July 4th: Trump hijacking Independence Day

also . I wonder if the heroic Navy Seal Chief Edward Gallagher currently in the news will be making a GUEST Appearance

yep...nothing more heroic than stabbing a bound prisoner in the neck. That is the stuff heroes are made of. :290968001256257790-final:
----------------------------------------- and I think that Seal Chief Edward Gallagher was found 'not guilty' by a Jury of his PEERS wasn't he GGator ??

So thats is the real cost Americans will now pay for a political rally for Trump under the umbrella of the July 4 parade.

Seems trump like to play the shell game and move money from different areas of the government for his own priorities.

I wonder if he is donating his pay to charity

I wonder if someone was to step out in front of one of the military hardware being paraded, would they stop before the police hustle him to jail.

The 4th of July is a birthday.

Military has played an important role in defending the country. That is why we have memorial day to pay tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. There is also an armed forces day but does get the same hoopla

Oh God...

Not you again, independence day is about the revolutionary war

Memorial day is about all the wars after.

We would think you get the hint about fireworks.

That is never how it has worked.
You aren't even competent with a grade school understanding of your nation or the historic context of it's most fundamental holiday. Good job, loser. :thup:
Yeah Russia only interferes with our elections THEY are our worst enemy


Yet when Obama was sucking Putin's cock you were all for it.

The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.

Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.

In one stunning finding, the subcommittee said OneVoice even told the State Department’s top diplomat in Jerusalem of its plans in an email, but the official, Consul General Michael Ratney, claims never to have seen them.}

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

You dumb traitor.
I won't be going near the July 4th NaziCon political jamboree on the National Mall. It's a national disgrace to weaponize Independence Day for political purposes.


Exactly we sure as hell know you won't be thanking them for posting your nonsense day after day on here.

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WTF does the military have at all to do with celebrating American independence in 1776?


Military war for 8 years to win our freedom from British Tyranny called the Revolutionary War.
Wars after that to keep our American Freedom of speech and all our other amendments.
Without our military fighting for us, everyone here could not come to this message board to say uninformed incorrect information or just plain fun trolling.
Everyone in this country has the freedom of speech and opinions of which their are many.
Not just one party way of the few, by forcing it on the majority.
The snotty elites needs to be voted out in both parties.
This is independence day, dope. Not revolutionary war remembrance day.

Independence day is revolutionary war remembrance day dope.
Sure. That's why it's called independence day.

but do you have brand new Sherman tanks on display?

No, battering rams to intimidate the peasants.


You Communists are such dumb fuckers. Trot along, Floundering Fascist, you're out matched and outwitted, as always.
Today is not a military holiday! It's a celebration of the day independence was formally declared.
It's not a day to " honor the military, remember those who were killed or display our prowess".
Seriously? Do you think England just said "ok" and let us go peacefully?

And yes, we like our tanks and planes.

Independence day.
Read that ten times to yourself.

Tanks and planes have nothing to do with 1776, dope.
also . I wonder if the heroic Navy Seal Chief Edward Gallagher currently in the news will be making a GUEST Appearance

yep...nothing more heroic than stabbing a bound prisoner in the neck. That is the stuff heroes are made of. :290968001256257790-final:

Say traitor, was there exculpatory testimony in the trial that makes your above statement slanderous and salacious? :dig:

Too bad Mueller wasn't there to destroy such evidence.... Nothing you like more than sending American soldiers to prison for killing the enemy. (I mean, you're afraid they might kill YOU, amirite?)
Would you have been okay with President Obama hijacking Independence Day for political purposes - at taxpayer expense?

Obama campaigned 24/7/365 on the taxpayer dime. Were you in a coma?

No answer to my question? Funny. Thanks for playing...

What was the question? That you thought the 4th of July was a gay parade day and not about pick up trucks, bible, guns , baseball and American pie?


