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Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million, finding employer violated her BS religious anus rights'

Can someone hate fake shit that they know is fake? Why? How can they hate what they know is fake BS?
Or are we pointing out fake shit others hate to admit they are fools to do so?

Your the one with hate and self worth issues, you tell us. Then we will laugh and move on.
There are no gods/lords. How can I lose self-worth for your weak failures to be rational?

There's that hate again. Just can't let go can you? Remember I said we will laugh and move on? :auiqs.jpg:
So, Mormonism was jist made up about 200 years ago. So does it make the cut?

Scientology, 60 years ago. Old enough to drink from the tap of "real religion"?

The unification chirch is about 60 years old. If I hire a 'moonie', and switch work attire from street clothes to uniforms, can the moonie sue if i fire him for refusing?

A little help here. I need to know how far to backdate my application to the club. It's time for me to get a little piece of this action.

What you aren't seeing is that when she was interviewed she told the employer that she couldn't work on Sundays. At that point the employer was perfectly free to not hire her. They did hire her knowing she won't work Sundays. For 6 years the employer didn't schedule her to work Sundays.

By the act of hiring her knowing she didn't work Sundays that is the employer agreeing with her. By not scheduling her to work on Sundays for 6 years. the employer is consenting to not schedule her to work those days.

Then after all those years out of the blue they demand she worked Sundays. Then fired her when she didn't.

If the employer had not hired her, then their actions didn't agree with her not working on Sundays. If the employer started scheduling her on Sundays from day one of her employ, they wouldn't have by action consented to not schedule her to work on Sundays.

They hired her knowing she doesn't work Sundays. They didn't schedule her to work Sundays for six long years.

The employer's own actions is what this is all about.

I'm not a christian. I used to be a christian in the early 70s but I got over it in a couple years. I've been pagan since the 80s. I'm not a conservative. I've been a liberal all my life.

I don't follow the Bible but I most certainly do support freedom of religion. I also support worker's rights.
I don't feel one ounce of pity for the company. Tough...pay up.

Fake faith is BS. But we need to pay them to keep the Fake faith BS alive for the gulibles.

So threatened, it is very funny to watch you. I have to wonder where you lost your self worth.
Self-worth starts by not being a slave to BS fake man made up gods/lords.
I read the gullibility in you keeps you from enjoying a meaningful full life.

I am not the one spouting hate. That comes from a place of fear and diminished self worth.
Claiming I hate, makes your made up BS god/lord look weaker by your know hands.
You can't justify your point without claiming a weak
What frigging difference does it make which day it was?!
Uh... Because the scripture specifically commands the devoted to “remember”.

Uh . . . irrelevant to the topic. This lawsuit would be a pile of ridiculous crap whether you approved of which day she observes the Sabbath or not.
The lawsuit is bogus. None the less it isn’t about me. It’s about her claim of having her rights violated. If her assertion is that she shouldn’t have to work on Sunday, due to “remember the Sabbath”; that doesn’t jive with the scripture she’s claiming to adhere to. She sounds like a fraud. Simple as that.

I have no idea what bible you read or what church you attend but you can't be more wrong.

Here are just a couple, there are more.

Are you a christian? If so, when was the last time you read the Bible?

Exodus 35:2
Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.

Exodus 20:8-11
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
My point exactly. You do realize... That Saturday is the 7th day, right? Saturday, Sabado, Sabbath... It’s Saturday. Not Sunday... When’s the last time you folks have looked at a calendar?

Tell that to your christian god and his followers.
Uh... Because the scripture specifically commands the devoted to “remember”.

Uh . . . irrelevant to the topic. This lawsuit would be a pile of ridiculous crap whether you approved of which day she observes the Sabbath or not.
The lawsuit is bogus. None the less it isn’t about me. It’s about her claim of having her rights violated. If her assertion is that she shouldn’t have to work on Sunday, due to “remember the Sabbath”; that doesn’t jive with the scripture she’s claiming to adhere to. She sounds like a fraud. Simple as that.

