July 12th, Next J6 Scheduled Hearing Date.

I won’t defend Babbitt

If I, a person who has never harmed anyone, broke through your bedroom window while being unarmed, I might expect you to shoot me.
I would have made a GRAVE mistake

Unarmed or Not.
Your building is your property. The Capital is the People's building. Protesting there is NOT in any way the same as breaking into your bedrooom.
I won’t defend Babbitt

If I, a person who has never harmed anyone, broke through your bedroom window while being unarmed, I might expect you to shoot me.
I would have made a GRAVE mistake

Unarmed or Not.
Your failure to show weapons in the Capital building underscores the pathetic weaknesses of your claims, Winco! This was never an armed insurrection. It was a protest that got out of hand and was over in a matter of hours.
No. You would simply disagree and try to spin. And your spin is silly as usual.

Here’s a quick litmus test that will tell you what this clown show is worth. If a person is following along with this nonsense, paying rapt attention to the alleged witnesses and the gasbaggery of the Congress-critters, then that person is a partisan Democratic. If a person, instead, has an understanding of what’s happening in that clown show, he or she isn’t paying much attention to it at all. The latter people are the intelligent ones.

I know. I know. Your “avatar” will once again “demur.” 🙄
It’s a clown show with all of Trump’s clowns giving the testimony.
Not a single Democrat has made any allegation that hasn’t been corroborated by Trump’s own people.

By all means though. Keep shrugging it off as “the Dems” .
Your building is your property. The Capital is the People's building. Protesting there is NOT in any way the same as breaking into your bedrooom.
"Peoples Building"

What does that mean ? I dont think it means that coked up crazies can invade it,take a shit and then attack people.

It belongs to millions of people who werent there and millions who havent even been born yet.

They attacked all of those people as well as Mike Pence.
Show me a baseball bat, a club or a "sharpened" flag pole being used as a weapon!

Your failure to show weapons in the Capital building underscores the pathetic weaknesses of your claims, Winco! This was never an armed insurrection. It was a protest that got out of hand and was over in a matter of hours.
I accept your defeat
Your concession.
“In” the Capitol, they didn’t use their weapons because they couldn’t locate any members to kill

Outside the Capitol they used their weapons in many ways.
When you can't outdraw reruns on TBS, it's safe to say that "nobody" -outside the 24 hour media bubble that moonbats like you live in- is watching.....And nobody qualifies as "nobody" more so than you.
Probably why so many Americans are clueless and susceptible to lies about stolen elections.
Our country is filled with incompetent boobs.

Rational people should want to watch them whether skeptical or not.
“Winkydink”. The hits keep coming

Here is your update

Cipollone is supporting the claims that trump was told to concede. There is no basis for any proof of fraud

Cipollone stated that Sidney Powell should not be appointed to any positions at all

Basically, now I’m paraphrasing here, that Powell is nuts. Her theories on Venezuela manipulating the election is pure WHACK.
You mean Trump was advised to concede. There’s a difference. That also does not mean that there is no basis to claim fraud. It means Trump’s view wasn’t shared by some of his advisors. And?

I don’t care about Sydney. She talked a good game for a while. But I read some of her legal pleadings. Omg. Atrocious.

But nothing Cippilone is saying is of any significance to this make-believe “investigation.” Feel free to get all excited over it, anyway. 🤣😂
1 hour(s) ago

Thompson responds 'not yet' when asked about Bannon testifying before committee​

CNN's Manu Raju asked Chair Bennie Thompson about former Trump adviser Steve Bannon testifying before the committee.
"Not yet," Thompson responded.
Steve Bannon informed lawmakers investigating the Jan. 6 riot on Saturday that he now wants to testify publicly after former President Trump waived executive privilege, according to letters obtained by Fox News.
"President Trump has decided that it would be in the best interests of the American people to waive executive privilege for Stephen K. Bannon, to allow Mr. Bannon to comply with the subpoena issued by your Committee," Bannon's attorney, Robert Costello, wrote in the letter to Thompson. "Mr. Bannon is willing to, and indeed prefers, to testify at your public hearing."
The longtime Trump ally had refused to cooperate with the Jan. 6 committee for months, leading to two charges for contempt of Congress last year. The trial for those two counts is set to begin later this month, but Bannon wants to delay it until the fall.
Fox News' Jason Donner contributed to this report
Posted by Andrew Mark Miller
Jan. 6 committee: Tuesday's hearing to focus on the Trump team’s ties to far-right extremist groups
"Peoples Building"

What does that mean ? I dont think it means that coked up crazies can invade it,take a shit and then attack people.

It belongs to millions of people who werent there and millions who havent even been born yet.

They attacked all of those people as well as Mike Pence.
That's what the Capitol is called, Tommy. It belongs to the American people. A protest against what they viewed as a deeply flawed election isn't an attack on America. It's what happens in a free country. Those protesters had every right to protest. They did not have a right to breach the Capitol. That happened not because of a call from President Trump for an armed insurrection but because security at the Capitol was so poorly organized. THAT should have never happened! THAT isn't on Trump however...that's on those in charge of security for that event!
I accept your defeat
Your concession.
“In” the Capitol, they didn’t use their weapons because they couldn’t locate any members to kill

Outside the Capitol they used their weapons in many ways.
Aren't you cute! You claim that weapons were used in the Capitol and then when you're challenged on that you provide zero proof of it ever happening. My concession? You'll actually have to make a point that's not pure horseshit before that's going to happen, Winco. Right now you're just blustering.
Probably why so many Americans are clueless and susceptible to lies about stolen elections.
Our country is filled with incompetent boobs.

Rational people should want to watch them whether skeptical or not.
Rational people know lies when they hear them....That's why reruns of Last Man Standing outdraw your shit show of hearsay and poorly contrived narrative.

The incompetent boobs infest your team, Gomer Pyle.

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