Just 51,000 people have enrolled in Federal Obamacare exchanges???

Imagine two neighbors who earn an identical income. Imagine the segment of road in front of their two houses represents all government expenses and that this adds up to $600 a year for that road segment.

Since they earn identical incomes, their individual burdens should be $300 each.

But wait! American A bought a mortgage for his house. American B is renting. American A is therefore given a $100 gift by the government for going along with the government's social engineering plans.

So now American A has only a $200 tax bill, and he happily votes for the politician's who gave him this present.

But...the road still costs $600.

This means American B is going to have to cough up $400 (instead of $300) so the road can be paid for. He must pay for his neighbor's gift from the government. It would be even worse for him if his neighbor has kids or bought the right kind of refrigerator or bought the right kind of electricity to run his refrigerator.

American B pitches a screaming hissy fit about this. He absolutely refuses to tolerate higher taxes.

So he votes for the politician who won't raise his taxes and who will borrow the $100 from China instead.

And that is how we got a $17 trillion debt, ladies and gentlemen.

$1.4 trillion of gifts in the form of tax expenditures given away every year. Year after year. This totally dwarfs the $800 million spent on ObamaPhones.

If anyone suggested to Citizen A he no longer receive gifts from the government so that Citizen B's taxes could be lowered and no more debt be built up, he would scream like a welfare queen.

You understand how insurance works, right? The people who get sick or injured end up getting expensive care most people could not otherwise afford (at least not without liquidating every asset they have) because of all the healthy people who are paying into the system.

Is that fair? If you say no, then society could collectively decide to eliminate insurance as an option because it is kinda socialist when you come right down to it. Tell everyone to pay their own way. If you get sick or injured, pay your own healthcare bill or get the hell out of the hospital so people who CAN afford to pay their tab can get care.
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You don't enroll in the exchange. You use the exchange to search for a private health care plan which is licensed to practice in your state. It's called capitalism. That means it's not a government take over of health care.

With that said, this is one of the reasons I don't much listen to Republicans anymore when they talk about the issues. They either don't know what they're talking about, or they misrepresent the facts. The woeful ignorance of their sycophantic follower is further evidence of that travesty of leadership.

You are clueless.

One has to provide a ton of personal data to enroll - and the exchange stores it. It also accesses one's credit reports.
To verify identity, they ask several questions from public record. One being which of 4 credit card do you have. You check one of the four or none. I don't think they actually access your credit history. I know prior to Obamacare, the insurance companies did before issuing policies.

How many of these topics about the 51,000 are there going to be?

28,000 in Cal. Sign Up for Affordable Care Act Insurance

N.Y. Says 40,000 Have Applied For Affordable Care Act Coverage

Gee, just two states and we are already up to 68,000!

Add the 51,000 on the FEDERAL web site, and then all the people who signed up on all the other state web sites, and we are well over 100,000 in the first week, even with bugs that are to be expected for any start-up.

You fools are making a serious mistake by extrapolating failure from a static snapshot taken in the first week of ONE access point to the system.

Be assured that whether it turns out to be a small number or a big number, the inmates have already prepared a set of anti-Obamacare talking points one of which can cover either scenario.

And be assured that no matter what the number, obama and his acolytes will tell us its a success. :rolleyes:

I understand glitches and it is truth, nothing like this rolls out glitch free, but there are glitches and then there's systematic failure.

I am not sure where we are yet, it is to early, but, then that begs the question- when is 'to late'...? :eusa_eh:

it doesn't help that HHS cannot give us anything solid.

I am not jumping either bandwagon, as I said its to early, but looking at a calender, if by Jan 1, they don't have at least, uhmm, say 5 million ( and a large portion need to be the 'right' 5 million, young/healthy etc. and they need to be locked into a plan and paying their premiums and/or set to use the plans correctly they got thru the portals )), that spells very big trouble, I think any reasonable person would agree.
A wooping 5 signed up in Iowa (yes the entire state of IW) and 0 signed up in Hawaii (yes the Island state of HI)!

Number of Enrollees Through Hawaii?s Obamacare Exchange: Zero. | Weasel Zippers

Only Five Iowans Have Signed Up on Obamacare Exchange

Heck with enrollment this bad, all the revenue STOLEN from people's tax returns could put Obamacare in the black!

Well over 100,000 people signed up in the first week. It will snowball from there. One is being willfully obtuse if one expected everything to work perfectly on Day One.

Hawaii is rebooting their exchange to restart on October 15.

