July 12th, Next J6 Scheduled Hearing Date.

the committee would begin digging into "the participation of those white nationalist groups" that comprised the Jan. 6 mob, without specifying any witnesses for the next hearing.
The willfully ignorant right will of course reject the facts and truth presented – they’ll lie and deflect as usual.

And that conservatives remain willfully ignorant of the facts and truth concerning the right’s attack on America’s democracy is yet another example of their contempt for sound, responsible governance.
Reuters has reported this:

"WASHINGTON, July 7 (Reuters) - The congressional committee investigating the deadly Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol will hold a hearing on the evening of July 14, a person familiar with the matter said on Thursday.

The hearing will be the second one to take place next week and is aimed at reaching a broad television audience during prime viewing hours."
Re: the Secret Service agents allegedly involved in the dispute with Trump about going to the Capitol. The good poster 'struth' asks if they have testified before the Committee.

I don't know.
Re: the Secret Service agents allegedly involved in the dispute with Trump about going to the Capitol. The good poster 'struth' asks if they have testified before the Committee.

I don't know.
oh they have testified in close door session some time ago…but the “committee” didn’t call them for the public session, instead they depended on the non fact witness, to testify about rumors, instead i’d throw truth…and now the agents want to testify in public to correct the record but the “committee” has refused to allow this to happen
If they were going to call the agents who have requested a chance to rebut the hearsay given by Cassidy, they would have done so already. Those guys will never get to testify until the Republicans retake the House in 2022.

Then we will see what they have to say. So far the rebuttal is just as much hearsay as Cassidy's hearsay. If the Agents are allowed to testify and they say that what Cassidy says happened in "The Beast" never happened and they never said what Cassidy claims that they said, the hearsay chain will be broken by direct evidence.

Then we will find out which the left values more, hearsay evidence or direct evidence.
but the “committee” has refused to allow this to happen

I did not know that. How do you?

I've seen no statement by the Committee to this effect. It has been bandied about on various chatrooms by RightFielders, but, to date, I've seen no confirmation.

I'd be curious myself on their testimony.
A. The incident of 'grabbing the wheel' never happened?
B. But they told Hutchinson it did happen?
C. Or it never happened and they never mentioned a word of a dispute with Trump to Hutchinson?

Seems there are some nuances that need figgerin' out. No?
If they were going to call the agents who have requested a chance to rebut the hearsay given by Cassidy, they would have done so already. Those guys will never get to testify until the Republicans retake the House in 2022.

Then we will see what they have to say. So far the rebuttal is just as much hearsay as Cassidy's hearsay. If the Agents are allowed to testify and they say that what Cassidy says happened in "The Beast" never happened and they never said what Cassidy claims that they said, the hearsay chain will be broken by direct evidence.

Then we will find out which the left values more, hearsay evidence or direct evidence.
i think you sort of highlighted what the dembots are doing.

It’s pretty obvious at this point this “committee” won’t be around after the midterms given the historic landslide red tide that is predicted due to the left’s horrible leadership

so the committee is just desperate to find something to try and hurt trump’s chance of reelection…using people like this woman, to throw out rumors and twist it into propaganda and lies…they aren’t interested in the truth

now Bannon has said, i’ll be happy to testify…but they won’t call him either

sadly their lies have backfired on them, and now people are willing to come and correct the record
I did not know that. How do you?

I've seen no statement by the Committee to this effect. It has been bandied about on various chatrooms by RightFielders, but, to date, I've seen no confirmation.

I'd be curious myself on their testimony.
A. The incident of 'grabbing the wheel' never happened?
B. But they told Hutchinson it did happen?
C. Or it never happened and they never mentioned a word of a dispute with Trump to Hutchinson?

Seems there are some nuances that need figgerin' out. No?
how? because they haven’t called them to testify
Then we will find out which the left values more, hearsay evidence or direct evidence.

The 'grab-the-wheel' story is a 'Look, Squirrel!' story.

It is intended to distract from the meat of the matter on that day on that Ellipse stage, which was: Don Trump was informed that his assembled supporters were armed. He acknowledge that. Yet, he and his fellow speakers angered them, incited them, and then recklessly sent them directly at my Representative, and my two Senators.....and yours too.
He did so, I believe, with the intention to disrupt the Electoral Ballot count enough so Pence would halt it. Thus attempting to get the election thrown back to the Republican state legislators.

Anyway, that' what I believe. And I've seen very little from this Committee that would disabuse me of that belief.
The purpose of the J6 committee is to try and dirty up the Trumpster so much that Brandon has a clear road to victory in 2024. That's the reason for stretching it out

Look for surprise witnesses and the media's response will be "the walls are closing in on the 74 million Little Trumpsters"

This is just all a high end smear campaign. It's a really really super expensive and long running political commercial made to attack the character of an opponent and nothing else. It's quite impressive the lengths they will go to create a smear campaign.

They will try and drag this out through midterms at the very least.

It isn't about "getting him", it's about trying to tarnish the brand.
This is just all a high end smear campaign. It's a really really super expensive and long running political commercial made to attack the character of an opponent and nothing else. It's quite impressive the lengths they will go to create a smear campaign.

They will try and drag this out through midterms at the very least.

It isn't about "getting him", it's about trying to tarnish the brand.

Well put, it IS a political infomercial in favor of the Democrats.

The question is whether the D's are going to claim this as a political contribution on their FEC report or not. It certainly belongs there, and if the D's don't do it, there should be criminal consequences including people sent to the US Penitentiary and Biden and Harris being impeached. This would be a virtual insurrection.
because i’ve watched the news daily since the “bombshell” special session hearing…and they haven’t. been called to testify in a public hearing as they requested

How do you know they have 'requested' a hearing?
Can you link us to a statement directly from them? Or an interview we can watch or listen to?
How do you know that they have not been contacted?
How do you know that once they were informed they would be under oath....they may have backed out?
How do you know any of this stuff? Give us links that support your word.

In short, poster 'struth'...... I believe you don't know.
You are speculating and attempting to pass it off to this forum as fact. It is not.

In my humble opinion, you want so badly to believe in Don Trump that you are blind to any information that cast skepticism upon him.


FYI: There is a hearing scheduled for 10AM tomorrow, Tuesday, July 12th.

And Reuters is reporting they've sourced information that there will be a prime-time hearing this Thursday, July 14th.

So the pot boils. Toil and trouble. Or so it seems.

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