Jury Orders Giuliani to Pay $148 Million to Election Workers He Defamed

Scum gargling cuck libturd mental case:

I see you backing down. It’s a small first step.

Let me slow down the words on the screen down for you:

A judgment in a tort suit is
in bankruptcy.

I guess that’s not clear enough for your one vestigial brain cell to grasp.

Tough. Gfy.
Good. Now, we are getting somewhere. Now, prove your statement that:

"A judgment in a tort suit is
in bankruptcy."

Go. But you won't because... you are a retard and you retards never back up your statements with proof but hey, surprise me. Go.
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Good. Now, we are getting somewhere.
No you are finally getting somewhere. I note again that you were unable to find any quote or post of mine where I ever said that Rudy could discharge his civil tort suit judgment in bankruptcy.

So: you lied. And you don’t even have the balls to admit that you lied.

Now, prove your statement that:
"A judgment in a tort suit is
in bankruptcy."

Go. But you won't because... you are a retard and you retards never back up your statements with proof but hey, surprise me. Go.
Why would I need to prove that?

Wait. Are you denying it?

So, it your claim that I’m wrong? Are you NOW contending that bankruptcy discharges all debts including tort judgments? :cuckoo:

Make up your mind, you fucking dishonest waffling imbecile.
If only Rudy had claimed…..I think there was election fraud in Georgia
That information may have helped him

But he specifically pointed to two election workers and stated THEY were the ones committing fraud
He specifically stated that they loaded fake votes and double counted votes.
It was untrue, cruel and dangerous

That is why he must pay BIGLY

Guess you're not aware of where the two women worked and one was in charge of. Yep, Fulton county GA, you know the place my link says 17.852 illegal votes were processed. And the two were the ones seen on surveillance pulling boxes of ballots from under tables after they sent all the observers home. I noticed pretty much all of the news stories just say they were GA election workers and omit where they worked and one was in charge of the counting. Oh and lets not forget, those 17,852 votes were greater than xidens win in GA. It's a shame it takes this long to prove election fraud on that scale.

I don't mean to be intrusive in my inquiry, but........but why would you be worried about Rudy?
Or his money?

What's up with that?


Well, that "obvious fraud" thingy seems to problematic. No?

I mean by that, if it was so obvious.....why was Rudy even brought to trial?

And if it was so obvious, why didn't Rudy use it as his sure-fire never-fail defense? But he didn't. What's up with that?

And did his refusal to use it as his go-to defense earn him the $147,000,000 judgement?

Do you think Gateway Pundit will now use your percieved 'obvious fraud' defense when Ruby & Shay Freeman's case against them goes to trial? (or to the settlement table?)

There seems to be a disconnect between your belief there is "obvious fraud".....and how the real world is dealing with it as an issue.

In other words, it doesn't really seem to be an issue, except amongst a small circle of fringie right-fielders.

It's not Rudy. It's the two democrat activists playing the system.
No you are finally getting somewhere. I note again that you were unable to find any quote or post of mine where I ever said that Rudy could discharge his civil tort suit judgment in bankruptcy.

So: you lied. And you don’t even have the balls to admit that you lied.

Why would I need to prove that?

Wait. Are you denying it?

So, it your claim that I’m wrong? Are you NOW contending that bankruptcy discharges all debts including tort judgments? :cuckoo:

Make up your mind, you fucking dishonest waffling imbecile.
Retard. Not only I denied it but I proved it with facts. Go back and read it. Now, your turn. Did you really think I am going to let you off the hook, retard? :auiqs.jpg:

Prove that declaring bankruptcy in Georgia will magically make the fine go bye-bye. Go.

You won't because you are a retard and you retards never back up your statements with proof but hey, surprise me. Go.
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Umm? There seemingly is an argument to be made that....'No, there isn't."

Why do I say that?

Well, if there was ----- I am almost nearly convinced that maybe possibly Rudy woulda shown it at his trial as sort of a defense.

But he didn't.


But you be you, poster Redfish.

