Just 51,000 people have enrolled in Federal Obamacare exchanges???

More math for you guys...that you will ignore.

28 year old male.
Insurance Premiums.............$3297
He is injured in a car wreck that required $10,000 in care.
Of that he had to pay $5000 to meet the deductible.
He also, of course, paid $3297 for his "insurance".
Of the $5000 left owed to the hospital, he has to pay $2,000 for the copay.
Sooo...Obamacare pays $3000...of which they received $3297 in premiums...so they are $297 ahead.
The 28 year old paid $7000 to the hospital, plus $3297 in "insurance"
Net result...even with $10k in medical costs - he lost money, he would have been better off without Obamacare.
And to note...you can check it out if you like - please do...in my state, a single 28 year old making $8 per hour part time gets no tax credits for Obamacare, nor qualifies for subsidies.

Which is what the left is willfully ignoring

Obamacare is nothing more than one step closer to their one payer cradle to grave utopia.
More math for you guys...that you will ignore.

28 year old male.
Insurance Premiums.............$3297
He is injured in a car wreck that required $10,000 in care.
Of that he had to pay $5000 to meet the deductible.
He also, of course, paid $3297 for his "insurance".
Of the $5000 left owed to the hospital, he has to pay $2,000 for the copay.
Sooo...Obamacare pays $3000...of which they received $3297 in premiums...so they are $297 ahead.
The 28 year old paid $7000 to the hospital, plus $3297 in "insurance"
Net result...even with $10k in medical costs - he lost money, he would have been better off without Obamacare.
And to note...you can check it out if you like - please do...in my state, a single 28 year old making $8 per hour part time gets no tax credits for Obamacare, nor qualifies for subsidies.

Which is what the left is willfully ignoring

Obamacare is nothing more than one step closer to their one payer cradle to grave utopia.

Obamacare is one step closer to destroying the greatest nation ever put on earth. I for one feel very sad over it. Most people I have talked to, are as well. I have seen people crying in recent days over the freedoms lost, because of Obamacare. It is going to be much worse for individuals and families than many people want to admit.
What gives the government or the president the right to take my hard earned money, or force me to purchase anything at all? I did not sign a contract when I was born, I was born under a contract called the United States Constitution.

Meanwhile they opt out of obamacare???
More math for you guys...that you will ignore.

28 year old male.
Insurance Premiums.............$3297
He is injured in a car wreck that required $10,000 in care.
Of that he had to pay $5000 to meet the deductible.
He also, of course, paid $3297 for his "insurance".
Of the $5000 left owed to the hospital, he has to pay $2,000 for the copay.
Sooo...Obamacare pays $3000...of which they received $3297 in premiums...so they are $297 ahead.
The 28 year old paid $7000 to the hospital, plus $3297 in "insurance"
Net result...even with $10k in medical costs - he lost money, he would have been better off without Obamacare.
And to note...you can check it out if you like - please do...in my state, a single 28 year old making $8 per hour part time gets no tax credits for Obamacare, nor qualifies for subsidies.

Which is what the left is willfully ignoring

Obamacare is nothing more than one step closer to their one payer cradle to grave utopia.
*Womb To The Tomb* as it were...Just what the statist like.

(Kudos to Limbaugh a-la-HillaryCare which is what OCare is on steroids).
What gives the government or the president the right to take my hard earned money, or force me to purchase anything at all? I did not sign a contract when I was born, I was born under a contract called the United States Constitution.

Meanwhile they opt out of obamacare???

Yep...The elite Political Class against the rest of us serfs...the way they want it.

They are in for one Hell of a rude awakening...
I think you're missing some points. The purpose of the exchanges is to provide individual insurance for those not otherwise eligible for insurance coverage such as through their employer, Medicare, Medicaid, or VA. This is only 15% of the population. Most young people will get coverage either through their parents insurance up to age 26, or their employer. Single workers making less than $18,000 a year will be eligible Medicaid.

The cost of plans on the exchanges vary widely by state. In my state the lowest cost bronze plan is a $6,000 deductible but the yearly maximum out of pocket cost is only $6,350. With no government subsidy the premium is $147/mo. However, for a low income workers, the premium would be about $75 to $100/mo.

