July 12th, Next J6 Scheduled Hearing Date.

Nobody’s watching, right?
How could you possibly make this claim?
Man, are you a plodding old dolt. Some people watch it religiously. And others get news about the clown show from various media outlets. I’m not watching the clown show but even I have seen snippets of a portion here and there.

Like when that younger woman, Cassidy, testified. Lol. Damn funny. But despite the best efforts of the lame stream liberal media “news” outlets to try to pretend that anything she said was of any merit, the nonsensical “testimony” quickly got shredded.

Also, they aren’t calling their Mumbler of the House Nancy Pelousy. Obviously, they aren’t serious about seeking relevant information.

You can’t figure this out on your own? 🤣😂
Man, are you a plodding old dolt. Some people watch it religiously. And others get news about the clown show from various media outlets. I’m not watching the clown show but even I have seen snippets of a portion here and there.

Like when that younger woman, Cassidy, testified. Lol. Damn funny. But despite the best efforts of the lame stream liberal media “news” outlets to try to pretend that anything she said was of any merit, the nonsensical “testimony” quickly got shredded.

Also, they aren’t calling their Mumbler of the House Nancy Pelousy. Obviously, they aren’t serious about seeking relevant information.

You can’t figure this out on your own? 🤣😂
“Plodding old dolt”

Your comedy show continues.
Pedo Peter's cult of ultra groomers are desperate to promote the joke 6 hearings.

If Americans cared and were tuned in, threads like this would not be necessary.
Scathing retort. Substance-less as always.

J6 hearing rescheduled. (The topic: in case you forgot.)

How is the hearing coming along, winkydink? 😂
“Winkydink”. The hits keep coming

Here is your update

Cipollone is supporting the claims that trump was told to concede. There is no basis for any proof of fraud

Cipollone stated that Sidney Powell should not be appointed to any positions at all

Basically, now I’m paraphrasing here, that Powell is nuts. Her theories on Venezuela manipulating the election is pure WHACK.
And the Hijackers were unarmed too
All they had was box cutters.

Look how that turned out.
So you can seriously stop with the “unarmed” bs claim.
So you're claiming that the people who stormed the Capital were armed with box cutters?
The truth is that those protesters were overwhelmingly unarmed.
“Winkydink”. The hits keep coming

Here is your update

Cipollone is supporting the claims that trump was told to concede. There is no basis for any proof of fraud

Cipollone stated that Sidney Powell should not be appointed to any positions at all

Basically, now I’m paraphrasing here, that Powell is nuts. Her theories on Venezuela manipulating the election is pure WHACK.
So what we've "learned" today is that Trump was told to concede and he resisted that idea. In what way is that at all new information?
So you're claiming that the people who stormed the Capital were armed with box cutters?
The truth is that those protesters were overwhelmingly unarmed.
Sure, that’s EXACTLY what I said you fucking moron

I’m sad you can’t tell the difference between a hijacker and an insurrectionist.
I think they are going to get bombshell testimony from a witness that overheard Trump's next door neighbor's hair dresser's dog groomer"s girlfriend's coworker's child talking about something she overheard somewhere. This should finally do it.
I heard it is truly damning . Way more incriminating then Obama spying on everyone that ever looked at trump.
Sure, that’s EXACTLY what I said you fucking moron

I’m sad you can’t tell the difference between a hijacker and an insurrectionist.
Would you care to list the TOTAL number of deadly weapons that were seized from the protesters that entered the Capital building?
So what we've "learned" today is that Trump was told to concede and he resisted that idea. In what way is that at all new information?
Stay tuned

For the slow learners like you, there will be a “cliffs notes” version especially for you.

I won’t concede, I will invite my KKKult and incite my KKKult to support my big lie.
Bottom line is this, Kiddies! Trump was unhappy that he'd lost an election that he felt was fraudulent. He made that case to the American people. People that felt the same way as he did attended a protest at the Capital...a protest that got out of control because of the terrible planning done by the Capital Police to provide security for the Capital building. The Capital was breached because of this piss poor security planning. After a brief period of time those protesters left the Capital building without harming a single member of Congress.

So what is this "hearing" all about?
It’s “Capitol”

They didn’t seize many
That wasn’t their job at that moment
How many weapons were used in that attack on the Capitol? Guns? Knives? Show me an example of ANY of those being used by the mob that you claim went there armed to overthrow the government!
Let’s see what Stuart Rhodes has to say about that.

Do you trust Stuart Rhodes?
Now would be the time to tell us your feelings about him before you hear what he has to say.
Was he on President Trump’s staff?

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