true

Gives credence to her story
Yeah, she would never lie.....which is why she keeps refusing to testify.

Same old song

All women lie about rape. Let Republicans chant that at the November election

^ Not when it comes to accusations against Bill Clinton.
Those outdated accusations were suppressed by artificial political means,
so it's okay when the truth comes out later, and the accusers
like Broadderick change their minds about retracting claims,
and say it's the truth afterwards without being under oath.

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