July 12th, Next J6 Scheduled Hearing Date.

She and the rest of the committee have a schedule, and they certainly don't have to 'rush it' to meet your needs.
Yes they do. The law guarantees all defendants a speedy trial, which means that Chunky needs to shit or get off the pot already. If she doesn't have a case, quit wasting our time, she should have built her case before trying to try it before the public on national TV endlessly as a show trial smear campaign--- this crap has been going on now for at least FIVE YEARS with nothing to show for it, this is pure government harassment and abuse of power and Chunky needs some cell time.

Do you think any indictments will be recommended to the DOJ?
No. Hutchinson made clear with her lies this is all a farce just trying to smear Trump and I think he has a 1 billion dollar law suit on his hands. This is all about stealing another election through more false advertising and lies.
No, the Chair of the Committee already made clear they won't be.
"No, you know, we're going to tell the facts. If the Department of Justice looks at it, and assume that there's something that needs further review, I'm sure they'll do it," Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson said when asked whether the committee would refer Trump or others to the department.

He has already seen the "evidence" and knows there is no bases to waste the DOJ's time with a referral of nothing
you go with that.
No One will be indicted.

I will continue to fully understand that the committee cannot indict but they are gathering information and the DOJ will (and currently is) looking at said information, and the DOJ will certainly indict IF the evidence is there.

You are taking Thompson's words to mean that no indictments will come from these hearings, even through the DOJ.
And. you would be incorrect making that assumption.

Book it...... there will be indictments, and I'm sure Eastman is on the top of that list.
you go with that.
No One will be indicted.

I will continue to fully understand that the committee cannot indict but they are gathering information and the DOJ will (and currently is) looking at said information, and the DOJ will certainly indict IF the evidence is there.

You are taking Thompson's words to mean that no indictments will come from these hearings, even through the DOJ.
And. you would be incorrect making that assumption.

Book it...... there will be indictments, and I'm sure Eastman is on the top of that list.
He said they won’t even refer anyone

It’s not me “going with it”

it’s what he said
If they were going to call the agents who have requested a chance to rebut the hearsay given by Cassidy, they would have done so already. Those guys will never get to testify until the Republicans retake the House in 2022.

Then we will see what they have to say. So far the rebuttal is just as much hearsay as Cassidy's hearsay. If the Agents are allowed to testify and they say that what Cassidy says happened in "The Beast" never happened and they never said what Cassidy claims that they said, the hearsay chain will be broken by direct evidence.

Then we will find out which the left values more, hearsay evidence or direct evidence.
They value having their feelings stroked and facts mean zero
He said they won’t even refer anyone

It’s not me “going with it”

it’s what he said
One guy said something that YOU took as GOLD.

The other committee members were quick to say, wait a minute, let's clarify that.
Yes, Thompson said that they, the committee won't be recommending charges, but that they will send the information to the DOJ, because it is the DOJ's job the indict, not the committees.

(CNN)The chairman of the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol told reporters Monday that the panel will not make any criminal referral of former President Donald Trump or anyone else to the Justice Department -- a claim that met swift pushback from members of the panel.
"No, you know, we're going to tell the facts. If the Department of Justice looks at it, and assume that there's something that needs further review, I'm sure they'll do it," Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson said when asked whether the committee would refer Trump or others to the department.
Pressed again on whether the committee would ever make a formal referral to the Justice Department, the Mississippi Democrat said, "No, that's not our job. Our job is to look at the facts and circumstances around January 6, what caused it and make recommendations after that."
While Thompson drew the distinct line, his statement drew quick reactions from members of the committee, revealing the panel is split over how to handle a potential referral of the former President and his associates for prosecution. The committee this month is holding a series of hearings that are designed to show Trump was at the center of a conspiracy to prevent the certification of the 2020 presidential election results and the peaceful transfer of power.
It’s a self appointed ad hoc committee make pretending it’s a grand jury.
One guy said something that YOU took as GOLD.

The other committee members were quick to say, wait a minute, let's clarify that.
Yes, Thompson said that they, the committee won't be recommending charges, but that they will send the information to the DOJ, because it is the DOJ's job the indict, not the committees.