[Clue for the cluefull: The guy who was in charge of all that vote stuff in Georgia, the Republican Secretary of State, said this in a direct phone call on January 2nd, 2020, to the then President of the United States of America, and I quote it directly:

You’re talking about the State Farm video. And I think it’s extremely unfortunate that Rudy Giuliani or his people, they sliced and diced that video and took it out of context. The next day we brought in WSB-TV and we let them show, see the full run of tape and what you’ll see, the events that transpired are nowhere near what was projected by, you know —"]

Yet now Gov Kemp says 17,852 illegal votes were processed there, GO FIGURE!

Retard. Not only I denied it but I proved it with facts. Go back and read it. Now, your turn. Did you really think I am going to let you off the hook, retard? :auiqs.jpg:

Prove that declaring bankruptcy in Georgia will magically make the fine go bye-bye. Go.

You won't because you are a retard and you retards never back up your statements with proof but hey, surprise me. Go.
You’re a liar.

And it’s plain for all to see.

You lied. Now you lie about lying.

You cannot quote anything ever posted in which I made the claim you dishonestly attribute to me.

Your fail is complete here. But, of course, your fail is otherwise eternal. That’s the fate of moron lying assholes like you.
Maybe not.
Sorta irrelevant now in the bigger picture.


Meaning do you think Rudy will continue to publicly claim they fraudulently created votes?

Do you think Fox, OAN, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, Alex Jones, Don Trump, Steve Bannon, and various Rightfield bloggers will?

And therein lies the lesson. 'Irresponsibly accuse, see what happens."

Which leads to the real value of this gabillion$$ award. It gives warning: 'F**k Around And Find Out'
Rudy was already on Steve Bannon's show spewing the same old shit.
The Fulton county GA vote fraud is recorded on video. it has been suppressed by the lying left wing media, but the truth is coming out. trump won Ga by a substantial margin.
Where's the suit filed by Trump over this impressive piece of evidence? Why smear people if you can charge em?
Trump had his victory stollen by two nobodies from Georgia and Trump doesn't drag those women into court. Heck he's even got a video. What the fuck is wrong with Trump?
Guess you're not aware of where the two women worked and one was in charge of. Yep, Fulton county GA, you know the place my link says 17.852 illegal votes were processed. And the two were the ones seen on surveillance pulling boxes of ballots from under tables after they sent all the observers home. I noticed pretty much all of the news stories just say they were GA election workers and omit where they worked and one was in charge of the counting. Oh and lets not forget, those 17,852 votes were greater than xidens win in GA. It's a shame it takes this long to prove election fraud on that scale.

Double down on stupid
The women were innocent
The Fulton county GA vote fraud is recorded on video. it has been suppressed by the lying left wing media, but the truth is coming out. trump won Ga by a substantial margin.
You know that outfits like Fox and Gateway Pundit peddle stuff like this video because they know they are dealing with the dumbest mofos on the planet.
You’re a liar.

And it’s plain for all to see.

You lied. Now you lie about lying.

You cannot quote anything ever posted in which I made the claim you dishonestly attribute to me.

Your fail is complete here. But, of course, your fail is otherwise eternal. That’s the fate of moron lying assholes like you.
:itsok: Poor retard struggling to respond. Nope, you are not getting away that easy. Maybe, should try another font color? Sure, here goes...

Prove that declaring bankruptcy in Georgia will magically make the fine go bye-bye. Go.

You won't because you are a retard and you retards never back up your statements with proof but hey, surprise me. Go.
Prove that declaring bankruptcy in Georgia will magically make the fine go bye-bye. Go.
I have no need to “prove” something I never claimed, you idiot.

Notice that you’re still far too much of a lying pussy to quote me and link the alleged quote of me ever saying any such thing. You won’t because you can’t.

I do hope the use of large font size and bolding and color assists you in feeling shame for being the lying pussy you are.
"You know that outfits like Fox and Gateway Pundit peddle stuff like this video because they know they are dealing with the dumbest mofos on the planet."