I have no idea what bible you read or what church you attend but you can't be more wrong.

Here are just a couple, there are more.

Are you a christian? If so, when was the last time you read the Bible?

Exodus 35:2
Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.

Exodus 20:8-11
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
My point exactly. You do realize... That Saturday is the 7th day, right? Saturday, Sabado, Sabbath... It’s Saturday. Not Sunday... When’s the last time you folks have looked at a calendar?

Tell that to your christian god and his followers.

It's amazing the lord' almighty needs to keep changing perfections of the past.
To make it in today's market for new gullible anal lickers of the older anal spews.
Is not accepting child rape an easy way to get tickets to heavens gates?
Uh... Because the scripture specifically commands the devoted to “remember”.

Uh . . . irrelevant to the topic. This lawsuit would be a pile of ridiculous crap whether you approved of which day she observes the Sabbath or not.
The lawsuit is bogus. None the less it isn’t about me. It’s about her claim of having her rights violated. If her assertion is that she shouldn’t have to work on Sunday, due to “remember the Sabbath”; that doesn’t jive with the scripture she’s claiming to adhere to. She sounds like a fraud. Simple as that.

I have no idea what bible you read or what church you attend but you can't be more wrong.

Here are just a couple, there are more.

Are you a christian? If so, when was the last time you read the Bible?

Exodus 35:2
Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.

Exodus 20:8-11
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
My point exactly. You do realize... That Saturday is the 7th day, right? Saturday, Sabado, Sabbath... It’s Saturday. Not Sunday... When’s the last time you folks have looked at a calendar?

Tell that to your christian god and his followers.
If she doesn't want to work Sundays, then the appropriate thing for her to do is to make her acceptance of the job offer contingent on having that day off.

It's sounding like she did. If you'd bother to read before you shoot off your mouth you'd see that she had been working there for six years and always had Sundays off from the very beginning. Then the employer tried to abruptly demand that she become available, firing her when she refused.

If you bothered to think before YOU shoot off your mouth, you would realize that what I said still stands: you make your employment dependent on having Sundays off, and if your employer does not agree, you leave. You are at no time entitled to have them tailor the job to you.
Good for her!

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

— Exodus 20:8-11
Problem is... she wasn’t asking for Saturday’s off. She was complaining about Sunday. The first day of the week...

What frigging difference does it make which day it was?!
Uh... Because the scripture specifically commands the devoted to “remember”.

Uh . . . irrelevant to the topic. This lawsuit would be a pile of ridiculous crap whether you approved of which day she observes the Sabbath or not.
The lawsuit is bogus. None the less it isn’t about me. It’s about her claim of having her rights violated. If her assertion is that she shouldn’t have to work on Sunday, due to “remember the Sabbath”; that doesn’t jive with the scripture she’s claiming to adhere to. She sounds like a fraud. Simple as that.

She has a right to go to church, or go out and evangelize, or whatever. She does NOT have a right to have a particular employer tailor her job to enable her private activities.

And no, she's not a "fraud" because she observes the Sabbath on a different day than you personally think she should. Most mainstream Christian churches that I'm aware of actually do observe the Sabbath on Sunday, not Saturday. Whether or not they are "wrong" in doing so is between them and God; no one else has a legitimate place in determining that.
A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?
You are an idiot.

When will you God Hating tards understand the First Amendment. I am not a Sunday keeper. I am a Sabbatarian, but this was the right decision.

No, it really wasn't, and it has nothing to do with "hating God". You have a right to exercise your beliefs without government interference. You have no right to demand that others adjust to, accommodate, or participate in your exercise of your beliefs. That is your personal issue, and it is solely your responsibility to make your life work around it.
Problem is... she wasn’t asking for Saturday’s off. She was complaining about Sunday. The first day of the week...

