Just 3% High School Students Pass the Citizenship Test

Reading posts on this Site and others, it is clear that many literate adults have no idea of the roles of the three branches of government, or the relationship between the Feds and States, as established in the U.S. Constitution.

In a sane world, every HS senior should have to pass the citizenship test, and a mandatory class would be offered, focused on that test.

How the hell can you vote intelligently if you don't even know the role of the elected position you are voting for?
According to the ‘teachers’ posting in this thread, they don’t have to teach anything because they can just find out on their phone.

Like any millennial uses a phone for anything more than calls, texts and looking at porn.
And just 1/3 of American adults pass.
What do you have to say about the Southern Red States Dominating the "Most Failures" List.

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 4.35.29 PM.png

What percentage of young Americans supported NAZISM in 1965?


30% support Bin Laden.

Good job educating.
I don't see a link to any of that. Did you forget to include links? While you're at it, include links to who was polled specifically about this in 1965; how many people, where, and how. If you want to be taken even a little bit seriously, you'd better be damn sure it's exactly the same as polling today.

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