Just 3% High School Students Pass the Citizenship Test

Has that come in handy for ya over the years?

Yes. It proved my mind was competent. I proved that I could strive for a goal and get rewarded when I achieved it. I proved I was willing to work for something.

It proved a lot of things kids today don't care about. This is why your generation is eating tide pods and think men can give birth.
The power of the purse.

I like the idea of each state running its own educational system. That way we have 50 experiments going on at the same time. The best systems can be adopted by states with low ratings in public education.


Rather than mandating direct federal oversight of schools — telling states what to do — ESEA offered states funding for education programs on a conditional basis. In other words, states could receive federal funding provided they met the requirements outlined in certain sections, or titles, of the act.


The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) marked a new level of federal oversight by requiring states to set more rigorous student evaluation standards and, through testing, demonstrate “adequate yearly progress” in how those standards were met. Flaws in the law quickly surfaced. Standards did not take into account the differences between student populations, and so, according to West, the Department of Education often ended up “evaluating schools as much on the students they serve as opposed to their effectiveness in serving them.”
Did you notice that the word "curriculum" never appears in your post?
Most of it. Did you even look at it?

And why are you defending today’s education process? We have high school students performing at the sixth grade level, and many Democrat-run cities where the majority aren’t proficient in either math or English. In Baltimore, not a SINGLE student was proficient in math!
Did you note that over 50% of those questions are archaic! The best area of questioning was arithmetic, which actually was algebra and geometry questions. Only 3 of those questions were archaic.

Many of the questions were outright stupid? The History questions were almost all irrelevant to modern day.

Do you know where Liverpool is located? How about the Wasatch mountains?

The Physiology questions were fine for the most part as I know most of them were still taught.

Do you want to know the real kicker about this test? I held certifications in math and social studied for grades 6-12. The last school district where I taught before retiring was Bullitt County, Kentucky, which was the source of this test.
Stimulating and developing synaptic connections is almost more important than content. By memorization and repetition, the brain grows in possibilities. Then, when the Internet goes out, the brain goes on.
Where did you take the Psychology of Learning required to obtain a teacher certification? If you did you would know you are 100% dead wrong.
Memorization of mostly irrelevant facts is

Me spending weeks in the fifth grade to memorize State Capitols was irrelevant
Learning Roman Numerals was irrelevant
Spending months on cursive writing didn’t matter.

Kids today have to function in a modern world of an internet, social media, WiFi, global contacts
If they spend less time memorizing facts than we did….so be it

You do realize that is one or two class lessons required to learn. Right? Not a lot of wasted time there.
Not really
Other than Super Bowls there are not many uses for Roman Numerals
You may learn Roman Numerals in Third Grade but forget most of them by graduation

Well, that's you and your choice. Feel free.

And that's okay with me.

You obviously also believe that you NEVER use Latin. Go right on ahead and believe that.

Reading posts on this Site and others, it is clear that many literate adults have no idea of the roles of the three branches of government, or the relationship between the Feds and States, as established in the U.S. Constitution.

In a sane world, every HS senior should have to pass the citizenship test, and a mandatory class would be offered, focused on that test.

How the hell can you vote intelligently if you don't even know the role of the elected position you are voting for?
And just 1/3 of American adults pass.

The best way to destroy a nation is from within. An entire generation has no idea how our nation got here, how it exists. And without that knowledge is easily manipulated.

See how you do with some of the questions.

Did you notice that the word "curriculum" never appears in your post?
What is your point? I noticed the term “ literacy rate“ doesn’t appear in your post.

Reading posts on this Site and others, it is clear that many literate adults have no idea of the roles of the three branches of government, or the relationship between the Feds and States, as established in the U.S. Constitution.

In a sane world, every HS senior should have to pass the citizenship test, and a mandatory class would be offered, focused on that test.

How the hell can you vote intelligently if you don't even know the role of the elected position you are voting for?
Imagine voting if you can't read what's on the ballot with certainty.

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