Well, I for one, will give some grace to those "Mofos".....and not call 'em that for now.
So let's move on to OAN, One America News.
One America got sued by the Freemans too.
But, it seems, they saw the train comin' at 'em......and they settled before the Giuliani dollarpalooza hit the headlines. Bet they are glad they did.

So, as far as I can determine, that leaves the Hoft twins, Jim & Joe, and their Gateway Pundit staring at the headlights comin' at 'em.

We'll try to watch that case too. After all this bit of business for the last 10 days or so with America's Clown Mayor has been a hoot.

As mentioned earlier, the Hoft boys cannot be happy with the $148,000,000 award against Rudy. After all, it was the Pundit who was the frontrunner in getting this slander and defamation going. Rudy's judgement sets a marker....(maybe a floor?).

And the Gateway Pundit's 'accountability'... could go higher yet?

I love this bar.


"Plaintiffs Ruby Freeman and Wandrea Moss filed the case against James Hoft, Joseph Hoft, and TGP Communications LLC (the business which operates The Gateway Pundit) in December 2021. The suit alleges two counts of defamation (one involving Freeman, the other involving Moss) and one count of intentional infliction of emotional distress. It seeks nominal damages, compensatory damages (including general, actual, consequential, and special damages), punitive damages*, attorneys’ fees, and costs, but no dollar amounts are listed.

The same two election worker plaintiffs are also suing Rudy Guliani in a similar case. That case remains in federal court in Washington, D.C. Several defendants connected to the One America News Network recently settled their end of that case on what the parties called “fair and reasonable terms.” However, the litigation against Giuliani has continued.


*Note: it was "punitive damages" all by themselves that got layered onto Rudy for $75,000,000. The Hofts had a very bad no good day last Friday, I'm thinkin'

Well, I for one, will give some grace to those "Mofos".....and not call 'em that for now.
So let's move on to OAN, One America News.
One America got sued by the Freemans too.
But, it seems, they saw the train comin' at 'em......and they settled before the Giuliani dollarpalooza hit the headlines. Bet they are glad they did.

So, as far as I can determine, that leaves the Hoft twins, Jim & Joe, and their Gateway Pundit staring at the headlights comin' at 'em.

We'll try to watch that case too. After all this bit of business for the last 10 days or so with America's Clown Mayor has been a hoot.

As mentioned earlier, the Hoft boys cannot be happy with the $148,000,000 award against Rudy. After all, it was the Pundit who was the frontrunner in getting this slander and defamation going. Rudy's judgement sets a marker....(maybe a floor?).

And the Gateway Pundit's 'accountability'... could go higher yet?

I love this bar.


"Plaintiffs Ruby Freeman and Wandrea Moss filed the case against James Hoft, Joseph Hoft, and TGP Communications LLC (the business which operates The Gateway Pundit) in December 2021. The suit alleges two counts of defamation (one involving Freeman, the other involving Moss) and one count of intentional infliction of emotional distress. It seeks nominal damages, compensatory damages (including general, actual, consequential, and special damages), punitive damages*, attorneys’ fees, and costs, but no dollar amounts are listed.

The same two election worker plaintiffs are also suing Rudy Guliani in a similar case. That case remains in federal court in Washington, D.C. Several defendants connected to the One America News Network recently settled their end of that case on what the parties called “fair and reasonable terms.” However, the litigation against Giuliani has continued.


*Note: it was "punitive damages" all by themselves that got layered onto Rudy for $75,000,000. The Hofts had a very bad no good day last Friday, I'm thinkin'
I'm gonna stick with dumb mofos. So fucking dumb they never wondered why Rudy or Trump never took Ruby and Shayne to court, using the video as evidence against 'em. MAGAs are not simply dumb, they are dangerously stupid.
Rudy's gonna file bankruptcy. Those vote stealers in Georgia aren't going to see a red cent out of it. They'll be lucky if they don't end up having to pay more to their lawyers than they ever collect.
It's judicial abuse of the most open nature. What's worse is to the fact that he's teething the truth about them.

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