I'm telling you, rumors of ObamaCare's demise are greatly exaggerated.
A wooping 5 signed up in Iowa (yes the entire state of IW) and 0 signed up in Hawaii (yes the Island state of HI)!

Number of Enrollees Through Hawaii?s Obamacare Exchange: Zero. | Weasel Zippers

Only Five Iowans Have Signed Up on Obamacare Exchange

Heck with enrollment this bad, all the revenue STOLEN from people's tax returns could put Obamacare in the black!

Well over 100,000 people signed up in the first week. It will snowball from there. One is being willfully obtuse if one expected everything to work perfectly on Day One.

Hawaii is rebooting their exchange to restart on October 15.

I'm telling you, rumors of ObamaCare's demise are greatly exaggerated.

McAfee: Obamacare is a 'hacker's wet dream' He also said that the reason the site sucks is because it is made totally wrong with java script slapped together in India (fine for a small business with 200 customers but not a national site for millions) instead of spending $600 million (originally was suppose to be 95 million) they could have spent $5 million with 15 good programers and would have gotten a site that works with no problems.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb2hz_-LDlI]McAfee: Obamacare is a 'hacker's wet dream' - YouTube[/ame]
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The PRIVATE SECTOR companies that set up the websites did a poor job, apparently.

It's on them to fix the glitches. They will. The GOP's Medicare D was also a nightmare at first. But conservatives didn't whine about them, because for some reason, the GOP is allowed to create whole new entitlements that have troubled beginnings. It think the reason is called Hypocrisy.
The PRIVATE SECTOR companies that set up the websites did a poor job, apparently.

It's on them to fix the glitches. They will. The GOP's Medicare D was also a nightmare at first. But conservatives didn't whine about them, because for some reason, the GOP is allowed to create whole new entitlements that have troubled beginnings. It think the reason is called Hypocrisy.

interesting, what were some of the sign up glitches that they/we/them whomever encountered?:eusa_eh:
The PRIVATE SECTOR companies that set up the websites did a poor job, apparently.

It's on them to fix the glitches. They will. The GOP's Medicare D was also a nightmare at first. But conservatives didn't whine about them, because for some reason, the GOP is allowed to create whole new entitlements that have troubled beginnings. It think the reason is called Hypocrisy.

Private sector companies? You don't know what you are talking about. Private sector insurance companies have their own sites where you can sign up with them and their sites work fine - takes a few minutes. Fox demonstrated signing up with them and then showed how it was impossible to sign up on the government site. The private sector says the government could have done this with them for less than 5$ million but Sebelius went with a canadian company for $500 million plus. Yeah, that's how we want taxes spent?
A wooping 5 signed up in Iowa (yes the entire state of IW) and 0 signed up in Hawaii (yes the Island state of HI)!

Number of Enrollees Through Hawaii?s Obamacare Exchange: Zero. | Weasel Zippers

Only Five Iowans Have Signed Up on Obamacare Exchange

Heck with enrollment this bad, all the revenue STOLEN from people's tax returns could put Obamacare in the black!

Well over 100,000 people signed up in the first week. It will snowball from there. One is being willfully obtuse if one expected everything to work perfectly on Day One.

Hawaii is rebooting their exchange to restart on October 15.

I'm telling you, rumors of ObamaCare's demise are greatly exaggerated.

no reasonable person is talking demise G, but, we may hit a level of awfulness that really turns the tables, making it possible that it could be suspended wholesale, and no I don't mean now, I mean say next year.

some ifs-

- if the invincibles and healthy don't sign up in mass?

- if as it appears ( operative word being appears) that folks in the middle income brackets too, are paying more or even at par lose, their doctor, higher deductibles yada yada, dead plans....?

- if the sites don't deliver in full, if there is a constant drumbeat of dissatisfaction with the ability to sign up etc.....the danger is people tune out....even if they begin to work very well, the attention span of most Americans is low and they will just say fuck it, been there done that, thats a possibility.
No matter how many 'navigators' you add etc. the lower classes, who never had it, will most definitely benefit getting on and will go the extra mile, but the others, the ones they need to bankroll this?..... Will they?

- even if HHS says they have 10 million people signed up IN a plan etc., see points 1 and 2, they can frame it as a success in that respect but, that will not abrogate points 1 and 2.

