Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

It's sad really.

Much like Trump, first they start in on Russian collusion, but when they see that this is going nowhere they start in on using campaign finances to pay off a whore, etc.

These allegations from the Left are never ending. It's simply the new status quo.
What if they are never ending?

Why would you want to confirm a rapist?
We know the baseless accusations will be never ending. That’s why the vote needs to go forward.
Yet it won’t...
It already has been, it must be again
Or what...?
Or a rapist may be confirmed to the Supreme Court
Not a problem. If proven true he can be impeached.
Unlikely. That would require too many republicans to put country over party. Not going to happen.
What’s the problem? Dems are putting party over country right now...
Yet it won’t...
It already has been, it must be again
Or what...?
Or a rapist may be confirmed to the Supreme Court
Not a problem. If proven true he can be impeached.
Unlikely. That would require too many republicans to put country over party. Not going to happen.
Would you be happy with a Black lesbian?
Hmm, she doesn't remember the year she was gang raped?
Hmm, she says she saw girls gang raped at many of these parties and that she avoided drinking the punch that she knew was spiked with drugs, but she kept attending these rape parties?
Hmm, she witnessed all these gang rapes but never reported any of them to the authorities?
What's wrong with this picture???
During the incident I was incapacitated and I was unable to fight off the boys raping me.
I believed I was drugged with Quaaludes or something placed in my drink.

When I can get on my computer I’ll post the exact quotes, there’s more than one.
During the incident I was incapacitated and I was unable to fight off the boys raping me.
I believed I was drugged with Quaaludes or something placed in my drink.

When I can get on my computer I’ll post the exact quotes, there’s more than one.
Kewl...slut goes to parties...
It's sad really.

Much like Trump, first they start in on Russian collusion, but when they see that this is going nowhere they start in on using campaign finances to pay off a whore, etc.

These allegations from the Left are never ending. It's simply the new status quo.
What if they are never ending?

Why would you want to confirm a rapist?

Why did she go to this sleazeball rather than one of Dr. Ford's lawyers? This information would have cemented Dr. Ford's case... Why? Because it's all BULLSHIT! She purposely avoided the "spiked" punch but ended up getting caught in this gang bang anyway. Also, if you knew this was happening at these parties why in the fuck would you continue do go 10 times!?!
Julie Swetnick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Wow this is serious business, if true.
I really find it hard to believe that a whole lot of girls could have this happen to them and not a single one reported it to anyone? The other allegations, yes, I can understand keeping your mouth shut, but not this.
Boys lined up in the hall waiting ? Are you KIDDING me?
It already has been, it must be again
Or what...?
Or a rapist may be confirmed to the Supreme Court
Not a problem. If proven true he can be impeached.
Unlikely. That would require too many republicans to put country over party. Not going to happen.
What’s the problem? Dems are putting party over country right now...
By opposing a rapist? Holy crap, dude. Seek help.
No doubt republicans will try to destroy her life too. The confirmation MUST be delayed.

How can you rush a vote without investigating?

I figure the Democrats are staggering the release of these false accounts to thwart the process, so the vote has been scheduled for Friday and then we can watch the claims evaporate if he isn't confirmed, or they can move to impeach on flimsy evidence later if he's confirmed.

I would expect the allegations to continue no matter what happens with the vote
Julie Swetnick: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Wow this is serious business, if true.
I really find it hard to believe that a whole lot of girls could have this happen to them and not a single one reported it to anyone? The other allegations, yes, I can understand keeping your mouth shut, but not this.
Boys lined up in the hall waiting ? Are you KIDDING me?
How long did it take for Cosby? Weinstein?
She would be more believable if she was not represented by glory hound Avenatti.
She better have more than just an allegation, she signed a sworn affidavit, she lied and it carries criminal liability
Bill Cosby went to jail for this yesterday

Republicans want to make this guy Justice for life
There was evidence against Cosby....If there's evidence against Kavanaugh, you crackpots can impeach and remove him...Time for you betwetting stooges to STFU.

Well...then we need to investigate the charges
Don’t you agree?
Yet another non story bullshit accusation. Girls in high school doing drugs and getting drunk and then taken advantage of by guys. Whoop de doo. If every instance of men sleeping with women who are either drunk or on drugs is considered "rape" then we'd have about 100 million men in jail. Note to college kids: do not ever party or drink and try to get laid, the party you are told to vote for will one day accuse you of RAPE. :cuckoo:

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