Just 3% High School Students Pass the Citizenship Test


The simple pleasurable skill of cooking is completely alien to most kids/young adults.

So few people have a clue of how to make the simplest article of apparel.

Just sad. Pathetic DEPENDENCE, but then that's exactly the thing that the left have purposely been building into the massive majority of today's "culture".

I've been reading Laura Ingalls Wilder's books and am amazed at how very little the pioneers needed to depend on others for basic survival! They made almost EVERYTHING they needed!


The simple pleasurable skill of cooking is completely alien to most kids/young adults.

So few people have a clue of how to make the simplest article of apparel.

Just sad. Pathetic DEPENDENCE, but then that's exactly the thing that the left have purposely been building into the massive majority of today's "culture".

I've been reading Laura Ingalls Wilder's books and am amazed at how very little the pioneers needed to depend on others for basic survival! They made almost EVERYTHING they needed!

By junior high school (age 12), all girls took Home Economics. We learned how to prepare and serve simple dishes as well as use a sewing machine to create simple clothes, decorative towels, and the like. (Remember Simplicity patterns?)

These days, a teen doesn’t know what to do if…..heavens!….a button pops off her jacket.
By junior high school (age 12), all girls took Home Economics. We learned how to prepare and serve simple dishes as well as use a sewing machine to create simple clothes, decorative towels, and the like. (Remember Simplicity patterns?)

These days, a teen doesn’t know what to do if…..heavens!….a button pops off her jacket.

I feel so sorry for them.

I remember vividly my 7th and 8th grade Home-Ec teacher, Mrs. Knack. She sure did have a knack!

I really need to scrounge up the energy somewhere and get some wool from a local sheep farmer of my acquaintance. She'll trade for some leavings from my garden at the end of the season, to feed her goats. Then get a spinning wheel and hop to it! I've got a crude loom somewhere -- I'd love to learn to weave woolens and linens and cottons.

I haven't had the time to do any reading yet but I've collected several books and a few materials and tools for shoe making.

Learned quite a while back to do traditional book binding and have been having a hankering to do that. It's a ton of fun!

I can't imagine anyone not being interested in doing the things that let us be independent.

By junior high school (age 12), all girls took Home Economics. We learned how to prepare and serve simple dishes as well as use a sewing machine to create simple clothes, decorative towels, and the like. (Remember Simplicity patterns?)

These days, a teen doesn’t know what to do if…..heavens!….a button pops off her jacket.
Their mother or father should have taught them.
Did you read the test? LOTS of figuring out - not rote memorization.

And today’s students have such great analytical skills that the majority can’t pass basic math and English. In the Baltimore Democrat city, not a single high school student was proficient in math.
What does that have to do with the instruction if it is made and the kids refuse to learn?
The problem we are discussing developed long before Trump took office.

I could have passed this test when I was in high school in the 1960s. The Department of Education was created in 1980. I aced the test today.

Perhaps the Department of Education is the problem.
So what did they do to change the information that students learn? The Education Department did not set curriculum until the COVID pandemic.

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