Just 3% High School Students Pass the Citizenship Test

Americans learned music AND shop AND art AND cursive AND the Capitol of every State 50 years ago.

But you teachers replaced them with your fictional global warming and racist agendas.
I had all of those classes too, as did my kid who grew up in the 90s and 00s. My grandkids are taking them now. They don't learn cursive or have to know the state capitals because it is stupid to waste educational time on something they will never do. My grandsons both take vocational classes. Education has evolved, unlike you Neanderthals who think that cannot happen.
So what did they do to change the information that students learn? The Education Department did not set curriculum until the COVID pandemic.
The power of the purse.

I like the idea of each state running its own educational system. That way we have 50 experiments going on at the same time. The best systems can be adopted by states with low ratings in public education.


Rather than mandating direct federal oversight of schools — telling states what to do — ESEA offered states funding for education programs on a conditional basis. In other words, states could receive federal funding provided they met the requirements outlined in certain sections, or titles, of the act.


The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) marked a new level of federal oversight by requiring states to set more rigorous student evaluation standards and, through testing, demonstrate “adequate yearly progress” in how those standards were met. Flaws in the law quickly surfaced. Standards did not take into account the differences between student populations, and so, according to West, the Department of Education often ended up “evaluating schools as much on the students they serve as opposed to their effectiveness in serving them.”
Exactly my point!!!

The department practices Intellectual pedophilia. It’s to be hung from the gallows in the Town Square and made an example of!!

How THE FUCK did Trump allow it to continue unfettered?!!!
Trump probably felt like Custer at Little Big Horn. His entire first term was hurt by the fact that everybody in the D.C. Swamp including the FBI and all the alphabet intelligence agencies were out to remove him from office.

The Swamp LOVES its corruption and doesn’t like Presidents it really doesn’t control. The gravy train must continue to roll at all costs.

Good to see that 3% figure .
Bet that is showing a healthy increase among America's young and bright youngsters .
Must bode well for the future
How much of that test is still applicable today?
Most of it. Did you even look at it?

And why are you defending today’s education process? We have high school students performing at the sixth grade level, and many Democrat-run cities where the majority aren’t proficient in either math or English. In Baltimore, not a SINGLE student was proficient in math!
Most of it. Did you even look at it?

And why are you defending today’s education process? We have high school students performing at the sixth grade level, and many Democrat-run cities where the majority aren’t proficient in either math or English. In Baltimore, not a SINGLE student was proficient in math!

That poster is supposedly a teacher. .

I had all of those classes too, as did my kid who grew up in the 90s and 00s. My grandkids are taking them now. They don't learn cursive or have to know the state capitals because it is stupid to waste educational time on something they will never do. My grandsons both take vocational classes. Education has evolved, unlike you Neanderthals who think that cannot happen.

Evolved to insult slinging,.

See how easy that works?

Most of it. Did you even look at it?

And why are you defending today’s education process? We have high school students performing at the sixth grade level, and many Democrat-run cities where the majority aren’t proficient in either math or English. In Baltimore, not a SINGLE student was proficient in math!
There are even some adults who believe the 2020 election was stolen.

They are seriously mentally challenged...some even claim to have doctorates...
OMG! I feel sorry for his students.


So do I.

I agree with him regarding the importance of critical thinking skills but I learned critical thinking right alongside of the rote memorization. I don't know why he thinks they must be mutually exclusive.

I wish I could tally the amount of confidence it has given me to know all those memorized things -- Latin, fractions, geography, to name just a few.

I'm betting the education I got in the 60's had something to do with why I got straight A's in vocational/technical school, and would have done the same for my medical education if I had chosen to complete it.


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