Just 51,000 people have enrolled in Federal Obamacare exchanges???

You don't enroll in the exchange. You use the exchange to search for a private health care plan which is licensed to practice in your state. It's called capitalism. That means it's not a government take over of health care.


You most certainly do enroll in the exchange. It's how you get your subsidy. And everyone is required to buy insurance now. The government is forcing people to buy insurance. How the ever loving fuck is that capitalism?

Also, an insurance company cannot be listed on the exchange without government approval. The government is the gatekeeper. You know it is just a matter of time before the number of hispanics and blacks and women in the employ of the insurance company becomes a factor on getting listed on the exchange. And so will how much they contributed to the Democratic Party.

And people are being kicked out of their insurance plans right now because their insurance company does not meet the ACA minimum requirements. The government now decides how much insurance and what coverage you must have. How the ever loving fuck is THAT capitalism?

That's an unequivocal government takeover, my friend. You have to be blind not to see that.
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You don't enroll in the exchange. You use the exchange to search for a private health care plan which is licensed to practice in your state. It's called capitalism. That means it's not a government take over of health care.

With that said, this is one of the reasons I don't much listen to Republicans anymore when they talk about the issues. They either don't know what they're talking about, or they misrepresent the facts. The woeful ignorance of their sycophantic follower is further evidence of that travesty of leadership.

You are clueless.

One has to provide a ton of personal data to enroll - and the exchange stores it. It also accesses one's credit reports.

Every person provides a ton of personal data to enroll in health insurance, and access to your medical records history provides additional "tons" of data. Further more, the IRS already has a lifetime's worth of income tax returns on everyone who files one. And anyone can get a copy of someone's credit report. Likewise, through the Internet, it's easier than ever to access public records on anyone. That includes records regarding marriages, divorces, bankruptcies, real estate purchases, court judgements, driving record, arrest records, criminal prosecutions, and more.
I don't know how it is possible for someone to think being forced to buy health insurance is capitalism. I don't know how it is possible for someone to think being forced to buy health insurance is not a government takeover.

I don't know how it is possible for someone to think having to go through a government gatekeeper to get your insurance is not a government takeover.

I don't know how it is possible for someone to think the goverment deciding how much insurance coverage you have to have is not a government takeover.

You have to have seven pounds of brain damage to think that is capitalism.
I expect the "glitches" and computer issues will be taken into account and there will be a reprieve for many. As a matter of fact, it could be something that will enable government to reopen...
How many of these topics about the 51,000 are there going to be? Is there some mass email urging you to do this?

I heard Rush Limbaugh mentioning it on his show a couple times today. Now you know the ass... um... mass email these people are listening to.
And how many of the 20 - 30 year old supermen and superwomen figure the first years penalty is still cheaper than Obamacare? I know people in their 50's who have never had health insurance and still don't want it.

So let them pay the tax.

Obama called it a penalty....For some strange reason the Supreme Court called it a Tax....
Sometimes I wonder.....

At any rate it's still BS and it's not good for us.....(OF course that's just my opinion)

Obama just wants to call it a penalty even though the SC said it was a tax. Remember...Obama told us he would not raise our taxes!!! Lol!
Is it really insurance?
If you are a low income earner and can only afford the lowest option - is it really health care?
$5000 deductible? That is not healthcare insurance. That is major medical only insurance.

Considering all the free checkups- breast, cancer, colonoscopy, heart etc etc- and 30 dollar doctor visits, that's about all you need, dingbat. Too bad you're on the Pub fear mongering bs channel, and get no actual info...:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:
If you get cancer.....that deductible will seem like a drop in the ocean. Then...you can thank all the healthy people who are buying insurance for subsidizing your treatment and recovery. You won't lose your house or your life savings.

It is insurance.
Is it really insurance?
If you are a low income earner and can only afford the lowest option - is it really health care?
$5000 deductible? That is not healthcare insurance. That is major medical only insurance.

The $5000 deductible is for the bronze plan. The bronze plan does not qualify you for subsidies.

The silver and gold plans are the ones which receive subsidies.

The bronze plan is for people who have been voluntarily uninsured who are now being forced to buy insurance and don't want to pay a lot in premiums.
I quit telling people to get a job When we spent 2 years working on healthcare instead of jobs....