I agree that America can be represented by baseball, apple pie and Chevys. Not the Bible, gay parades and certainly not guns. Who's Bible? Protestant, Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Jewish or Sikh? Why only gay parades? Why not Puerto Rican, Italian/Columbus or Israeli? Military rifles are as American as any country's are, but not every American household need have a gun. What for? Most ppl get their food from supermarkets these days, not from hunting. (Also, it's kinda funny that the coward Trump who got away from serving in the military, wants a military parade.)
What had been a nonpolitical, nonpartisan celebration on the National Mall will now likely be a multimillion-dollar, taxpayer-financed political rally, critics worry.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump has hijacked what for decades had been a nonpolitical Independence Day celebration on the National Mall, packing his ticketed-event speech with political appointees and Republican donors.

The Republican National Committee has been offering major donors tickets to Trump’s speech, as have political appointees at the White House and executive branch agencies.

“He’s going to have tanks out there. It’s going to be cool,” joked one RNC fundraiser on condition of anonymity. He said he received an offer for the free tickets on Friday but did not request any. “He wants to have a parade like they have in Moscow or China or North Korea.”

Trump has been enamored of public displays of military might since he attended the Bastille Day festivities in Paris in 2017. His plan for a massive military parade last year was canceled after a Defense Department estimate became public showing that it would cost $92 million and damage the city’s roads because of the weight of tanks and other equipment.

The current plans for Thursday do not include a parade, but Trump is still pushing for tanks or other military vehicles to be displayed on the National Mall, The Washington Post reported, even though their weight is liable to damage the grass and roads. Flyovers by military planes ― including Air Force One and the Navy’s Blue Angels squadron ― are also planned.

More: RNC Giving Out Tickets To Trump’s Hijacked Fourth Of July Celebration

The Independence Day celebration has traditionally been a nonpartisan holiday. Now Trump is trying to turn it into a partisan political rally. I think that is ignorant. What do you think?

I think trump was so impressed with the military displays in N. Korea, he feels the need to show Kim and his base he's got a bigger one, and a bigger one than Kim.
Trump was actually impressed with the military parade in FRANCE. This whole democrat tantrum is only because of Trump hate.

Why do you insist on protecting trump? Do you really believe he cares about you and the vast majority of American Citizens? The man-child only cares about himself. He's a walking talking personality disorder on display.
I believe that Trump is the only person standing between America and the scourge of democrat socialists. I would support his dictatorship if it means getting rid of the evil evil democrats. In fact, I would support Russia sending its army to LIBERATE this nation from the democrat socialists.

Is that plain enough for you?

Yeah, it's plain and simple, you're nuts.

You don't think he can stop you Stalinists?

243 years ago today we declared independence from tyranny, we do not intend to surrender the liberty out forefathers gained to evil traitor fucks like you.

You and yours had May Day, we have the 4th of July. So suck it, STASI bitch.
The left has really jumped the shark on this one. Trump is not hijacking Independence Day.

Our military got us our independence and has kept it for us. You libbies don’t deserve it but enjoy it anyway.
Exactly right. Not sure why they are crying...liberals hate America.
------------------------------ libs , 'dems' and progressives just want to make the USA more 'euro type' and wusselike BGin .

They want to restore the USSR. They have not forgiven us for defeating them.
also . I wonder if the heroic Navy Seal Chief Edward Gallagher currently in the news will be making a GUEST Appearance

yep...nothing more heroic than stabbing a bound prisoner in the neck. That is the stuff heroes are made of. :290968001256257790-final:

Say traitor, was there exculpatory testimony in the trial that makes your above statement slanderous and salacious? :dig:

Too bad Mueller wasn't there to destroy such evidence.... Nothing you like more than sending American soldiers to prison for killing the enemy. (I mean, you're afraid they might kill YOU, amirite?)

Spoken like a dumb fuck that never had the balls to serve their country. The military has rules about attacking unarmed, bound prisoners. But you would not know about that since you would not know what the inside of a barracks looks like

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