What frigging difference does it make which day it was?!
Uh... Because the scripture specifically commands the devoted to “remember”.

Uh . . . irrelevant to the topic. This lawsuit would be a pile of ridiculous crap whether you approved of which day she observes the Sabbath or not.
The lawsuit is bogus. None the less it isn’t about me. It’s about her claim of having her rights violated. If her assertion is that she shouldn’t have to work on Sunday, due to “remember the Sabbath”; that doesn’t jive with the scripture she’s claiming to adhere to. She sounds like a fraud. Simple as that.

She has a right to go to church, or go out and evangelize, or whatever. She does NOT have a right to have a particular employer tailor her job to enable her private activities..
I agree.
Problem is... she wasn’t asking for Saturday’s off. She was complaining about Sunday. The first day of the week...

What frigging difference does it make which day it was?!
Uh... Because the scripture specifically commands the devoted to “remember”.

Uh . . . irrelevant to the topic. This lawsuit would be a pile of ridiculous crap whether you approved of which day she observes the Sabbath or not.
The lawsuit is bogus. None the less it isn’t about me. It’s about her claim of having her rights violated. If her assertion is that she shouldn’t have to work on Sunday, due to “remember the Sabbath”; that doesn’t jive with the scripture she’s claiming to adhere to. She sounds like a fraud. Simple as that.

And no, she's not a "fraud" because she observes the Sabbath on a different day than you personally think she should.
Here is where I disagree. If her lawsuit is predicated on strict adherence to the scriptures of Christianity, and doctrine as laid out in the Holy Bible... Then she is knowingly in error as to her day of remembering, and observing the Sabbath. It makes no matter what other sects, churches, or Christians do. Christians are supposed to follow Christ. Not other Christians. While she is free to practice whatever faith she likes, however she likes to do it within the law; I too am free to criticize her, and call bullshit, by presenting factual information to the contrary.
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Still can't find how the POS hotel owed her $35,000 in back wages. I guess it would be OT pay.
To rack up that much in back pay means the POS Hotel is cheating their employees as a standard.
.Hope the Labor Board reviews all employees pay. It's was the Hiltons, you known
illegal stuff was going on. And sold it to Park Hotels & Resorts

And the Federal limits to sue Corporations etc. should be unlimited in amounts of money and people who sue them Corps cannot be charged atty fees if they lose.
But the Corporation must cover all atty fees for the complaints. Corporations only change their criminal ways if it costs more money that cuts into paying them else and stockholders.
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I don't understand how folks complain about media bias and then they form judgment based on a news article. I'd like to hear what the jury had to say. Was their judgement rendered influenced by the deep pockets they presumed the hotel could afford? I read another article on this case a week or so ago. It had more details supporting the woman's side of the story. If I balance them together, I'm still satisfied leaving it up to the jury who had opportunity to hear the full story.

If I assume that she indeed was fired justifiably for refusing to do her job, then she deserved to be canned just as much as the county clerk (in Kentucky?) a few years ago who refused to sign marriage licenses for same sex marriages. I forget how that one concluded.
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I don't understand how folks complain about media bias and then they form judgment based on a news article. I'd like to hear what the jury had to say. Was their judgement rendered influenced by the deep pockets they presumed the hotel could afford? I read another article on this case a week or so ago. It had more details supporting the woman's side of the story. If I balance them together, I'm still satisfied leaving it up to the jury who had opportunity to hear the full story.

If I assume that she indeed was fired justifiably for refusing to do her job, then she deserved to be canned just as much as the county clerk (in Kentucky?) a few years ago who refused to sign marriage licenses for same sex marriages. I forget how that one concluded.

So if a gullible person's fake religion can't be used in demanding employment requirements.
How weak is the fake lords/god almighty is in the real world picture? Do others see it as just
a weak person scams to feel better about their shitty lives? It's hard not laugh in these losers
faces when they bring up fake gods. But most just grin with enjoyment in their faces. As they can't tell the differences as being mocked or not with a grin..
For the reality-based peoples, seeing how ignorant they are to not understand how stupid they look.
Really it just exposes their gullible to be abused.

