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Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million, finding employer violated her BS religious anus rights'

A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?
If the Hotel agreed to her insistence that she be allowed to not work on Sundays due to her hokey religion, then the hotel should have allowed her to have Sundays off, however, 21.5 million is an absurd amount and juries can be idiots agreeing with such figures.
I feel some people who believe in gods made this happen.
Or at least was in the lords plan to happen.
Sad Whitey religious folks are so bigoted to approve the lords plans.
To date, there is no hard evidence for the existence of an invisible deity that supposedly created everything, knows all and sees all and having "faith" in the existence of such nonsense, doesn't make it so.
But forcing a baker to make a cake for a homo wedding is A-OK.

Shove off.

WEAK. Can't have it both ways. Even as they're no gods.
Shut up, worm food....

So you feel the black female should not get paid here?
Would it be rightie to pay a whitey female?
I agree that the woman should be paid, I am calling you worm food because when you die, that is all you will amount to..Dont worry, I wont feel sorry for you either...
A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?
If the Hotel agreed to her insistence that she be allowed to not work on Sundays due to her hokey religion, then the hotel should have allowed her to have Sundays off, however, 21.5 million is an absurd amount and juries can be idiots agreeing with such figures.
I feel some people who believe in gods made this happen.
Or at least was in the lords plan to happen.
Sad Whitey religious folks are so bigoted to approve the lords plans.
To date, there is no hard evidence for the existence of an invisible deity that supposedly created everything, knows all and sees all and having "faith" in the existence of such nonsense, doesn't make it so.
Glad to hear it, but....what if you are wrong? Bwaaaahhhaaaaa. You also will be just worm food....
But forcing a baker to make a cake for a homo wedding is A-OK.

Shove off.

WEAK. Can't have it both ways. Even as they're no gods.
Shut up, worm food....

So you feel the black female should not get paid here?
Would it be rightie to pay a whitey female?
I agree that the woman should be paid, I am calling you worm food because when you die, that is all you will amount to..Dont worry, I wont feel sorry for you either...
Do you believe in fake lords/gods 100%?
Or just the average 23% you feel its real?
She had told them when they hired her back in 2006-

Pierre said in the lawsuit that she informed the Conrad Miami from the beginning of her employment that she could not work Sundays because of her religious beliefs.

“I love God. No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God,” Pierre said Wednesday to NBC Miami.

Her lawyer, Marc Brumer, said Hilton argued in court that it was unaware Pierre was a missionary, and never knew why she always wanted Sundays off.

In 2009, she alleges the hotel scheduled her to work on a Sunday, according to the lawsuit. She says she told her employer she would have to resign, but in an effort to persuade her not to quit, they accommodated her request until 2015.

Sometime in 2015, the kitchen manager at the Conrad Miami, “demanded” Pierre work Sundays, the lawsuit states and for a short time allowed her to swap shifts with other coworkers to have the day off.

On March 31, 2016, Pierre says she was fired for alleged misconduct, negligence and “unexcused absences,” according to the lawsuit.

Although there is a cap on punitive damage awards in federal court, Pierre’s attorney said he expects she will receive at least $500,000.

A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?
Interesting...did she have that request in writing? And was it approved? If so, she's got them.
Seems Godvernment worship. Needs Federal Gobmint laws to keep the BS alive.
Really weak for the so-called almighty.

Tyrants attack religion first. Show us the government funding of religion, say versus Planned Parenthood.
Tyrants abuse ignorant followers to meet a need. Are you saying you are one?
You should be sucking my dick by now.

You got nothing on government funding then. Just as I thought. Admitting you are a tyrant was interesting. Apparently a gay one at that. Color me not impressed. By the way sit, stay roll over.
Good boy!
Seems Godvernment worship. Needs Federal Gobmint laws to keep the BS alive.
Really weak for the so-called almighty.

Tyrants attack religion first. Show us the government funding of religion, say versus Planned Parenthood.
Tyrants abuse ignorant followers to meet a need. Are you saying you are one?
You should be sucking my dick by now.

You got nothing on government funding then. Just as I thought. Admitting you are a tyrant was interesting. Apparently a gay one at that. Color me not impressed. By the way sit, stay roll over.
Good boy!
Keep DOPer deflecting.
She had told them when they hired her back in 2006-

Pierre said in the lawsuit that she informed the Conrad Miami from the beginning of her employment that she could not work Sundays because of her religious beliefs.