I am not missing any points. I think you are.
Again, what young adult would pay out $3297 a year for a plan where they would have to at least rack up $5-$6,000 in bills to get any benefit whatsoever, and after that only get 60% paid? Who would do that? That is no better than the Walmart plans that you guys railed on and on about.
On top of that, again, you guys keep concentrating on the premiums. The real pertinent topic is HEALTHCARE bills paid. For the low income person who is barely-barely getting buy - first $100 a month is real money to them, but most importantly, unless they have something seriously wrong with them - they WILL STILL GET NO BENEFITS.
I don't think you understand how the the subsidies work which are a significant savings for younger lower paid workers. Monthly cost of policies bought on the exchanges are capped at 2.5% to 9.5% of income level for families earning less than 400% federal poverty level. Not only are premiums capped but also yearly out of pocket maximums and deductibles.

1. For a single person, age 23 working 40 hours a week at minimum wage, $15,080 annual income.
The person would be covered under Medicaid in states that are implementing expanded Medicaid.
In all other states, the maximum cost of a Silver plan is 3% of gross income, $37.50/mo

2. For a single person, age 23 with a $23,000 yearly income (200% federal poverty level)
In all states the maximum cost of a silver plan is 6.5% of gross income, $124.50/mo.

3. For a single person, age 23 with a $34,500 yearly income (300% federal poverty level)
For all states, the maximum cost of a silver plan is 9.5% of gross income, $273/mo.

In my state the coverage and cost for the 3 income levels are:

1. $15,080 annual income - Full Coverage under Expanded Medicaid.

2. $23,000 annual income - Blue Cross/Blue Shield Silver
Deductible $2,000
Co-Insurance 20%
Out of Pocket Yearly Maximum $3250
Monthly Cost $156.01

3. $34,500 annual income - Blue Cross/Blue Shield Silver
Deductible $5250
Co-Insurance 20%
Out of Pocket Yearly Maximum $3250
Monthly Cost $176.76
Why isn't the the left screaming about their right to privacy?

They used that mantra when it was about killing innocents babies.
I've gone through the application process on the healthcare exchanges, they ask no healthcare questions other than do you smoke. They collect far less information about you than the IRS.
I think you're missing some points. The purpose of the exchanges is to provide individual insurance for those not otherwise eligible for insurance coverage such as through their employer, Medicare, Medicaid, or VA. This is only 15% of the population. Most young people will get coverage either through their parents insurance up to age 26, or their employer. Single workers making less than $18,000 a year will be eligible Medicaid.

The cost of plans on the exchanges vary widely by state. In my state the lowest cost bronze plan is a $6,000 deductible but the yearly maximum out of pocket cost is only $6,350. With no government subsidy the premium is $147/mo. However, for a low income workers, the premium would be about $75 to $100/mo.

I am not missing any points. I think you are.
Again, what young adult would pay out $3297 a year for a plan where they would have to at least rack up $5-$6,000 in bills to get any benefit whatsoever, and after that only get 60% paid? Who would do that? That is no better than the Walmart plans that you guys railed on and on about.
On top of that, again, you guys keep concentrating on the premiums. The real pertinent topic is HEALTHCARE bills paid. For the low income person who is barely-barely getting buy - first $100 a month is real money to them, but most importantly, unless they have something seriously wrong with them - they WILL STILL GET NO BENEFITS.
I don't think you understand how the the subsidies work which are a significant savings for younger lower paid workers. Monthly cost of policies bought on the exchanges are capped at 2.5% to 9.5% of income level for families earning less than 400% federal poverty level. Not only are premiums capped but also yearly out of pocket maximums and deductibles.

1. For a single person, age 23 working 40 hours a week at minimum wage, $15,080 annual income.
The person would be covered under Medicaid in states that are implementing expanded Medicaid.
In all other states, the maximum cost of a Silver plan is 3% of gross income, $37.50/mo

2. For a single person, age 23 with a $23,000 yearly income (200% federal poverty level)
In all states the maximum cost of a silver plan is 6.5% of gross income, $124.50/mo.

3. For a single person, age 23 with a $34,500 yearly income (300% federal poverty level)
For all states, the maximum cost of a silver plan is 9.5% of gross income, $273/mo.

In my state the coverage and cost for the 3 income levels are:

1. $15,080 annual income - Full Coverage under Expanded Medicaid.

2. $23,000 annual income - Blue Cross/Blue Shield Silver
Deductible $2,000
Co-Insurance 20%
Out of Pocket Yearly Maximum $3250
Monthly Cost $156.01

3. $34,500 annual income - Blue Cross/Blue Shield Silver
Deductible $5250
Co-Insurance 20%
Out of Pocket Yearly Maximum $3250
Monthly Cost $176.76

And....let us remember...the income in question is one's adjusted gross income.
Why isn't the the left screaming about their right to privacy?

