July 12th, Next J6 Scheduled Hearing Date.

Ya'll think the J6 Committee has some new FACTUAL evidence on trump?

I would say YES, absolutely.

Bring it, and expose this fraud in POS trump.

September is the next 'event' which you RWI's want to try to claim as a:

clown show,
witch hunt,
get me some trump,
waste of tax payer money,
Illegal searches,
FBI, DOJ, CIA, HOA, IRS all Bad.

Bring it Liz and J6 Committee.
You Hate her so much for seeking Justice for the Americans.
Ya'll think the J6 Committee has some new FACTUAL evidence on trump?

I would say YES, absolutely.

Bring it, and expose this fraud in POS trump.

September is the next 'event' which you RWI's want to try to claim as a:

clown show,
witch hunt,
get me some trump,
waste of tax payer money,
Illegal searches,
FBI, DOJ, CIA, HOA, IRS all Bad.

Bring it Liz and J6 Committee.
You Hate her so much for seeking Justice for the Americans.
This is what a delusional lunatic looks like. ^^
Well.......he's damn popular with you wingnuts too. I mean just look at all the
threads on Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
I'm surprised the forum has not shorted out and imploded over all these loons "got him now" never ending spew.
waste of tax payer money,
Illegal searches,
Amusing how you had no cares about these things when the dems were doing it on two scam impeachments and a Russia investigation. Now the public is getting wise and pushing back and all of a sudden you are a fiscal watchdog. Wrong again Winnie
Amusing how you had no cares about these things when the dems were doing it on two scam impeachments and a Russia investigation. Now the public is getting wise and pushing back and all of a sudden you are a fiscal watchdog. Wrong again Winnie
Fiscal watchdog, I'm calling the right out for that.

2 Impeachments were justified, only the COWARDS in the Senate protected trump, because.....Party over Country.

This ^^^^^ is FACT.
Two impeachments in a 4 year term does not a gold star make. True that?
But, due to jury-nullification there was no conviction, no ejection from office.
Instead, America did the ejection in a most American way.
They voted the guy out.
Emphatically. Decisively.

7 million votes decisively.

And then this:
"Well.......he's damn popular with you wingnuts too. I mean just look at all the
threads on Trump."
First, I don't consider my poor avatar a "wingnut". So clearly the poster's descriptive of "you wingnuts"....is a sad misread.
Hey it happens. It's the internet. No harm. No foul.
Instead, and more accurately, both me and my avatar are neutral observers of the amazing times we live in, here in safe and comfortable America.

As far as DTrump's "popularity" among all flavors of American political observers...well, there is an explanation.

Consider it this way, good poster Meister: Think of Don Trump as the painted-up guy with the loud mouth sitting on that narrow tiny seat above the dunk-tank along the carnival midway. He's popular, so to speak. He draws a crowd of many onlookers.

But they ain't there.....and I know you know this......to learn from him, or to admire his style, or his demeanor. They ain't stopping to wish him well.
And you know that, too.

They are there to see the loudmouth get the splash they think he deserves.

I'm really really sure of that.
Like the overturned car on the freeway......DonTrump is merely a gawker-magnet. And everybody is gawking.

True that?
Partisan political bullshit. Acquitted forever TWICE. And NO they were not justified moron.

Finally you printed the true democrat mantra. Run along you commie fascist fuck.
You BOTH squeal of ignorance.
trump was not acquitted or exonerated.
He simply was NOT found guilty by the corrupt cowards in the Senate.
You are a liar.

This ^^^^^ is FACT.
I again challenge you to quote my lie.
No Opinions, an actual LIE.
You up?
You BOTH squeal of ignorance.
trump was not acquitted or exonerated.
He simply was NOT found guilty by the corrupt cowards in the Senate.

I again challenge you to quote my lie.
No Opinions, an actual LIE.
You up?
Why? All you will do is lie more.
Two impeachments in a 4 year term does not a gold star make. True that?
But, due to jury-nullification there was no conviction, no ejection from office.
Instead, America did the ejection in a most American way.
They voted the guy out.
Emphatically. Decisively.

7 million votes decisively.

And then this:

First, I don't consider my poor avatar a "wingnut". So clearly the poster's descriptive of "you wingnuts"....is a sad misread.
Hey it happens. It's the internet. No harm. No foul.
Instead, and more accurately, both me and my avatar are neutral observers of the amazing times we live in, here in safe and comfortable America.

As far as DTrump's "popularity" among all flavors of American political observers...well, there is an explanation.

Consider it this way, good poster Meister: Think of Don Trump as the painted-up guy with the loud mouth sitting on that narrow tiny seat above the dunk-tank along the carnival midway. He's popular, so to speak. He draws a crowd of many onlookers.

But they ain't there.....and I know you know this......to learn from him, or to admire his style, or his demeanor. They ain't stopping to wish him well.
And you know that, too.

They are there to see the loudmouth get the splash they think he deserves.

I'm really really sure of that.
Like the overturned car on the freeway......DonTrump is merely a gawker-magnet. And everybody is gawking.

True that?
You GOT HIM NOW! lmfao!

Well, good poster MikeTx......my poor avatar was alluding to the 'now' of November 3rd, 2020.

And undeniably, America did do the "Got him now"-thingy back on that date.

I was mildly sure that you would have followed that development and remembered it today. No?
Well, good poster MikeTx......my poor avatar was alluding to the 'now' of November 3rd, 2020.

And undeniably, America did do the "Got him now"-thingy back on that date.

I was mildly sure that you would have followed that development and remembered it today. No?
Liar. Traitor. POS.
You STILL won't post a Lie that you accuse me of.
No Opinions.
Find the Lie?
Anything regarding trump is a lie, traitor. Keep playing pretend, we all know what you scum are.
Anything regarding trump is a lie, traitor. Keep playing pretend, we all know what you scum are.
Exactly what your RW talking points tell you to say.
Good Learner.

In other NEWS, trump is a con man.

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