- as to the 'demise', well, in the run up to 2014 midterms expect to see umpteen replays of Obama himself- "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what"........

or "I also have a plan that will save the average family $2500.00 on their premiums. My plan requires all employers to contribute towards health coverage for their employees or towards the cost of the public plan. Under my plan a typical family will save $2,500 each year. We will realize tremendous savings within the health care system from improving efficiency and quality and reducing wasted expenditures system-wide".

those are not right wing talking points, he, said it, many many times.....*shrugs*, long road to hoe......
If the Republicans had not shutdown the government, glitches in the Healthcare Insurance Exchange Websites which are stopping people from registering would be in headlines, but no the headlines are about damage the republican shutdown is going to the economy and the problems it's causing for people across the nation.

The Republican forced shutdown of government to defund Obamacare was an act of pure stupidity. In Sept, Fox News was reporting the support of the ACA had increased by 8 points. At the same time all of the polls were showing that the public was not supportive of a shutdown. So what did the Tea Party Republicans in the house do? They move ahead with a forced shutdown over defunding Obamacare. As a result Republicans now have the lowest approval rating ever. Now they turn to the Democrats, hat in hand asking for an out. During this whole process, Harry Reid and Obama were just watching the Republicans commit suicide, simply amazing.
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The PRIVATE SECTOR companies that set up the websites did a poor job, apparently.

It's on them to fix the glitches. They will. The GOP's Medicare D was also a nightmare at first. But conservatives didn't whine about them, because for some reason, the GOP is allowed to create whole new entitlements that have troubled beginnings. It think the reason is called Hypocrisy.

Private sector companies? You don't know what you are talking about. Private sector insurance companies have their own sites where you can sign up with them and their sites work fine - takes a few minutes. Fox demonstrated signing up with them and then showed how it was impossible to sign up on the government site. The private sector says the government could have done this with them for less than 5$ million but Sebelius went with a canadian company for $500 million plus. Yeah, that's how we want taxes spent?
Consumers can shop for coverage on or off the exchange. However, subsidies for those who are eligible are generally available only for plans sold on the exchange.
On tax day, as one peruses the literally tens of thousands of loopholes, deductions, credits, and subsidies, one gets the impression our entire society is held up by endless government crutches, and Democrats and Republicans would have you believe our whole economy would collapse without those crutches.

Those crutches were bought and paid for with Congressional campaign cash and keep 535 people entrenched in their jobs like the self-serving leeches they are. If they removed the crutches, they know they would lose their jobs.

So $1.4 trillion worth of crutches are kept in place, adding to the national debt year in and year out. We'd be running a surplus and paying lower tax rates without them.

And that mentality, boys and girls, is how we got here. How we arrived at ObamaCare. Another crutch among thousands.

Explain to me where you get $1.4 trillion in tax deductions, loopholes, etc. and while you attempt to do that.. LOOK AT THE FACTS!!!

2008 data
SOURCE: What are the largest tax expenditures?

Deduction Type of deduction that government ALLOWS tax payer to subtract from taxes
  1. [*]$131.0 billion Benefits individual: Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care
    [*]$117.7 Benefits Individual: Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings
    [*]$ 88.5 Benefits Individual : Deductibility of mortgage interest on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$ 55.9 Benefits company: Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment
    [*]$ 49.1 Benefits company: Deductibility of non-business state and local taxes
    [*]$ 46.8 Benefits individuals and companies Deductibility of charitable contributions (Obama deducted $245,000 in donations)
    [*]$ 31.5 Benefits company: Deferral of income from controlled foreign corporations
    [*]$ 30.0 Benefits individuals:Capital gains exclusion on home sales
    [*]$ 29.1 Benefits individuals: Deductibility of State and local property tax on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$ 28.4 Benefits individuals: Child credit
    [*]$ 24.2 Benefits individuals:Capital gains (except agriculture,timber, and coal)
    [*]$ 21.5 Benefits individuals:Step-up basis of capital gains at death
GRAND TOTAL OF loopholes, tax credits, etc...... $653.7 billion
Of these 12 deductions 9 benefit individuals,employees,etc.. the remaining 3 companies...

So where did you get $1.4 trillion???
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A wooping 5 signed up in Iowa (yes the entire state of IW) and 0 signed up in Hawaii (yes the Island state of HI)!

Number of Enrollees Through Hawaii?s Obamacare Exchange: Zero. | Weasel Zippers

Only Five Iowans Have Signed Up on Obamacare Exchange

Heck with enrollment this bad, all the revenue STOLEN from people's tax returns could put Obamacare in the black!

Well over 100,000 people signed up in the first week. It will snowball from there. One is being willfully obtuse if one expected everything to work perfectly on Day One.

Hawaii is rebooting their exchange to restart on October 15.

