July 12th, Next J6 Scheduled Hearing Date.

That's what the Capitol is called, Tommy. It belongs to the American people. A protest against what they viewed as a deeply flawed election isn't an attack on America. It's what happens in a free country. Those protesters had every right to protest. They did not have a right to breach the Capitol. That happened not because of a call from President Trump for an armed insurrection but because security at the Capitol was so poorly organized. THAT should have never happened! THAT isn't on Trump however...that's on those in charge of security for that event!
It doesnt belong to a gang of thugs motivated by a lie.
It belongs to thugs, saints, the rich, the poor, conservatives, liberals, proud boys and black lives matter activists, Tommy! You obviously can't grasp that concept. It's the People's House and the American people come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
Except when it’s closed to the public of course. :uhoh3:
She went way past that. America is lucky that the police stood between the mob and their victims.
Actually if you watch video of the death of Babbitt you'll see the Police surrender the door to the protesters...move out of their way...and leave an empty hallway on the other side...only to have the Capitol Police officer hiding out of sight step out and shoot an unarmed Babbitt as she tried to break through the door. If you did that same thing at your house you'd be arrested for murder.
Ah, yes.
That 'appointment' thingy.
Lots of 'appointments' on January 6th?

Or, maybe just some drop-ins?
Or 'walk-ins' as my barber says.
Actually there were quite a number of "invite-ins" that day, Chilly! Capitol Police opening doors and letting protesters in. Just another example of how awful security was at the Capitol that day. So why isn't that being investigated by this "crack" committee?
You are aware that they didn’t capture any congress members therefore they didn’t actually use any of their weapons.

To get into the Capitol, they attacked Capitol Police using Sprays, Clubs, Fire Extinguishers, Baseball Bats, Sharpened Flag Poles, you need more?

Other than in your head, where did that happen?
Rational people know lies when they hear them....That's why reruns of Last Man Standing outdraw your shit show of hearsay and poorly contrived narrative.

The incompetent boobs infest your team, Gomer Pyle.

It is, just and only, a poorly conceived informercial

Buy this!

Hey - nobody is.
You are aware that they didn’t capture any congress members therefore they didn’t actually use any of their weapons.

To get into the Capitol, they attacked Capitol Police using Sprays, Clubs, Fire Extinguishers, Baseball Bats, Sharpened Flag Poles, you need more?

Other than in your head, where did that happen?
The Committee is doing Great Work for the People.

DOJ, do your job.

Start by indicting Eastman and Clark.
Actually there were quite a number of "invite-ins" that day, Chilly! Capitol Police opening doors and letting protesters in. Just another example of how awful security was at the Capitol that day.
I'm not sure about the "invite ins" on J6.

We did see vastly outnumbered uniformed police retreat from entryways in the face of a charging angry mob.
So yes, some people came in through doors that were not vigorously defended.
But then, we all have seen doors that were vigorously defended against a violent angry mob.
Many uniformed police were injured, some very seriously, some debilitated for life....by that angry mob of Trump supporters.

Notably, poster Oldestyle, we all have to ask why Don Trump and his circle did not seek a permit for a march....which is required in DC. Understandably so.
In fact, as we heard in the testimony yesterday they took measures to keep the fact of a march secret from authorities. They did alert the militia-thugs and Roger Stone and Mike Flynn....but it appears nobody thought to apply for a permit, or make a call to the DC police so they could restrict traffic and erect crowd control measures. Nor did they alert the Capitol police so they could beef up their manpower and do their own crowd-control protocols.

Why wasn't that done by Don Trump?
It certainly appears, given yesterday's testimony......it was intentional. In order to have a relatively lightly manned Capitol security force in place.


Other than in your head, where did that happen?

Jeens, I sorta kinda think you are just zoomin' us all.
You know where it happened. Or you should know. IMHO
You know what happened. Or you should know. IMHO
I will call you out as being disingenuous.

But if not, Jeens......and you truly are unaware of what happened on J6 at the Capitol of the United States of America, well, watch this video:

I'm not sure about the "invite ins" on J6.

We did see vastly outnumbered uniformed police retreat from entryways in the face of a charging angry mob.
So yes, some people came in through doors that were not vigorously defended.
But then, we all have seen doors that were vigorously defended against a violent angry mob.
Many uniformed police were injured, some very seriously, some debilitated for life....by that angry mob of Trump supporters.

Notably, poster Oldestyle, we all have to ask why Don Trump and his circle did not seek a permit for a march....which is required in DC. Understandably so.
In fact, as we heard in the testimony yesterday they took measures to keep the fact of a march secret from authorities. They did alert the militia-thugs and Roger Stone and Mike Flynn....but it appears nobody thought to apply for a permit, or make a call to the DC police so they could restrict traffic and erect crowd control measures. Nor did they alert the Capitol police so they could beef up their manpower and do their own crowd-control protocols.

Why wasn't that done by Don Trump?
It certainly appears, given yesterday's testimony......it was intentional. In order to have a relatively lightly manned Capitol security force in place.


Jeens, I sorta kinda think you are just zoomin' us all.
You know where it happened. Or you should know. IMHO
You know what happened. Or you should know. IMHO
I will call you out as being disingenuous.

But if not, Jeens......and you truly are unaware of what happened on J6 at the Capitol of the United States of America, well, watch this video:

So you're confirming that the Police presence at the Capitol wasn't close to being enough to handle the number of protesters that showed up? Who's fault was that, Chilly?

It's not that some doors to the Capitol were not defended "vigorously"...it's that video shows Capitol Police officers opening those doors and inviting protestors in. Why did that happen, Chilly?

I don't know what you're talking about when you claim anyone kept the protest "secret" from anyone! The protest was known by authorities days in advance if not weeks.
So you're confirming that the Police presence at the Capitol wasn't close to being enough to handle the number of protesters that showed up? Who's fault was that,

Sure, the 'Police presence' was inadequate.

But notably, the application presented by Don Trump's enablers didn't ask for a 'March' permit. Which is required.
They sought, and were granted, a permit for an assembly ---a 'rally' ---at the Eclipse. Only at the Eclipse.

Don Trump, unbeknownst to the city or the Capitol had intended all along to send his supporters at our legislators.
This is not some small bureaucratic gamesmanship. Where one does it and asks for forgiveness later. People died. America's reputation was vandalized.

If a 'march' permit had been applied for --- two things could have happened: It could have been denied. Or, it could have been granted and the city of DC and the Capitol security would have been alerted and taken the steps they have taken on many many other occasions for popular 'marches'. That is, enact their accustomed traffic control protocols, erect crowd control infrastructure, beef-up the force of officers.

The question lingers: Did Trump keep the 'march' plans secret from the city and the Capitol so that they would be intentionally under-prepared and under staffed?


when you claim anyone kept the protest "secret" from anyone!
Yes, the testimony was clear yesterday. The 'march' plans were shared with the militia-thugs, Stone, and Flynn, and select others. It was NOT shared with the city of Washington DC, nor the Capitol security leaders. In fact, the testimony yesterday showed Trump people 'in-the-know' to NOT share the 'march' plans outside a limited circle.

Did Don Trump and Flynn and Stone and the militia-thugs intend for the Capitol to be unprepared and understaffed for the crowd?

Why would they do that?
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Buckle Up so-called Patriots.

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