Just 12 People Are Behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes On Social Media, Research Shows

Gonna sign up for never ending jabs?

You're probably that stupid
Sadly enough many will to their own demise.

rip cv braveheart star.jpg
You would ask that of a journalist. Or of a scientist.

Anti-Press, anti-science... what ideology would correlate with those 2 traits? Nazism, for one.
I ask that of propagandists, many of whom are now so-called journalists and scientists.
In the news media Tucker Carlson is one of them. He constantly spreads the anti-vaccine message on his show but will not answer if you ask him if got vaccinated. My guess...he's vaccinated but would look absolutely hypocritical to his viewers if that fact came out so he refuses to give an answer. Actually everybody at Fox News is probably vaccinated due to the home office's policy on vaccinations...Fox Corp. implementing its own version of a vaccine passport
I watch Tucker every night. Not once did he say something remotely anti vaccine. Not even one time.
Notice the actual word(s)... ANTI, against, VACCINE, scientific preventative of viral infection

Vaccines stop the spread of viruses. While a vaccinated person is capable of still spreading COVID, this is of shorter duration and lower intensity. Vaccines work. Note where the explosions of cases (and deaths) are now occurring. Springfield, Missouri. Non-vaccinated Qtips.
The highest unvaccinated groups are black and brown people, tens of thousands of whom are being allowed to break in to the country and are being transported to places like, say, Springfield, MO.
I watch Tucker every night. Not once did he say something remotely anti vaccine. Not even one time.
True dat. Not only has he not said he was opposed to vaccines but every discussion he has on the topic he prefaces with the caveat that he doesn’t oppose vaccines.
Hell I don't oppose vaccines either. But the ones I don't oppose are REAL vaccines, that have been through YEARS of trials and tests and have been proven safe. Not some concoction of god knows what thrown together in a couple of weeks and rushed through with emergency use authorization.

Fuck that.
The Disinformation Dozen are responsible for up to 65% of antivaccine content

Executive Summary

1. The Disinformation Dozen are twelve anti-vaxxers who play leading roles in spreading digital misinformation about Covid vaccines. They were selected because they have large numbers of followers, produce high volumes of anti-vaccine content or have seen rapid growth of their social media accounts in the last two months.

2. Analysis of a sample of anti-vaccine content that was shared or posted on Facebook and Twitter a total of 812,000 times between 1 February and 16 March 2021 shows that 65 percent of anti-
vaccine content is attributable to the Disinformation Dozen.

3. Despite repeatedly violating Facebook, Instagram and Twitter’s terms of service agreements, nine of the Disinformation Dozen remain on all three platforms, while just three have been comprehensively removed from just one platform.

4. This is the product of a series of failures from social media platforms:

.....a. Research conducted by CCDH last year has shown that platforms fail to act on 95 percent of the Covid and vaccine misinformation reported to them.

.....b. CCDH’s recent report, Malgorithm, uncovered evidence that Instagram’s algorithm actively recommends similar misinformation.

.....c. Tracking of 425 anti-vaccine accounts by CCDH shows that their total following across platforms now stood at 59.2 million in December, an increase of 877,000 more than they had in June.

.....d. CCDH’s ongoing tracking shows that the 20 anti-vaxxers with the largest followings account for over two-thirds of this total cross-platform following of 59.2 million.

5. Analysis of anti-vaccine content posted to Facebook over 689,000 times in the last two months shows that up to 73 percent of that content originates with members of the Disinformation Dozen of leading online anti-vaxxers.

6. Facebook’s own internal analysis of vaccine hesitant content on its platform is likely to underestimate the influence of leading anti-vaxxers by failing to address the ultimate source of this content, and by the recorded failure of its algorithms to identify content concerning vaccines.

7. Analysis of over 120,000 anti-vaccine tweets collected in the last two months shows that up to 17 percent feature the Disinformation Dozen of leading online anti-vaxxers.

8. The most effective and efficient way to stop the dissemination of harmful information is to deplatform the most highly visible repeat offenders, who we term the Disinformation Dozen. This should also include the organisations these individuals control or fund, as well as any backup accounts they have established to evade removal.

9. Platforms should establish a clear threshold for enforcement action, such as two strikes, after which restrictions are applied to accounts short of deplaforming them.

10. Users should be presented with warning screens when attempting to follow links to sites known to host vaccine misinformation, and users exposed to posts containing misinformation should be shown effective corrections.

11. Facebook should not allow private and secret anti-vaccine Groups where dangerous anti-vaccine disinformation can be spread with impunity.

For instance;

1 Joseph Mercola Facebook: Active Twitter: Active Instagram: Active Joseph Mercola is a successful anti-vaccine entrepreneur, peddling dietary supplements and false cures as alternatives to vaccines. Mercola’s combined personal social media accounts have around 3.6 million followers


There is $$$ to be made.

Nobody likes censorship. But with 615,000 people dead from COVID, countless more with lifelong debilitating damage to their lungs and a growing list of other bodily processes, there has gotta be a limit.

"The highly contagious delta variant is responsible for an estimated 83 percent of COVID-19 cases across the United States."

Short of dying.

"several states that are reporting the highest number of new infections are also seeing vaccination rates higher than the nation's average. Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Missouri and Nevada were the states officials said have seen the increase."

Do you gotta be hit upside the head with a board to figure out the difference between fantasy and reality?

The first thing that should be censored is the bullshit statistic 615,000. It smells like a barn full.

I think we need to start looking at connecting all the dots and why/who our bureaucrats and politicians are that are going along with all this too. What treaties or agreements have been made that undermine our personal liberties, freedom of choice, etc..

Global governance for the benefit of....? Not thinking it is we the people in all this.
An International Agreement on Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness

2005 is when it started really take shape for a NWO cabal of elites and their corporates. Bio metrics and a biopass on every citizen in the world. Australia apparently has set a 2023 deadline for having theirs all stabbed and jabbed.

I know everyone doesn't like wiki but check out the references, peoples and links to them.

His wifey Allison Russo - Ballotpedia

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