I'm telling you, rumors of ObamaCare's demise are greatly exaggerated.

no reasonable person is talking demise G, but, we may hit a level of awfulness that really turns the tables, making it possible that it could be suspended wholesale, and no I don't mean now, I mean say next year.

some ifs-

- if the invincibles and healthy don't sign up in mass?

- if as it appears ( operative word being appears) that folks in the middle income brackets too, are paying more or even at par lose, their doctor, higher deductibles yada yada, dead plans....?

- if the sites don't deliver in full, if there is a constant drumbeat of dissatisfaction with the ability to sign up etc.....the danger is people tune out....even if they begin to work very well, the attention span of most Americans is low and they will just say fuck it, been there done that, thats a possibility.
No matter how many 'navigators' you add etc. the lower classes, who never had it, will most definitely benefit getting on and will go the extra mile, but the others, the ones they need to bankroll this?..... Will they?

- even if HHS says they have 10 million people signed up IN a plan etc., see points 1 and 2, they can frame it as a success in that respect but, that will not abrogate points 1 and 2.

- as to the 'demise', well, in the run up to 2014 midterms expect to see umpteen replays of Obama himself- "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what"........

or "I also have a plan that will save the average family $2500.00 on their premiums. My plan requires all employers to contribute towards health coverage for their employees or towards the cost of the public plan. Under my plan a typical family will save $2,500 each year. We will realize tremendous savings within the health care system from improving efficiency and quality and reducing wasted expenditures system-wide".

those are not right wing talking points, he, said it, many many times.....*shrugs*, long road to hoe......

You know you are making good points when no one answers your post.
Reasonable people have been saying all along that this will not work without millions..MILLIONS...of young people buying insurance to finance older/sick folks who will take way more out than pay in.
But if you are a young person, whose hours were cut recently because of said ACA mind you, why on earth would you take 25% of your income or more - and buy into a plan with a $5000 deductible?? What kind of idiot would do that?
This will never work for this reason. You would have to be a raving lunatic to buy a plan with a $5k deductible -- AND -- 40% copay!!!!!!
That is not insurance....that is a donation...or call it what it really is since it is forced - taxation.
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Well over 100,000 people signed up in the first week. It will snowball from there. One is being willfully obtuse if one expected everything to work perfectly on Day One.

Hawaii is rebooting their exchange to restart on October 15.

I'm telling you, rumors of ObamaCare's demise are greatly exaggerated.

no reasonable person is talking demise G, but, we may hit a level of awfulness that really turns the tables, making it possible that it could be suspended wholesale, and no I don't mean now, I mean say next year.

some ifs-

- if the invincibles and healthy don't sign up in mass?

- if as it appears ( operative word being appears) that folks in the middle income brackets too, are paying more or even at par lose, their doctor, higher deductibles yada yada, dead plans....?

- if the sites don't deliver in full, if there is a constant drumbeat of dissatisfaction with the ability to sign up etc.....the danger is people tune out....even if they begin to work very well, the attention span of most Americans is low and they will just say fuck it, been there done that, thats a possibility.
No matter how many 'navigators' you add etc. the lower classes, who never had it, will most definitely benefit getting on and will go the extra mile, but the others, the ones they need to bankroll this?..... Will they?

- even if HHS says they have 10 million people signed up IN a plan etc., see points 1 and 2, they can frame it as a success in that respect but, that will not abrogate points 1 and 2.

- as to the 'demise', well, in the run up to 2014 midterms expect to see umpteen replays of Obama himself- "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what"........

or "I also have a plan that will save the average family $2500.00 on their premiums. My plan requires all employers to contribute towards health coverage for their employees or towards the cost of the public plan. Under my plan a typical family will save $2,500 each year. We will realize tremendous savings within the health care system from improving efficiency and quality and reducing wasted expenditures system-wide".

those are not right wing talking points, he, said it, many many times.....*shrugs*, long road to hoe......

You know you are making good points when no one answers your post.
Reasonable people have been saying all along that this will not work without millions..MILLIONS...of young people buying insurance to finance older/sick folks who will take way more out than pay in.
But if you are a young person, whose hours were cut recently because of said ACA mind you, why on earth would you take 25% of your income or more - and buy into a plan with a $5000 deductible?? What kind of idiot would do that?
This will never work for this reason. You would have to be a raving lunatic to buy a plan with a $5k deductible -- AND -- 40% copay!!!!!!
That is not insurance....that is a donation...or call it what it really is since it is forced - taxation.

