July 2. 1863 The Defence of Little Round Top at Gettysburg

If you were ever there it was amazing the attacks up that hill even took place.....Longstreet was correct....They should have flanked Meade's Army.

Agreed...when you go there and walk the battlefield it really is hard to believe the scope of the giant battle that took place there over those few days.
If you were ever there it was amazing the attacks up that hill even took place.....Longstreet was correct....They should have flanked Meade's Army.
One of the largest cavalry battles of the war occurred within the fishhook as a counterpoint to Pickett's Charge, punctuated by swirling fights. Its where Custer became famous for leading insane charges and countercharges.
Reading a book on Gettysburg now (Just finished "to lose a battle", book on 1940 Battle of France) and from what I am getting from it so far is the Union Cavalry over the campaign did its job, and for once the Confederate Cavalry didn't.
If you were ever there it was amazing the attacks up that hill even took place.....Longstreet was correct....They should have flanked Meade's Army.
One can argue they tried, but the countermarch when they came into view of the Union formations ate up all the time. Further, as they advance they are under constant observation by Union forces, with better interior lines, who could move troops to block them, or alternatively counter attack!

Inversely, Lincoln was right. The Union Army had taken substantial casualties, but should have counterattacked no later than 7/4, at least with his cavalry. He could have ended the war in a couple of weeks, driving Lee's retreat into a route. Grant, Thomas, Sherman, or Sheridan would have, and its why he was sacked.

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