(CNN)The chairman of the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol told reporters Monday that the panel will not make any criminal referral of former President Donald Trump or anyone else to the Justice Department -- a claim that met swift pushback from members of the panel.
"No, you know, we're going to tell the facts. If the Department of Justice looks at it, and assume that there's something that needs further review, I'm sure they'll do it," Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson said when asked whether the committee would refer Trump or others to the department.
Pressed again on whether the committee would ever make a formal referral to the Justice Department, the Mississippi Democrat said, "No, that's not our job. Our job is to look at the facts and circumstances around January 6, what caused it and make recommendations after that."
While Thompson drew the distinct line, his statement drew quick reactions from members of the committee, revealing the panel is split over how to handle a potential referral of the former President and his associates for prosecution. The committee this month is holding a series of hearings that are designed to show Trump was at the center of a conspiracy to prevent the certification of the 2020 presidential election results and the peaceful transfer of power.
Um...he's literally the one guy...he's the freaking Chairman of the Committee dumbass.
'Liz and Shifty can go out and act all upset over his statement, but the reality is no referral will happen without him approving it....so yes, the one guy's word is gold.

Face it, Lizz and Shifty are just making a show for the dembot cultist
He said they won’t even refer anyone

It’s not me “going with it”

it’s what he said
Yup, true, then Cheney added this............

Rep. Liz Cheney, who serves as vice chair of the committee, released a statement contradicting the chairman's comments. "The January 6th Select Committee has not issued a conclusion regarding potential criminal referrals. We will announce a decision on that at an appropriate time," the Wyoming Republican tweeted.
Yup, true, then Cheney added this............

Rep. Liz Cheney, who serves as vice chair of the committee, released a statement contradicting the chairman's comments. "The January 6th Select Committee has not issued a conclusion regarding potential criminal referrals. We will announce a decision on that at an appropriate time," the Wyoming Republican tweeted.
who cares...she's the vice chair.....she can't get anything referred without the consent of the Chair...she's merely throwing some red meat out to the dembot cultist...
Um...he's literally the one guy...he's the freaking Chairman of the Committee dumbass.
It's a Committee.....dumbass.
The Committee will make a decision, not ONE guy.

"The January 6th Select Committee has not issued a conclusion regarding potential criminal referrals. We will announce a decision on that at an appropriate time," the Wyoming Republican tweeted.
One guy said something that YOU took as GOLD.

The other committee members were quick to say, wait a minute, let's clarify that.
Yes, Thompson said that they, the committee won't be recommending charges, but that they will send the information to the DOJ, because it is the DOJ's job the indict, not the committees.

(CNN)The chairman of the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol told reporters Monday that the panel will not make any criminal referral of former President Donald Trump or anyone else to the Justice Department -- a claim that met swift pushback from members of the panel.
"No, you know, we're going to tell the facts. If the Department of Justice looks at it, and assume that there's something that needs further review, I'm sure they'll do it," Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson said when asked whether the committee would refer Trump or others to the department.
Pressed again on whether the committee would ever make a formal referral to the Justice Department, the Mississippi Democrat said, "No, that's not our job. Our job is to look at the facts and circumstances around January 6, what caused it and make recommendations after that."
While Thompson drew the distinct line, his statement drew quick reactions from members of the committee, revealing the panel is split over how to handle a potential referral of the former President and his associates for prosecution. The committee this month is holding a series of hearings that are designed to show Trump was at the center of a conspiracy to prevent the certification of the 2020 presidential election results and the peaceful transfer of power.
And as always, how would the transition be stopped and election overturned by couple dozen Buffalo Bills and how then would this bunch maintain control and implement their polices????
That’s the thought process to follow but libs won’t think so they start with a hair on fire make pretend feeling that Trump would and could overthrow the government with that bunch. It’s cartoonish and ludicrous.
It's a Committee.....dumbass.
The Committee will make a decision, not ONE guy.

"The January 6th Select Committee has not issued a conclusion regarding potential criminal referrals. We will announce a decision on that at an appropriate time," the Wyoming Republican tweeted.
Sorry...the Chair runs the Committee and made clear he will not support any recommendations, it was never the point of the Committee...nothing will even get voted on...he runs the show.

Why? Because he saw the evidence, and the point of the "committtee" is political sideshow
And as always, how would the transition be stopped and election overturned by couple dozen Buffalo Bills and how then would this bunch maintain control and implement their polices????
Of course, this ^^^^^ was a terrible plan, but it was their plan.
You don't get to claim ignorance when defending your ignorant FAILED plan.