Where did you come up with the 25% of income figure? Did you rinse it off first?
You don't enroll in the exchange. You use the exchange to search for a private health care plan which is licensed to practice in your state. It's called capitalism. That means it's not a government take over of health care.

With that said, this is one of the reasons I don't much listen to Republicans anymore when they talk about the issues. They either don't know what they're talking about, or they misrepresent the facts. The woeful ignorance of their sycophantic follower is further evidence of that travesty of leadership.

You are far to nice. Must be the love of horses.

Just come out and tell it like it is. Republicans are fucking liars. The don't "misrepresent" anything. They just flat out lie about it.
Nearly two weeks ago, Obamacare opened for business, opening "exchanges" where people could sign up for it.

"Could" might be too nice a word. Participation is MANDATORY, with Federal law imposing stiff penalties if you don't sign up.

Now the numbers are starting to trickle out: Almost nobody is signing up, even with threats of penalties and IRS crackdowns hanging over their heads.

It looks like the grim facts are proving true, despite rosy media predictions: THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DON'T WANT OBAMACARE, AND NEVER DID.

How many of the nonexistent signups, are due to the huge problems and glitches in these "exchanges"?

OTOH, how many people took a look at the huge problems and glitches, and said, "Forget it, I'm not signing up for something that poorly run!"?

How many of the signups they DID get, are people who tried to sign up once, ran into glitches and crashes, and came back later to try again, start from scratch, and wound up signed up twice? Or three times? Or ten?

And how many never wanted to sign up for something that charges such high prices for the diminished service Obamacare offers, in the first place?

Almost as odd, is the fact that the signup numbers are such a "trickle". When asked how the signups are going, Federal officials keep saying they don't know, they don't have the information. Yet the employees of the exchanges, have all that info at their fingertips, and are telling reporters about it.

Do the top official have THAT poor communication with their own employees? Or are they simply afraid to admit the truth: That Obamacare is provinto be a huge flop? That even when threatened with penalties, people still don't want to sign up?


Oh My: Just 51,000 Americans Have Enrolled in Federal Obamacare Exchanges? - Guy Benson

Oh My: Just 51,000 Americans Have Enrolled in Federal Obamacare Exchanges?

Guy Benson | Oct 11, 2013

Remember, the Obama administration has been pretending that they don't have this data, which nobody believes. They've been sitting on it because it's super-embarrassing and underscores the magnitude of their failure and incompetence. Sadly for Sebelius & Co., the media has these things called "sources," and the UK Daily Mail gives the world its first glimpse of Obamacare's trainwreck-by-the-numbers. Wow:

Just 51,000 people completed Obamacare applications during the first week the Healthcare.gov website was online, according to two sources inside the Department of Health and Human Services who gave MailOnline an exclusive look at the earliest enrollment numbers.

The career civil servants, who process data inside the agency, confirmed independently that just 6,200 Americans applied for health insurance through the problem-plagued website on October 1, the day it first opened to the public.

Neither HHS nor the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services would comment on the record about the numbers. Enroll America, the president's organization of health care 'navigators' who are charged with helping Americans sign up, didn't reply to a request for information about its level of success so far. The White House also did not respond to emails seeking comment.

But several administration officials have claimed this month that they didn't have access to the kinds of raw figures MailOnline obtained from the people who work for them. And the anemic totals suggest a far lower level of interest in coverage through the Affordable Care Act than the Obama administration has hoped to see.

A devastating paragraph. First of all 51,000 people out of the entire combined populations of 36 states is microscopic. It's a rounding error. It's as if a sold-out Yankee Stadium signed up -- and nobody else. In a nation of 300 million.

Questions: Of the lucky 51,000, how many aren't actually signed up, thanks to another related snag? And how many are duplicates?

The British paper also smacks down the White House's obvious lie that they aren't aware of these numbers. The figures were provided to the press by people who report to the very officials who say they don't have access to them.

At the state level, potential enrollees' experiences have varied, though not even the uber-prepared state of Maryland has met with much success. In Iowa, home to a hybrid state/federal exchange, five people have signed up. In Hawaii, which runs its own exchange, zero people have obtained coverage.

The Mail article suggests that public interest in Obamacare is unsustainably low, given the enrollment levels required to keep the program afloat. I think that's a premature conclusion. How many people have tried to sign on and failed due to all the glitches and crashes?

Healthcare.gov needs to get those programming kids from Amazon to do some moonlighting. The problem is 34 states on one server. The problem will be resolved once they expand hard disk space and bandwidth. Or else convert some of the most populous states to their own servers, like New Jersey. The states that have their own servers are doing fine.

