July 12th, Next J6 Scheduled Hearing Date.

How do you know they have 'requested' a hearing?
Can you link us to a statement directly from them? Or an interview we can watch or listen to?
How do you know that they have not been contacted?
How do you know that once they were informed they would be under oath....they may have backed out?
How do you know any of this stuff? Give us links that support your word.

In short, poster 'struth'...... I believe you don't know.
You are speculating and attempting to pass it off to this forum as fact. It is not.

In my humble opinion, you want so badly to believe in Don Trump that you are blind to any information that cast skepticism upon him.


FYI: There is a hearing scheduled for 10AM tomorrow, Tuesday, July 12th.

And Reuters is reporting they've sourced information that there will be a prime-time hearing this Thursday, July 14th.

So the pot boils. Toil and trouble. Or so it seems.
Sorry...I thought you actually keep up wikth current events...https://www.cbsnews.com/news/secret-service-jan-6-committee-trump-cassidy-hutchinson-testimony/

The Committee isn't calling the Agents tomorrow, they said they were focusing on something totally different.
LOL, the KKK is all yours all through history, racist
Proud Boys
Oath keepers
3 Percenters
Idahos Ayrian Nation

Those are all conservatives right wing KKKults

But sure, originally, years ago, the KKK was started by Democrats

Today, the groups mentioned above are current haters.
Deny that^^^^^
Proud Boys
Oath keepers
3 Percenters
Idahos Ayrian Nation

Those are all conservatives right wing KKKults

But sure, originally, years ago, the KKK was started by Democrats

Today, the groups mentioned above are current haters.
Deny that^^^^^

Blacks who try to leave the Democrat plantation learn your belief in slavery is alive and well, racist.

So let's recap. The KKK were Democrats. Then you joined them. Deny that, racist

On both of the above assertions --- I would demur.

The 'purpose' of the Select Committee is to investigate what happened on J6, who was involved in it, who, if anybody, had some responsibility for it, and what can be done to prevent another American tragedy of this dimension.

Now, if Don Trump get 'dirtied up' as the poster Polish alleges, well, that would not be unexpected if he was intimately involved in the decision making that caused it and/or accelerated and intensified it. If he was......well, getting 'dirtied' is the least America should expect. From testimony (under oath) by Republicans it certainly appears Don Trump was well aware of the Election Denial machinations prior to January 6th, and seemingly was aware that armed bad actors who supported him had the clear potential to do some bad juju on J6. Bad juju against our legislators assembled in the Capitol.

Second, poster Weather53's assertion that the piecemeal nature of the presentation signals that it is to continue for years.
In my opinion.....not hardly. The election is in November of 2022. That may have an impact on its longevity.

Look, this was a big complicated event with a lot of moving parts, and a lot of major and bit players. (Hell, we've had nearly 900 arrested so far.) Many of the players have motivations to hide or obfuscate their actions and statements. Hence, it takes a long time to winkle out the who did what and who said what details. And 'to what effect' did either or both have. I'm mildly sure all here know that.

So far, what America has seen is a Committee with minimalist grandstanding for a TV presentation by Congress. We've seen a focused and organized presentation of various aspects. We've seen credible witnesses....most of them Republicans. Some testifying against their interests. And, importantly, we've learned stuff.

So, all good so far. At least two more hearings to go. Hopefully, they can present their findings in those next hearings as professionally and effectively as they have done for the previous ones.
With all due respect...this isn't an investigation...it's a show trial. Investigations seek the truth. Show trials present a predetermined narrative. Investigations seek both sides of the truth. Show trials present one side and ignore the other. This show trial will fail because people understand WHAT it is and WHAT it is not!
Blacks who try to leave the Democrat plantation learn your belief in slavery is alive and well, racist.

So let's recap. The KKK were Democrats. Then you joined them. Deny that, racist
Your debate skills are non existent.
How do you know they have 'requested' a hearing?
Can you link us to a statement directly from them? Or an interview we can watch or listen to?
How do you know that they have not been contacted?
How do you know that once they were informed they would be under oath....they may have backed out?
How do you know any of this stuff? Give us links that support your word.

In short, poster 'struth'...... I believe you don't know.
You are speculating and attempting to pass it off to this forum as fact. It is not.

In my humble opinion, you want so badly to believe in Don Trump that you are blind to any information that cast skepticism upon him.


FYI: There is a hearing scheduled for 10AM tomorrow, Tuesday, July 12th.

And Reuters is reporting they've sourced information that there will be a prime-time hearing this Thursday, July 14th.

So the pot boils. Toil and trouble. Or so it seems.

Seriously. anyone paying even half-attention can see it is just the next hoax.
But you do you.
The Committee it would seem is still not at all interested in hearing from the Agents......sad....but it just highlights how this "committee" is not at all interested in the truth
The Committee it would seem is still not at all interested in hearing from the Agents......sad....but it just highlights how this "committee" is not at all interested in the truth

Correct -
It is nothing but an infomercial.
The makers of Oxi-Clean never put people who said their product did not work, in their cast.
The Committee it would seem is still not at all interested in hearing from the Agents......sad....but it just highlights how this "committee" is not at all interested in the truth

Democrats have no credibility, they just lie and lie and lie.

Have you noticed when the subject changes, Democrats suddenly pretend they have credibility?

They've lied so much they have none. This is a sham like the first two impeachment trials
Well you should cancel your membership to the KKKult and their talking points and join the rest of us SANE people.

Wrong as Usual.

Now I have to group you into the

That's ^^^^^^ quite the collection of idiots.
Well Done.

I'm just curious, Winny-- -- J6 has needed 1.5 years now to investigate what happened at a two hour long protest that has 14,000 hours of collective video and was already extensively investigated during the 2nd impeachment, in fact, they BASED the impeachment on it, but they are still uncovering new things, right?

I wonder then why Trump only had 6 WEEKS to uncover all the fraud that took place throughout six swing states in 2020 committed over months and at that, concluded that because he couldn't, that there obviously must not be anything there then!

I think we are way past the point where if J6 and Lez Chunky have something conclusively incriminating, she should either shit or get off the pot!
White nationalist groups? You mean the Democrat party, racist?
OK Genius,

Name the white nationalist group that consists of Democrats.
And you will try to say the KKK, so don't even go there.
The KKK is conservative.
I think we are way past the point where if J6 and Lez Chunky have something conclusively incriminating, she should either shit or get off the pot!
She and the rest of the committee have a schedule, and they certainly don't have to 'rush it' to meet your needs.

Do you think any indictments will be recommended to the DOJ?
OK Genius,

Name the white nationalist group that consists of Democrats.
And you will try to say the KKK, so don't even go there.

Sure. Besides the KKK, the Democrat party IS a white nationalist group who continues to subject minorities like you always have for centuries now

The KKK is conservative.

You made that up. I've lived in the South a long time, the KKK doesn't give a shit about economics. There is no reason they would have switched parties, and of course you have no evidence they did. The biggest racist I know still has an Obama sticker on his truck.

No, the racists are not just still yours, you ARE the racists
She and the rest of the committee have a schedule, and they certainly don't have to 'rush it' to meet your needs.

Do you think any indictments will be recommended to the DOJ?
No, the Chair of the Committee already made clear they won't be.
"No, you know, we're going to tell the facts. If the Department of Justice looks at it, and assume that there's something that needs further review, I'm sure they'll do it," Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson said when asked whether the committee would refer Trump or others to the department.

He has already seen the "evidence" and knows there is no bases to waste the DOJ's time with a referral of nothing

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