July 12th, Next J6 Scheduled Hearing Date.

"Well, at least you know that it is a show."

Actuallly, Jeens, it is a 'show & tell'.
And there is a helluva story being told.

For which America can be thankful and proud.
Jeens, you are watching history being made with these useful hearings.
Be thankful that we are going to find out what happened, who caused it, and what they did to make it happen.
Be grateful
Actuallly, Jeens, it is a 'show & tell'.
And there is a helluva story being told.

For which America can be thankful and proud.
Jeens, you are watching history being made with these useful hearings.
Be thankful that we are going to find out what happened, who caused it, and what they did to make it happen.
Be grateful
The question is a simple one then, Chilly! Does your "story" belong in the category of Fiction or Non Fiction?
This was never about finding out what happened. It was always about keeping Donald Trump from gaining the Presidency again. At least be honest about that...
Today we will see the planned insurrection attempts by trumps goons.

The trump KKKult members will once again cry that the mean FBI was the instigator. Oh and Antifa.
Today we will see the planned insurrection attempts by trumps goons.

The trump KKKult members will once again cry that the mean FBI was the instigator. Oh and Antifa.
Oooooh, “Trump’s goons”.

This will be good.

On both of the above assertions --- I would demur.

The 'purpose' of the Select Committee is to investigate what happened on J6, who was involved in it, who, if anybody, had some responsibility for it, and what can be done to prevent another American tragedy of this dimension.

Now, if Don Trump get 'dirtied up' as the poster Polish alleges, well, that would not be unexpected if he was intimately involved in the decision making that caused it and/or accelerated and intensified it. If he was......well, getting 'dirtied' is the least America should expect. From testimony (under oath) by Republicans it certainly appears Don Trump was well aware of the Election Denial machinations prior to January 6th, and seemingly was aware that armed bad actors who supported him had the clear potential to do some bad juju on J6. Bad juju against our legislators assembled in the Capitol.

Second, poster Weather53's assertion that the piecemeal nature of the presentation signals that it is to continue for years.
In my opinion.....not hardly. The election is in November of 2022. That may have an impact on its longevity.

Look, this was a big complicated event with a lot of moving parts, and a lot of major and bit players. (Hell, we've had nearly 900 arrested so far.) Many of the players have motivations to hide or obfuscate their actions and statements. Hence, it takes a long time to winkle out the who did what and who said what details. And 'to what effect' did either or both have. I'm mildly sure all here know that.

So far, what America has seen is a Committee with minimalist grandstanding for a TV presentation by Congress. We've seen a focused and organized presentation of various aspects. We've seen credible witnesses....most of them Republicans. Some testifying against their interests. And, importantly, we've learned stuff.

So, all good so far. At least two more hearings to go. Hopefully, they can present their findings in those next hearings as professionally and effectively as they have done for the previous ones.
No. You would simply disagree and try to spin. And your spin is silly as usual.

Here’s a quick litmus test that will tell you what this clown show is worth. If a person is following along with this nonsense, paying rapt attention to the alleged witnesses and the gasbaggery of the Congress-critters, then that person is a partisan Democratic. If a person, instead, has an understanding of what’s happening in that clown show, he or she isn’t paying much attention to it at all. The latter people are the intelligent ones.

I know. I know. Your “avatar” will once again “demur.” 🙄
I think that there is not 1 single person that could contribute more stupidity than you.
It would take a village.

Did trump say “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by”

Why do you deflect so much?
It’s History

Let’s see what Proud Boy Rhodes says today.

Committee …. “Mr Rhodes, what was your understanding of President trump and his Stand Back and Stand By comment.”

^^^Oh, look, here's one of the idiots who watches the Reality Show for Idiots!

How's the release of the pee tape coming along, idiot?
Does that sound like “attack!” ?
Let’s see what Stuart Rhodes has to say about that.

Do you trust Stuart Rhodes?
Now would be the time to tell us your feelings about him before you hear what he has to say.

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