They tried, they didn't think it all the way through.
You know, because their KKKult Leader is a fool.
FAILED Plan, still a Coup Attempt.
Of course, this ^^^^^ was a terrible plan, but it was their plan.
You don't get to claim ignorance when defending your ignorant FAILED plan.

They tried, they didn't think it all the way through.
You know, because their KKKult Leader is a fool.
FAILED Plan, still a Coup Attempt.
Sorry commie boy but ones plans don’t mean anything if there cannot possibly be a successful outcome. It’s known as a thought process of assessment

This is a “thought police” committee.
Sorry...the Chair runs the Committee and made clear he will not support any recommendations, it was never the point of the Committee...nothing will even get voted on...he runs the show.
Post #73.
Promise you will come back and admit you misinterpreted Thompsons words.

Because of what Thompson said, are you of the understanding that all this information will just stay within the committee, and that the DOJ will NEVER see this information (Evidence) and the DOJ will not indict anyone with the committees information?
Post #73.
Promise you will come back and admit you misinterpreted Thompsons words.

Because of what Thompson said, are you of the understanding that all this information will just stay within the committee, and that the DOJ will NEVER see this information (Evidence) and the DOJ will not indict anyone with the committees information?
i didn’t say that…of course they can watch it on Tv

i said they aren’t making any referrals
The 'grab-the-wheel' story is a 'Look, Squirrel!' story.

It is intended to distract from the meat of the matter on that day on that Ellipse stage,
Why did the Dems introduce a "Look, Squirrel!" story? Why did they want to distract from the meat of the matter?
which was: Don Trump was informed that his assembled supporters were armed. He acknowledge that. Yet, he and his fellow speakers angered them, incited them, and then recklessly sent them directly at my Representative, and my two Senators.....and yours too.
Do we know that Don was informed of this, or was that a part of Cassidy's testimony?

Either way, Don supports the first amendment, so armed supporters would not alarm him. All of should be alarmed that an unarmed protester, expressing a grievance, was shot in the head by a capital police officer, who not only will pay no consequences for that murder, but is actually being made a hero of the left.
He did so, I believe, with the intention to disrupt the Electoral Ballot count enough so Pence would halt it. Thus attempting to get the election thrown back to the Republican state legislators.
I believe that he did want the process stopped. That I do fault him for. I also fault him for not building the wall when he had a chance and not ending the war in Afghanistan. But that pales in comparison with the faults of the Democrats.
Anyway, that' what I believe. And I've seen very little from this Committee that would disabuse me of that belief.
Well, no. Of course not.

The committee was designed to be an exercise in confirmation bias.
One guy said something that YOU took as GOLD.

The other committee members were quick to say, wait a minute, let's clarify that.
Yes, Thompson said that they, the committee won't be recommending charges, but that they will send the information to the DOJ, because it is the DOJ's job the indict, not the committees.

(CNN)The chairman of the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol told reporters Monday that the panel will not make any criminal referral of former President Donald Trump or anyone else to the Justice Department -- a claim that met swift pushback from members of the panel.
"No, you know, we're going to tell the facts. If the Department of Justice looks at it, and assume that there's something that needs further review, I'm sure they'll do it," Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson said when asked whether the committee would refer Trump or others to the department.
Pressed again on whether the committee would ever make a formal referral to the Justice Department, the Mississippi Democrat said, "No, that's not our job. Our job is to look at the facts and circumstances around January 6, what caused it and make recommendations after that."
While Thompson drew the distinct line, his statement drew quick reactions from members of the committee, revealing the panel is split over how to handle a potential referral of the former President and his associates for prosecution. The committee this month is holding a series of hearings that are designed to show Trump was at the center of a conspiracy to prevent the certification of the 2020 presidential election results and the peaceful transfer of power.
Thompson stepped out of line. He got to thinking that he was actually in charge of something besides extremely wooden teleprompter readings. His bosses quickly whipped him into line.
Cipollone’s videoed testimony will be shown at the closing hearing.

I wonder why?

Cipollone probably didn’t give them any useful information and the committee is embarrassed to show it but the committee knows they have to show some of his testimony

That’s ^^^^probably it.
Cipollone would never lie under oath to protect trump, and he’s certainly not a RINO traitor, so that must be it

Cipollone didn’t tell them anything useful
Closing the Show.

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