They used that mantra when it was about killing innocents babies.
I've gone through the application process on the healthcare exchanges, they ask no healthcare questions other than do you smoke. They collect far less information about you than the IRS.

And, what if you smoke?

Oh but the IRS will be in charge of the penalties
You are still wrong.

The plans are far richer than your 'major medical' plans. The preventive care benefits alone make the additional premiums worth it for a young person.

You did not concede the point about the value of being insured in the event of a really bad accident. I wonder why?

And there you go again.....what preventative care? How many 25 year olds need a colonoscopy? Or a PSA? How many 25 year old girls need mammograms?
They DON'T NEED IT. And won't get it.
Also - are you being obtuse, or are you really having this much trouble comprehending?
I didn't concede the value of insurance if really bad injury or sickness?? Dude...what do you think Major Medical is?? :eusa_eh: That is my point...you will only get value from it IF you are seriously injured or...wait for it....MAJOR MEDICAL.

And dude! If we do not make young people buy it, they won't. That is why the ACA is good for young people. It helps them do the smart thing. It gives them a little push toward being personally responsible. It also makes sure that they don't get ripped off by some fucking insurance company.

Until we have single payer.....this is the way we are going to try and cut our fucking health costs in this country. And we need everyone in the game if we are going to do it. Young, healthy people need to suck it up and play team ball.


And dude! If we do not make young people buy it, they won't. That is why the ACA is good for young people. It helps them do the smart thing. It gives them a little push toward being personally responsible. It also makes sure that they don't get ripped off by some fucking insurance company.

[Young], healthy people need to suck it up and play team ball.

and there it is, the statist/liberal/progressive 'argument' writ large;

you're to stupid and lacking in personal responsibility, to do what we want you to do, so we will force you to do what we want you to do....and if you don't like it? We've created the law and the bureaucracy to make your life miserable....

Anyone who thinks like that deserves exactly what they get, and "deserve to get it good and hard..."

(thank you Mencken) .....
I am not missing any points. I think you are.
Again, what young adult would pay out $3297 a year for a plan where they would have to at least rack up $5-$6,000 in bills to get any benefit whatsoever, and after that only get 60% paid? Who would do that? That is no better than the Walmart plans that you guys railed on and on about.
On top of that, again, you guys keep concentrating on the premiums. The real pertinent topic is HEALTHCARE bills paid. For the low income person who is barely-barely getting buy - first $100 a month is real money to them, but most importantly, unless they have something seriously wrong with them - they WILL STILL GET NO BENEFITS.
I don't think you understand how the the subsidies work which are a significant savings for younger lower paid workers. Monthly cost of policies bought on the exchanges are capped at 2.5% to 9.5% of income level for families earning less than 400% federal poverty level. Not only are premiums capped but also yearly out of pocket maximums and deductibles.

1. For a single person, age 23 working 40 hours a week at minimum wage, $15,080 annual income.
The person would be covered under Medicaid in states that are implementing expanded Medicaid.
In all other states, the maximum cost of a Silver plan is 3% of gross income, $37.50/mo

2. For a single person, age 23 with a $23,000 yearly income (200% federal poverty level)
In all states the maximum cost of a silver plan is 6.5% of gross income, $124.50/mo.

3. For a single person, age 23 with a $34,500 yearly income (300% federal poverty level)
For all states, the maximum cost of a silver plan is 9.5% of gross income, $273/mo.

In my state the coverage and cost for the 3 income levels are:

1. $15,080 annual income - Full Coverage under Expanded Medicaid.

2. $23,000 annual income - Blue Cross/Blue Shield Silver
Deductible $2,000
Co-Insurance 20%
Out of Pocket Yearly Maximum $3250
Monthly Cost $156.01

3. $34,500 annual income - Blue Cross/Blue Shield Silver
Deductible $5250
Co-Insurance 20%
Out of Pocket Yearly Maximum $3250
Monthly Cost $176.76

And....let us remember...the income in question is one's adjusted gross income.
Unfortunately it's modified adjusted gross, so you can't deduct your itemized deductions and exemptions but there are few things that you can be exclude.
Why isn't the the left screaming about their right to privacy?

They used that mantra when it was about killing innocents babies.
I've gone through the application process on the healthcare exchanges, they ask no healthcare questions other than do you smoke. They collect far less information about you than the IRS.

And, what if you smoke?

