June 12, 2018: NK-US Singapore Nuclear Summit


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Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Murderous Dictator Meets Dishonest President Behind Closed Doors

How will the American public know what they actually said? They may not.

WASHINGTON ― The first-ever North Korea-United States summit will start with a one-on-one meeting between a brutal dictator known for breaking his word and a president famous for his daily dishonesties.

With two unreliable narrators in Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump, how will Americans know what they actually said and agreed to with each other?

“We won’t,” said Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia program at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. “The whole Trump team has been an unreliable narrator throughout this process. It’s like ‘Rashomon,’ but really stupid.”

In Akira Kurosawa’s classic movie, the murder of a samurai is told through the vastly differing recollections of a handful of witnesses. For the meeting scheduled to begin in Singapore Tuesday morning ― Monday night on the United States East Coast ― there will only be two witnesses: each nation’s translator.

“And I don’t think either interpreter will be in a position to correct the record if the self-reporting by Kim and Trump doesn’t reflect what was actually said in the same manner and tone,” said Jenny Town, assistant director of the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University.

The White House said it does not believe there is any cause for concern about getting an accurate description of the two men’s words.

Trump, nevertheless, on almost a daily basis says and writes things that are demonstrably untrue ― sometimes doing so even though he knows what he is saying is untrue.

Even White House press secretary Sarah Sanders has been forced to acknowledge, multiple times, that information she received from Trump and relayed to the public has not been correct.

On top of Trump’s habit of untruths is Kim’s record of failing to honor his word.

More: Murderous Dictator Meets Dishonest President Behind Closed Doors

How will we know what to believe coming out of the summit? What do you think?
Well.........if it goes public that an agreement is made maybe we'll see N. Korea getting rid of Nukes.........maybe it will be no agreement made...............

Maybe they sneek in a barber and both go get a hair cut.
Trump just tweeted that Larry Kudlow had a heart attack and is in Walter Reed. Is Kudlow the first casualty of the summit?
Another emotional thread based on nothing! Lol!

My oh my, you left wing nuts are certainly funny people! Everything scares you, do you all run off emotion?
BREAKING: North Korea has agreed to 'verifiable' denuclearization ahead of historic Summit with President Trump, a source tells us

Wired Sources (@WiredSources) June 12, 2018
Trump just tweeted that Larry Kudlow had a heart attack and is in Walter Reed. Is Kudlow the first casualty of the summit?
The guy just had a heart attack and you are trying to get political value out of it. Bad form.

Duh, what political value? I just heard MSNBC report it from Singapore. Did Trump wait until all Kudlow's family members were notified before he tweeted?
Whatever happens, Liberals will claim victory and Trump failed.

Trump gave propaganda victory to the Norks
Trump didn’t get any of the bombs
Trump didn’t get all the bombs
Trump is being fooled if he thinks he got all of the bombs
Trump did nothing for human rights
Trump didn’t unite Korea
Trump didn’t cure cancer
Well.........if it goes public that an agreement is made maybe we'll see N. Korea getting rid of Nukes.........maybe it will be no agreement made...............

Maybe they sneek in a barber and both go get a hair cut.

Hair cuts maybe the best that comes from kt, let's hope for much more!
Any minute. Awaiting the Kim-Trump handshake.
You rooting for a nuclear War...........or N. Korea shooting missiles at Japan and Guam again..........

Perhaps getting Japan mad enough to arm up and go to War..............They were saying that not so long ago.............

But hey...............I guess you like the glow.

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