LOL.. Religious folks are clueless.
But they rant, it's wrong to make a baker bake it goods the gays will eat. It's wrong for corporations to pay for employment crimes. And priest raping young children's asses for the lord is fine by them. As shown bringing fresh new young anal meat offerings to church every Sunday.

Election: Kim Davis loses re-election bid in Kentucky - CNN
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And where in the hell does a jury get $21 million dollars in damages?! There’s no way in hell this woman would have made that kind of money washing dishes; even if they hadn’t fired her. Even if she lived to be two hundred years old... WTF?!

That's what happens when stupid juries award huge money to defendants.

The jury awarded that 21 million and boy was it way to much.
And where in the hell does a jury get $21 million dollars in damages?! There’s no way in hell this woman would have made that kind of money washing dishes; even if they hadn’t fired her. Even if she lived to be two hundred years old... WTF?!

That's what happens when stupid juries award huge money to defendants.

The jury awarded that 21 million and boy was it way to much.

The hotel should be sued more. And for millions in civil courts.
I'm sure the other victims will use this case to prove their cases.
That will force them to not abuse employees.
So, Mormonism was jist made up about 200 years ago. So does it make the cut?

Scientology, 60 years ago. Old enough to drink from the tap of "real religion"?

The unification chirch is about 60 years old. If I hire a 'moonie', and switch work attire from street clothes to uniforms, can the moonie sue if i fire him for refusing?

A little help here. I need to know how far to backdate my application to the club. It's time for me to get a little piece of this action.

What you aren't seeing is that when she was interviewed she told the employer that she couldn't work on Sundays. At that point the employer was perfectly free to not hire her. They did hire her knowing she won't work Sundays. For 6 years the employer didn't schedule her to work Sundays.

By the act of hiring her knowing she didn't work Sundays that is the employer agreeing with her. By not scheduling her to work on Sundays for 6 years. the employer is consenting to not schedule her to work those days.

Then after all those years out of the blue they demand she worked Sundays. Then fired her when she didn't.

If the employer had not hired her, then their actions didn't agree with her not working on Sundays. If the employer started scheduling her on Sundays from day one of her employ, they wouldn't have by action consented to not schedule her to work on Sundays.

They hired her knowing she doesn't work Sundays. They didn't schedule her to work Sundays for six long years.

The employer's own actions is what this is all about.

I'm not a christian. I used to be a christian in the early 70s but I got over it in a couple years. I've been pagan since the 80s. I'm not a conservative. I've been a liberal all my life.

I don't follow the Bible but I most certainly do support freedom of religion. I also support worker's rights.
That only works if she got it in writing.
A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?

Well , this is the inevitable result of you idiots fighting for the COTUS to apply to private businesses.

And if this had been a gay fired for being gay you would be in agreement with the jury award because as per usual with liberals you have no principles.
And where in the hell does a jury get $21 million dollars in damages?! There’s no way in hell this woman would have made that kind of money washing dishes; even if they hadn’t fired her. Even if she lived to be two hundred years old... WTF?!

That's what happens when stupid juries award huge money to defendants.

The jury awarded that 21 million and boy was it way to much.

The hotel should be sued more. And for millions in civil courts.
I'm sure the other victims will use this case to prove their cases.
That will force them to not abuse employees.

LMAO Well that "abuse" wasn't worth 21 million dollars. Hell it wasn't worth 100 thousand. Now they will up the prices on everything.

Hope the "religious dishwasher" is happy.
A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?

Well , this is the inevitable result of you idiots fighting for the COTUS to apply to private businesses.

And if this had been a gay fired for being gay you would be in agreement with the jury award because as per usual with liberals you have no principles.

Your MAGA exposes both sides of your whitey.
MAGA; More Angry Gullible Aryons

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