“I love God. No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God,” Pierre said Wednesday to NBC Miami.

Her lawyer, Marc Brumer, said Hilton argued in court that it was unaware Pierre was a missionary, and never knew why she always wanted Sundays off.

In 2009, she alleges the hotel scheduled her to work on a Sunday, according to the lawsuit. She says she told her employer she would have to resign, but in an effort to persuade her not to quit, they accommodated her request until 2015.

Sometime in 2015, the kitchen manager at the Conrad Miami, “demanded” Pierre work Sundays, the lawsuit states and for a short time allowed her to swap shifts with other coworkers to have the day off.

On March 31, 2016, Pierre says she was fired for alleged misconduct, negligence and “unexcused absences,” according to the lawsuit.

Although there is a cap on punitive damage awards in federal court, Pierre’s attorney said he expects she will receive at least $500,000.

A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?
Interesting...did she have that request in writing? And was it approved? If so, she's got them.

So either the claim of faith is BS. Or you feel paying she for BS is wrong.
I don't feel one ounce of pity for the company. Tough...pay up.

Fake faith is BS. But we need to pay them to keep the Fake faith BS alive for the gulibles.

So threatened, it is very funny to watch you. I have to wonder where you lost your self worth.
Self-worth starts by not being a slave to BS fake man made up gods/lords.
I read the gullibility in you keeps you from enjoying a meaningful full life.
Good for her!

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

— Exodus 20:8-11
Problem is... she wasn’t asking for Saturday’s off. She was complaining about Sunday. The first day of the week...

What frigging difference does it make which day it was?!
Uh... Because the scripture specifically commands the devoted to “remember”.

Uh . . . irrelevant to the topic. This lawsuit would be a pile of ridiculous crap whether you approved of which day she observes the Sabbath or not.
The lawsuit is bogus. None the less it isn’t about me. It’s about her claim of having her rights violated. If her assertion is that she shouldn’t have to work on Sunday, due to “remember the Sabbath”; that doesn’t jive with the scripture she’s claiming to adhere to. She sounds like a fraud. Simple as that.

I have no idea what bible you read or what church you attend but you can't be more wrong.

Here are just a couple, there are more.

Are you a christian? If so, when was the last time you read the Bible?

Exodus 35:2
Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.

Exodus 20:8-11
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
Problem is... she wasn’t asking for Saturday’s off. She was complaining about Sunday. The first day of the week...

What frigging difference does it make which day it was?!
Uh... Because the scripture specifically commands the devoted to “remember”.

Uh . . . irrelevant to the topic. This lawsuit would be a pile of ridiculous crap whether you approved of which day she observes the Sabbath or not.
The lawsuit is bogus. None the less it isn’t about me. It’s about her claim of having her rights violated. If her assertion is that she shouldn’t have to work on Sunday, due to “remember the Sabbath”; that doesn’t jive with the scripture she’s claiming to adhere to. She sounds like a fraud. Simple as that.

I have no idea what bible you read or what church you attend but you can't be more wrong.

Here are just a couple, there are more.

Are you a christian? If so, when was the last time you read the Bible?

Exodus 35:2
Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.

Exodus 20:8-11
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

I feel they have updated the BS from them days as called out later.
But your points are valid in the whole contents of made up BS for the lords' love.
Seems some kids need to be raped to justify loving the lords' new views.
But, seems this is a standard requirement for the lords' love to get into heaven.
Make them bleed godly loving morons. You're getting closer to the promise lands.
Last edited:
I don't feel one ounce of pity for the company. Tough...pay up.

Fake faith is BS. But we need to pay them to keep the Fake faith BS alive for the gulibles.

So threatened, it is very funny to watch you. I have to wonder where you lost your self worth.
Self-worth starts by not being a slave to BS fake man made up gods/lords.
I read the gullibility in you keeps you from enjoying a meaningful full life.

I am not the one spouting hate. That comes from a place of fear and diminished self worth.
English, please.
She had told them when they hired her back in 2006-

Pierre said in the lawsuit that she informed the Conrad Miami from the beginning of her employment that she could not work Sundays because of her religious beliefs.