If the problem were that simple, why don't you think HHS planned properly? More than $600 Million was spent on the federal exchange.

Also, you're incorrect. It's a not only a capacity (hard disk? :lol:) problem. There are major design problems. That means lots of it has to be done over.

Government admits to design flaws in healthcare.gov | ZDNet
no reasonable person is talking demise G, but, we may hit a level of awfulness that really turns the tables, making it possible that it could be suspended wholesale, and no I don't mean now, I mean say next year.

some ifs-

- if the invincibles and healthy don't sign up in mass?

- if as it appears ( operative word being appears) that folks in the middle income brackets too, are paying more or even at par lose, their doctor, higher deductibles yada yada, dead plans....?

- if the sites don't deliver in full, if there is a constant drumbeat of dissatisfaction with the ability to sign up etc.....the danger is people tune out....even if they begin to work very well, the attention span of most Americans is low and they will just say fuck it, been there done that, thats a possibility.
No matter how many 'navigators' you add etc. the lower classes, who never had it, will most definitely benefit getting on and will go the extra mile, but the others, the ones they need to bankroll this?..... Will they?

- even if HHS says they have 10 million people signed up IN a plan etc., see points 1 and 2, they can frame it as a success in that respect but, that will not abrogate points 1 and 2.

- as to the 'demise', well, in the run up to 2014 midterms expect to see umpteen replays of Obama himself- "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what"........

or "I also have a plan that will save the average family $2500.00 on their premiums. My plan requires all employers to contribute towards health coverage for their employees or towards the cost of the public plan. Under my plan a typical family will save $2,500 each year. We will realize tremendous savings within the health care system from improving efficiency and quality and reducing wasted expenditures system-wide".

those are not right wing talking points, he, said it, many many times.....*shrugs*, long road to hoe......

You know you are making good points when no one answers your post.
Reasonable people have been saying all along that this will not work without millions..MILLIONS...of young people buying insurance to finance older/sick folks who will take way more out than pay in.
But if you are a young person, whose hours were cut recently because of said ACA mind you, why on earth would you take 25% of your income or more - and buy into a plan with a $5000 deductible?? What kind of idiot would do that?
This will never work for this reason. You would have to be a raving lunatic to buy a plan with a $5k deductible -- AND -- 40% copay!!!!!!
That is not insurance....that is a donation...or call it what it really is since it is forced - taxation.

Where did you come up with the 25% of income figure? Did you rinse it off first?

I can add, can you?
Part-timers everywhere are only working 25-28 hours per week. Let's say $8 per hour, after taxes about $160 per week.
The annual cost of premiums in my state is $3297. The gross income of the above person is $11,024.
Can you figure out what that percentage is?
And instead of addressing semantics, why don't you address the real issue of my post - that there is no way young people can afford, or will be willing to pay into a system where they get nothing in return.
Won't happen.
More math for you guys...that you will ignore.

28 year old male.
Insurance Premiums.............$3297
He is injured in a car wreck that required $10,000 in care.
Of that he had to pay $5000 to meet the deductible.
He also, of course, paid $3297 for his "insurance".
Of the $5000 left owed to the hospital, he has to pay $2,000 for the copay.
Sooo...Obamacare pays $3000...of which they received $3297 in premiums...so they are $297 ahead.
The 28 year old paid $7000 to the hospital, plus $3297 in "insurance"
Net result...even with $10k in medical costs - he lost money, he would have been better off without Obamacare.
And to note...you can check it out if you like - please do...in my state, a single 28 year old making $8 per hour part time gets no tax credits for Obamacare, nor qualifies for subsidies.
More math for you guys...that you will ignore.

28 year old male.
Insurance Premiums.............$3297
He is injured in a car wreck that required $10,000 in care.
Of that he had to pay $5000 to meet the deductible.
He also, of course, paid $3297 for his "insurance".
Of the $5000 left owed to the hospital, he has to pay $2,000 for the copay.
Sooo...Obamacare pays $3000...of which they received $3297 in premiums...so they are $297 ahead.
The 28 year old paid $7000 to the hospital, plus $3297 in "insurance"
Net result...even with $10k in medical costs - he lost money, he would have been better off without Obamacare.
And to note...you can check it out if you like - please do...in my state, a single 28 year old making $8 per hour part time gets no tax credits for Obamacare, nor qualifies for subsidies.

You mean they lied to us?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOXtWxhlsUg]Animal House--"You F'ed up, you trusted us" - YouTube[/ame]

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