Isn't that the right priorities for Utopia?
So let them pay the tax.

Obama called it a penalty....For some strange reason the Supreme Court called it a Tax....
Sometimes I wonder.....

At any rate it's still BS and it's not good for us.....(OF course that's just my opinion)

Obama just wants to call it a penalty even though the SC said it was a tax. Remember...Obama told us he would not raise our taxes!!! Lol!

If you don't buy a mortgage, you suffer a tax penalty. If you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator, the government hits you with higher taxes.

We have had commerical product mandates for decades, and Republicans and Democrats will defend them to the death. In fact, they demand non-homebuyers pay higher taxes. They love it when the government does social engineering.

Paying a tax penalty for not buying health insurance is not a big leap from there.
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Obama called it a penalty....For some strange reason the Supreme Court called it a Tax....
Sometimes I wonder.....

At any rate it's still BS and it's not good for us.....(OF course that's just my opinion)

Obama just wants to call it a penalty even though the SC said it was a tax. Remember...Obama told us he would not raise our taxes!!! Lol!

If you don't buy a mortgage, you suffer a tax penalty. If you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator, the government hits you with higher taxes.

We have had commerical product mandates for decades, and Republicans and Democrats will defend them to the death. They love it when the government does social engineering.

Thing is, you don't get to tell me what House and refrigerator I buy, nor what mortgage plan I select. I'll buy whatever the hell I want.
This is what government social engineering looks like on Tax Day:

Did you buy a house?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Did you buy the right kind of appliances?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Did you produce any consumers of minority age?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Do you have health insurance?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.
Obama just wants to call it a penalty even though the SC said it was a tax. Remember...Obama told us he would not raise our taxes!!! Lol!

If you don't buy a mortgage, you suffer a tax penalty. If you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator, the government hits you with higher taxes.

We have had commerical product mandates for decades, and Republicans and Democrats will defend them to the death. They love it when the government does social engineering.

Thing is, you don't get to tell me what House and refrigerator I buy, nor what mortgage plan I select. I'll buy whatever the hell I want.

And you will pay a tax penalty if you don't.

And the government does tell banks what kind of mortgages you can and cannot be offered. Same thing with every product you purchase. You cannot buy whatever you like. Only what the government has approved for you to buy.

Except psychics, homoepathic remedies, ionic bracelets, and the like.
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On tax day, as one peruses the literally tens of thousands of loopholes, deductions, credits, and subsidies, one gets the impression our entire society is held up by endless government crutches, and Democrats and Republicans would have you believe our whole economy would collapse without those crutches.

Those crutches were bought and paid for with Congressional campaign cash and keep 535 people entrenched in their jobs like the self-serving leeches they are. If they removed the crutches, they know they would lose their jobs.

So $1.4 trillion worth of crutches are kept in place, adding to the national debt year in and year out. We'd be running a surplus and paying lower tax rates without them.

And that mentality, boys and girls, is how we got here. How we arrived at ObamaCare. Another crutch among thousands.
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Obama just wants to call it a penalty even though the SC said it was a tax. Remember...Obama told us he would not raise our taxes!!! Lol!

If you don't buy a mortgage, you suffer a tax penalty. If you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator, the government hits you with higher taxes.

We have had commerical product mandates for decades, and Republicans and Democrats will defend them to the death. They love it when the government does social engineering.

Thing is, you don't get to tell me what House and refrigerator I buy, nor what mortgage plan I select. I'll buy whatever the hell I want.

And if you don't, you will be penalized.

And now the same is true for health insurance. You can buy whatever insurance you want (Bronze, Silver, Gold, employer-sponsored, etc.), but will be penalized if you don't.

No difference.

Did you not know you pay higher taxes for not buying a house? Did you not know this? If you don't buy a house, you have to carry those who did on your back.

And you thought you were free. :lol:
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And how many of the 20 - 30 year old supermen and superwomen figure the first years penalty is still cheaper than Obamacare? I know people in their 50's who have never had health insurance and still don't want it.

So let them pay the tax.

Obama called it a penalty....For some strange reason the Supreme Court called it a Tax....
Sometimes I wonder.....

At any rate it's still BS and it's not good for us.....(OF course that's just my opinion)

You should be using the VA so you already have your government package.

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