“I love God. No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God,” Pierre said Wednesday to NBC Miami.

Her lawyer, Marc Brumer, said Hilton argued in court that it was unaware Pierre was a missionary, and never knew why she always wanted Sundays off.

In 2009, she alleges the hotel scheduled her to work on a Sunday, according to the lawsuit. She says she told her employer she would have to resign, but in an effort to persuade her not to quit, they accommodated her request until 2015.

Sometime in 2015, the kitchen manager at the Conrad Miami, “demanded” Pierre work Sundays, the lawsuit states and for a short time allowed her to swap shifts with other coworkers to have the day off.

On March 31, 2016, Pierre says she was fired for alleged misconduct, negligence and “unexcused absences,” according to the lawsuit.

Although there is a cap on punitive damage awards in federal court, Pierre’s attorney said he expects she will receive at least $500,000.

A former hotel dishwasher has been awarded $21.5 million in damages after a jury found that her previous employer violated her religious rights.

Marie Jean Pierre, 60, sued the Park Hotels & Resorts, accusing the group of violating her civil rights by firing her for being unable to work on Sundays, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

Pierre, who had worked as a dishwasher at the Conrad Miami Hotel, had requested from the beginning of her employment that she have Sundays off to participate in Christian missionary work to help the poor, according to NBC News.

"I love God,” she told the local NBC affiliate. “No work on Sunday, because Sunday I honor God."
Jury awards hotel dishwasher $21 million after finding employer violated her religious rights

:dunno: I say Follower of fake gods/lords & MAGA DOPers approves of this, rightie'?
Or you disapprove of this, as it's a black female dishwasher?
Will the great Douche tweet about this for the DOPers?
Interesting...did she have that request in writing? And was it approved? If so, she's got them.

So either the claim of faith is BS. Or you feel paying she for BS is wrong.
Problem is... she wasn’t asking for Saturday’s off. She was complaining about Sunday. The first day of the week...

What frigging difference does it make which day it was?!
Uh... Because the scripture specifically commands the devoted to “remember”.

Uh . . . irrelevant to the topic. This lawsuit would be a pile of ridiculous crap whether you approved of which day she observes the Sabbath or not.
The lawsuit is bogus. None the less it isn’t about me. It’s about her claim of having her rights violated. If her assertion is that she shouldn’t have to work on Sunday, due to “remember the Sabbath”; that doesn’t jive with the scripture she’s claiming to adhere to. She sounds like a fraud. Simple as that.

I have no idea what bible you read or what church you attend but you can't be more wrong.

Here are just a couple, there are more.

Are you a christian? If so, when was the last time you read the Bible?

Exodus 35:2
Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.

Exodus 20:8-11
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
My point exactly. You do realize... That Saturday is the 7th day, right? Saturday, Sabado, Sabbath... It’s Saturday. Not Sunday... When’s the last time you folks have looked at a calendar?
I don't feel one ounce of pity for the company. Tough...pay up.

Fake faith is BS. But we need to pay them to keep the Fake faith BS alive for the gulibles.

So threatened, it is very funny to watch you. I have to wonder where you lost your self worth.
Self-worth starts by not being a slave to BS fake man made up gods/lords.
I read the gullibility in you keeps you from enjoying a meaningful full life.

I am not the one spouting hate. That comes from a place of fear and diminished self worth.
Can someone hate fake shit that they know is fake? Why? How can they hate what they know is fake BS?
Or are we pointing out fake shit others hate to admit they are fools to do so?
Can someone hate fake shit that they know is fake? Why? How can they hate what they know is fake BS?
Or are we pointing out fake shit others hate to admit they are fools to do so?

You're the one with hate and self worth issues, you tell us. Then we will laugh and move on.
Can someone hate fake shit that they know is fake? Why? How can they hate what they know is fake BS?
Or are we pointing out fake shit others hate to admit they are fools to do so?

Your the one with hate and self worth issues, you tell us. Then we will laugh and move on.
There are no gods/lords. How can I lose self-worth for your weak failures to be rational?
When I was a kid, you could pay me for a fool. When I became a man I stopped being played as a fool.
Butt... Keep sucking fake made up godly/lordly dicks to justify your failed life.

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