July 12th, Next J6 Scheduled Hearing Date.

Building LIES upon LIES.

To be acquitted, there MUST be a trial.

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Was there a TRIAL in the Senate.
Hell No.

POS trump was simply NOT acquitted.
Hell, the evidence, was ignored by the COWARDS in the Senate.
There was no JUDGMENT.
The Senate just refused to look at any evidence.

But go on girl, and pretend POS trump was acquitted.

He's referring to the TWO impeachment witch hunts that preceded the January 6 witch hunt, stupid fuck. Yes, in the impeachment farces, Trump was ACQUITTED.

Republicans winning congress in November is going to be great, it's time to investigate the most corrupt politician in American history, Bungling Biden. We need to repeatedly impeach Biden
No, witches can float. But Democrat witch hunts don't care about facts at all ever
That's why we just tie witches down with stones and chuck them into rivers rather than hold public trials in which both sides are allowed to present evidence and where ultimate judgment rests with a jury of their peers. 😁
That's why we just tie witches down with stones and chuck them into rivers rather than hold public trials in which both sides are allowed to present evidence and where ultimate judgment rests with a jury of their peers. 😁

In the past, congressional oversight was done with congress being investigators and juries, not prosecutors. When the prosecutor is the jury as Democrats do, the outcome is as predicable as it is. Next up starting in January, the Republicans are going to be after Old Joe and his Communist Crew like you've been going after us the last two, LOL
In the past, congressional oversight was done with congress being investigators and juries, not prosecutors. When the prosecutor is the jury as Democrats do, the outcome is as predicable as it is. Next up starting in January, the Republicans are going to be after Old Joe and his Communist Crew like you've been going after us the last two, LOL
Congressional investigations don't end in imprisonment you moron. They are always, no matter which side is doing it, political theater. At most they end in impeachment. It's the criminal investigations you have to watch out for.

Congressional investigations don't end in imprisonment you moron

Well, since nowhere did I say congressional investigations end up in imprisonment, the facts point to you being the idiot.

And since you're stupid, I was referring to the two IMPEACHMENT trials you fucking racist loser

. They are always, no matter which side is doing it, political theater. At most they end in impeachment. It's the criminal investigations you have to watch out for.

I picture you being Joe Biden falling down three times walking up the stairs. This doesn't address anything at all
Well, since nowhere did I say congressional investigations end up in imprisonment, the facts point to you being the idiot.

And since you're stupid, I was referring to the two IMPEACHMENT trials you fucking racist loser

I picture you being Joe Biden falling down three times walking up the stairs. This doesn't address anything at all
You are a moron. I can quote you where you cried about Congress being prosecutors, which only exist in criminal trials, you dumb mother fucker. 😄

If you were referring to impeachment then that is under the purview of Congress, dipshit. 😄
You are a moron. I can quote you where you cried about Congress being prosecutors, which only exist in criminal trials, you dumb mother fucker. 😄

If you were referring to impeachment then that is under the purview of Congress, dipshit. 😄

Congress are prosecutors for IMPEACHMENT TRIALS in the Senate you stupid fuck. They are not prosecutors for "oversight." Think about it. How stupid are you? Seriously, how stupid?
Congress are prosecutors for IMPEACHMENT TRIALS in the Senate you stupid fuck. They are not prosecutors for "oversight." Think about it. How stupid are you? Seriously, how stupid?
They're "managers" of impeachment trials. They act a lot like prosecutors but they are not prosecutors. Prosecutors work against the defendants and as we saw in both of Trumps impeachment trials had his supporters in the Senate.
They're "managers" of impeachment trials. They act a lot like prosecutors but they are not prosecutors. Prosecutors work against the defendants and as we saw in both of Trumps impeachment trials had his supporters in the Senate.

Read the Constitution, racist. You're wrong, as usual ...
Read the Constitution, racist. You're wrong, as usual ...
You read it you idiot. They're sort of like prosecutors and also sort of like juries and sort of like judges. The ultimate decision of impeachment is on them. When do prosecutors get to decide the outcomes of cases they're trying? 😄
You read it you idiot. They're sort of like prosecutors and also sort of like juries and sort of like judges. The ultimate decision of impeachment is on them. When do prosecutors get to decide the outcomes of cases they're trying? 😄

When you are done rubbing your stomach and giggling, let me know
There is no jury, dope.
Read the link moron. It mentions the "senate TRIAL" numerous times. The senators are the JURORS who decide guilt or innocence. You are an ignorant fuck and repeating the same falsehoods WITH NO SUBSTANTIATION does not make them more true. If you've got anything to disprove my point, then post it otherwise STFU and run along. I don't have time for morons.

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