Just 51,000 people have enrolled in Federal Obamacare exchanges???

When Medicare first came out, they had a very difficult time signing up seniors. It took time. Seniors back then knew just as little as seniors today. If they knew more, they wouldn't want to belong to a party that wants to throw grandma under the bus.
I suspect it will take some years before we get the percent uninsured to the low single digits.

Especially when you have "Keep Government Hands Off My Medicare" Republicans voting to end their own benefits.
I see deano has been drinking again........

I don't drink. But when Republicans want to cut SS and turn Medicare into a voucher program or end them altogether, then indeed, they want to throw grandma under the Bus. Besides, if you are a retired vet, Republicans want to cut your benefits if you get any. Coburn has made it a career trying to cut vet's health care. Surely you know that.

The American Legion slams veteran-unfriendly “Coburn proposal” to cut VA and military spending

Sen. Tom Coburn stands by effort to delay bill for disabled vets | News OK

GOP Sen. Tom Coburn, Dr. No, Stands In The Way Of Health Care For Veterans - Fox Radio

That's one of your guys SFC. How does that make you feel? Good? That Republicans are trying to fuck you up the arse? Hope you enjoy the ride.
Well, even if glitches prevent a person from enrolling, said person is still subject to the fine-tax-penalty fee. And that's all that matters.


Then there are people like me who are unemployed! Who will somehow have to grow money on a tree to pay the fine! Hopenchange is right.


So if you get hit by a truck who pays for it? Fuck you you fucking bum.
When Medicare first came out, they had a very difficult time signing up seniors. It took time. Seniors back then knew just as little as seniors today. If they knew more, they wouldn't want to belong to a party that wants to throw grandma under the bus.
I suspect it will take some years before we get the percent uninsured to the low single digits.

Especially when you have "Keep Government Hands Off My Medicare" Republicans voting to end their own benefits.

Does someone need to remind you that this thread is about the pathetic tiny number of losers that have signed up for obamalamadingdongcare?

Pay attention rderp, your deflecting and BS gets old.
I see deano has been drinking again........

I don't drink. But when Republicans want to cut SS and turn Medicare into a voucher program or end them altogether, then indeed, they want to throw grandma under the Bus. Besides, if you are a retired vet, Republicans want to cut your benefits if you get any. Coburn has made it a career trying to cut vet's health care. Surely you know that.

Deano, we are used to congress, left and right, cutting our so called benefits. They do it every time they need a buck. Nothing new about it. Now what else am I supposed to think? You're so good at telling us what it is that we're supposed to believe and think i just wondered what the hot topic will be this week...:cuckoo:
I see deano has been drinking again........

I don't drink. But when Republicans want to cut SS and turn Medicare into a voucher program or end them altogether, then indeed, they want to throw grandma under the Bus. Besides, if you are a retired vet, Republicans want to cut your benefits if you get any. Coburn has made it a career trying to cut vet's health care. Surely you know that.

The American Legion slams veteran-unfriendly “Coburn proposal” to cut VA and military spending

Sen. Tom Coburn stands by effort to delay bill for disabled vets | News OK

GOP Sen. Tom Coburn, Dr. No, Stands In The Way Of Health Care For Veterans - Fox Radio

That's one of your guys SFC. How does that make you feel? Good? That Republicans are trying to fuck you up the arse? Hope you enjoy the ride.

Oh no, one senator is talking crap...All people who are right of Deanos far left BS better fall into step........
I suspect it will take some years before we get the percent uninsured to the low single digits.

Especially when you have "Keep Government Hands Off My Medicare" Republicans voting to end their own benefits.

Does someone need to remind you that this thread is about the pathetic tiny number of losers that have signed up for obamalamadingdongcare?

Pay attention rderp, your deflecting and BS gets old.
I wouldn't call an enrollment of over 100,000 in the first week pathetic when only a handful of states have reported. Why would you consider someone using the exchanges to find individual insurance a loser? Many people who are self-employed, work for small businesses, as well as many early retiree need individual insurance.
I'd like to see the breakdown of those signing up...

Party affiliation (Curiosity)
And then we could tell if it was paying for itself or not. I have very serious doubts that it is anywhere near self sustaining.
Especially when you have "Keep Government Hands Off My Medicare" Republicans voting to end their own benefits.

Does someone need to remind you that this thread is about the pathetic tiny number of losers that have signed up for obamalamadingdongcare?

Pay attention rderp, your deflecting and BS gets old.
I wouldn't call an enrollment of over 100,000 in the first week pathetic when only a handful of states have reported. Why would you consider someone using the exchanges to find individual insurance a loser? Many people who are self-employed, work for small businesses, as well as many early retiree need individual insurance.

Over 100,000? Out of the millions trying? With over $1 Billion spent on the exchanges?

Yes, that's pathetic.

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