Oh but the IRS will be in charge of the penalties
Individual policies have higher premiums for smokers so to determine your cost you must relieve that information. Prior to Obama care, individual plans had 10 to 18 pages of healthcare questions which the companies used to deny coverage.
Why isn't the the left screaming about their right to privacy?

They used that mantra when it was about killing innocents babies.
I've gone through the application process on the healthcare exchanges, they ask no healthcare questions other than do you smoke. They collect far less information about you than the IRS.

And, what if you smoke?

Oh but the IRS will be in charge of the penalties
Depends on your State law pixie! Hiya girlfriend! :)

I believe 18 states or so, do not permit insurance companies to charge smokers more...other State laws permit them to charge as much as 50% more....like my state of Maine....we have 2 insurers with about 10 policies each on the exchange for Maine, and 1 of the insurance companies DOES NOT charge a surcharge for smokers, and the other one does charge 30% more for the individual smoker, so even though insurance companies in my state are permitted a surcharge of 50% for the smoker, neither company on the exchange have done such.....

Can't remember where you live pix? to look up your State law on it....
And there you go again.....what preventative care? How many 25 year olds need a colonoscopy? Or a PSA? How many 25 year old girls need mammograms?
They DON'T NEED IT. And won't get it.
Also - are you being obtuse, or are you really having this much trouble comprehending?
I didn't concede the value of insurance if really bad injury or sickness?? Dude...what do you think Major Medical is?? :eusa_eh: That is my point...you will only get value from it IF you are seriously injured or...wait for it....MAJOR MEDICAL.

And dude! If we do not make young people buy it, they won't. That is why the ACA is good for young people. It helps them do the smart thing. It gives them a little push toward being personally responsible. It also makes sure that they don't get ripped off by some fucking insurance company.

Until we have single payer.....this is the way we are going to try and cut our fucking health costs in this country. And we need everyone in the game if we are going to do it. Young, healthy people need to suck it up and play team ball.


And dude! If we do not make young people buy it, they won't. That is why the ACA is good for young people. It helps them do the smart thing. It gives them a little push toward being personally responsible. It also makes sure that they don't get ripped off by some fucking insurance company.

[Young], healthy people need to suck it up and play team ball.

and there it is, the statist/liberal/progressive 'argument' writ large;

you're to stupid and lacking in personal responsibility, to do what we want you to do, so we will force you to do what we want you to do....and if you don't like it? We've created the law and the bureaucracy to make your life miserable....

Anyone who thinks like that deserves exactly what they get, and "deserve to get it good and hard..."

(thank you Mencken) .....

You overreact....a trait that your idol would probably not appreciate.

You want to be a part of this great nation.....you need to take responsibility for your own health care if you can afford it. If not, we have programs for you.

Statist? That sure has become the new term among you fuckers. You idiots started using that when "Marxist" and "socialist" became passé.

What good and hard? You have some images in mind?
When Medicare first came out, they had a very difficult time signing up seniors. It took time. Seniors back then knew just as little as seniors today. If they knew more, they wouldn't want to belong to a party that wants to throw grandma under the bus.
I've gone through the application process on the healthcare exchanges, they ask no healthcare questions other than do you smoke. They collect far less information about you than the IRS.

And, what if you smoke?

Oh but the IRS will be in charge of the penalties
Depends on your State law pixie! Hiya girlfriend! :)

I believe 18 states or so, do not permit insurance companies to charge smokers more...other State laws permit them to charge as much as 50% more....like my state of Maine....we have 2 insurers with about 10 policies each on the exchange for Maine, and 1 of the insurance companies DOES NOT charge a surcharge for smokers, and the other one does charge 30% more for the individual smoker, so even though insurance companies in my state are permitted a surcharge of 50% for the smoker, neither company on the exchange have done such.....

Can't remember where you live pix? to look up your State law on it....
Only six states and the District have opted not to charge smokers more, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. A few others have limited the premium differential to less than 50 percent.

A Handful Of State Marketplaces Opt Not To Charge Smokers More For Premiums - Kaiser Health News
When Medicare first came out, they had a very difficult time signing up seniors. It took time. Seniors back then knew just as little as seniors today. If they knew more, they wouldn't want to belong to a party that wants to throw grandma under the bus.
I suspect it will take some years before we get the percent uninsured to the low single digits.
I see deano has been drinking again........

I don't drink. But when Republicans want to cut SS and turn Medicare into a voucher program or end them altogether, then indeed, they want to throw grandma under the Bus. Besides, if you are a retired vet, Republicans want to cut your benefits if you get any. Coburn has made it a career trying to cut vet's health care. Surely you know that.

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