Just 3% High School Students Pass the Citizenship Test

Stop taking Federal money. All school districts are independent and locally run, there is no Federal school system. Just admit most of you want the Federal subsidies and not having to pay taxes to support your own schools. Most parents don't want to bother with educating their own kids.


So do I.

I agree with him regarding the importance of critical thinking skills but I learned critical thinking right alongside of the rote memorization. I don't know why he thinks they must be mutually exclusive.

I wish I could tally the amount of confidence it has given me to know all those memorized things -- Latin, fractions, geography, to name just a few.

I'm betting the education I got in the 60's had something to do with why I got straight A's in vocational/technical school, and would have done the same for my medical education if I had chosen to complete it.

Exactly! These liberal teachers dismiss learning facts as “rote memorization” because they want to spend more time on social justice nonsense. Then the kids “graduate“ from high school performing worse in basic math and English than 7th graders of our generation.
Contrary to what modern standards allow, getting to the 8th grade was a big deal 100 years ago. No social promotion then. 'High school' was mostly trade schools back then, i.e. one took business focused programs or technical school shop type programs after 8th grade, and in many cases after 6th grade.
Contrary to what modern standards allow, getting to the 8th grade was a big deal 100 years ago. No social promotion then. 'High school' was mostly trade schools back then, i.e. one took business focused programs or technical school shop type programs after 8th grade, and in many cases after 6th grade.
Exactly. I used to think my grandmother, may she RIP, was uneducated since she only completed 8th grade before she had to start working to help support the family - until I saw that test from 1912. She was more educated than the average college freshman.

I also remember her telling me that her 6th grade class has to memorize the first full paragraph of Paul Reverse’s ride - and then she repeated it for me, 70 years later, at the age of 82! I bet most students today couldn’t tell you the opening line, or worse….never even heard of it.
Trump probably felt like Custer at Little Big Horn. His entire first term was hurt by the fact that everybody in the D.C. Swamp including the FBI and all the alphabet intelligence agencies were out to remove him from office.

The Swamp LOVES its corruption and doesn’t like Presidents it really doesn’t control. The gravy train must continue to roll at all costs.

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He needs to go back in with Seal Teams and Patriots this time
Did you read the test? LOTS of figuring out - not rote memorization.

And today’s students have such great analytical skills that the majority can’t pass basic math and English. In the Baltimore Democrat city, not a single high school student was proficient in math.

Todays students have the equivalent of a school library at their fingertips.
They laugh at the struggles of our generation to maximize the use of the internet

Different life skills
Exactly. I used to think my grandmother, may she RIP, was uneducated since she only completed 8th grade before she had to start working to help support the family - until I saw that test from 1912. She was more educated than the average college freshman.

I also remember her telling me that her 6th grade class has to memorize the first full paragraph of Paul Reverse’s ride - and then she repeated it for me, 70 years later, at the age of 82! I bet most students today couldn’t tell you the opening line, or worse….never even heard of it.
Listen my children and you shall hear…

A historically inaccurate poem that mischaracterized the importance of Paul Revere
Stimulating and developing synaptic connections is almost more important than content. By memorization and repetition, the brain grows in possibilities. Then, when the Internet goes out, the brain goes on.
What purpose does a student memorizing the Citizenship Test serve when any student can Google the information in a few seconds?
What purpose does a student memorizing the Citizenship Test serve when any student can Google the information in a few seconds?
The capacity to ask such a question should make clear what learning to think and memorize anything serves. One learns and memorizes language in order to become more adaptable to environments.
It takes a full box of tools to maintain a house. Living in a tent is less complicated, but infinitely less comfortable, safe and enjoyable.
Besides, failure to learn the mistakes of the past sets one up for being a victim of error repetition. One must be able to think in order to learn how to think.
Todays students have the equivalent of a school library at their fingertips.
They laugh at the struggles of our generation to maximize the use of the internet

Different life skills

lo as if the info on the innernetz is somehow better than what was to be found in books. Most people don't read much period these days. Books are still better.

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