Just 51,000 people have enrolled in Federal Obamacare exchanges???

Obama called it a penalty....For some strange reason the Supreme Court called it a Tax....
Sometimes I wonder.....

At any rate it's still BS and it's not good for us.....(OF course that's just my opinion)

Obama just wants to call it a penalty even though the SC said it was a tax. Remember...Obama told us he would not raise our taxes!!! Lol!

If you don't buy a mortgage, you suffer a tax penalty. If you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator, the government hits you with higher taxes.

We have had commerical product mandates for decades, and Republicans and Democrats will defend them to the death. In fact, they demand non-homebuyers pay higher taxes. They love it when the government does social engineering.

Paying a tax penalty for not buying health insurance is not a big leap from there.

My taxes didn't change when I became a Homeowner......
You don't enroll in the exchange. You use the exchange to search for a private health care plan which is licensed to practice in your state. It's called capitalism. That means it's not a government take over of health care.


You most certainly do enroll in the exchange. It's how you get your subsidy. And everyone is required to buy insurance now. The government is forcing people to buy insurance. How the ever loving fuck is that capitalism?

Also, an insurance company cannot be listed on the exchange without government approval. The government is the gatekeeper. You know it is just a matter of time before the number of hispanics and blacks and women in the employ of the insurance company becomes a factor on getting listed on the exchange. And so will how much they contributed to the Democratic Party.

And people are being kicked out of their insurance plans right now because their insurance company does not meet the ACA minimum requirements. The government now decides how much insurance and what coverage you must have. How the ever loving fuck is THAT capitalism?

That's an unequivocal government takeover, my friend. You have to be blind not to see that.

It's capitalism because you get your insurance through an insurance company, unlike something like the VA which is an unvarnished example of gov't run healthcare which, by the way, Republicans support. Gov't run healthcare would look like a single payer system or like Medicaid.

As far as being forced to buy insurance, as far as I'm aware, most states now require drivers to buy auto insurance, and I know for a fact that finance companies force individuals who take out car loans to buy insurance for their cars in order to reimburse the loan company for the value of the car in case an accident turns it into a pile of junk. That's called regulation. I can understand if you don't like it, but without it, the taxpayer ultimately may be forced to pick up the tab for uninsured people who get high-priced emergency care treatment.
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In one week??

With all the systems down???

HOLY SHITE, this is thing is going to be HUGE!!!

BTW - Obama care is not something you enroll in. The ACA is a law.

If your state didn't create it's own insurance exchange (big mistake) you can go to the federal exchange -- when it's up and running. Or move to Kentucky, California, or any of the states that are not relying on the federal government.
So let them pay the tax.

Obama called it a penalty....For some strange reason the Supreme Court called it a Tax....
Sometimes I wonder.....

At any rate it's still BS and it's not good for us.....(OF course that's just my opinion)

You should be using the VA so you already have your government package.

It's not about me. It's about the USA. What healthcare I get or use has nothing to do with it. But i can tell you I pay a hell of a lot more than what the government promised me I would.
Is it really insurance?
If you are a low income earner and can only afford the lowest option - is it really health care?
$5000 deductible? That is not healthcare insurance. That is major medical only insurance.

Is it?

No, it isn't really insurance other than catastrophic/accident insurance...

except that you do get to visit your doc for your wellness visit and a few other visits and testing like mammograms for me, and colonoscopys (sp?) for those over 50....and some include treatments for things like diabetes where it does not have to come out of your deductible....

but outside of that, those kind of plans are meant to discourage the plan holder from going to the doctor....especially if one is already living on the edge with their bills and mortgages...

It's how my husband's work insurance plans have moved over the past 6 years, higher premiums and higher deductibles and higher out of pocket expense and less coverage with double the deductibles and out of pocket if traveling and out of State when you get sick or hurt.....

Insurance is real real real expensive up where I live compared to say Florida, where there are millions of residents in concentrated areas with a gazillion doctors and medical centers...all of the 5 other states in the grouping of what is called the New England region, can fit in to the State of Maine, yet we only have about 1.3 million people spread throughout this state....THAT makes healthcare expensive...not enough medical facilities and not enough doctors willing to work in this State, not enough people for insurance companies to truly be able to compete over and lower the prices either.... it's just an absolute mess up here...and has always been an absolute mess up here when it comes to health care insurance..

I was looking on the Kaiser Calculator for both Maine and Florida and an individual for my age group's insurance cost for a silver plan is something like $8500 in Maine and $5400 in Florida a year....the $8500 in Maine is $3500 less than what it was off the exchange, about 5-6 years ago with Anthem BC/BS.

People who are over poverty level but less than 400% of poverty will be helped with their premiums.. people with children the most....but others that are single or a fam of 2 and large fams with kids with LOW incomes will be subsidized much more....a fam of 2 making less than $35k, will have the gvt's help in paying for the deductibles and out of pocket expenses, along with their premium help....but if they make $36k they are out of luck....and only get help with premiums....

People, except those on Medicaid, will be paying a good chunk in premiums, even with subsidized premium help...it ain't cheap, at least from what I could view on the 2 insurance companies that are offering plans on the exchange up here's web site...

BUT IT IS CHEAPER on the exchange than what it was and what it is, to buy insurance as an individual if you do not have employer coverage....even without any subsidized help.
This is what government social engineering looks like on Tax Day:

Did you buy a house?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Did you buy the right kind of appliances?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Did you produce any consumers of minority age?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Do you have health insurance?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Um, people who can't afford a house or appliances probably don't owe federal income tax.

Sorry to make you look like an idiot, but it sounds like you really didn't think things through.

Better luck next time.

And if you can afford insurance why would you not buy it -- do you want to burden society with your medical bills?
Is it really insurance?
If you are a low income earner and can only afford the lowest option - is it really health care?
$5000 deductible? That is not healthcare insurance. That is major medical only insurance.

Considering all the free checkups- breast, cancer, colonoscopy, heart etc etc- and 30 dollar doctor visits, that's about all you need, dingbat. Too bad you're on the Pub fear mongering bs channel, and get no actual info...:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:

Hey go to hell jerk.
It is an honest question jackass.
Things happen to people, you know get injured.
For a young person who needs NONE of those test, they need health coverage. And at a $5000 deductible...they will get absolute nothing.
And after that - piss on you and the horse you rode in on. There was no call for calling me names for asking a goddamn question.
If you don't buy a mortgage, you suffer a tax penalty. If you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator, the government hits you with higher taxes.

We have had commerical product mandates for decades, and Republicans and Democrats will defend them to the death. They love it when the government does social engineering.

Thing is, you don't get to tell me what House and refrigerator I buy, nor what mortgage plan I select. I'll buy whatever the hell I want.

And if you don't, you will be penalized.

And now the same is true for health insurance. You can buy whatever insurance you want (Bronze, Silver, Gold, employer-sponsored, etc.), but will be penalized if you don't.

No difference.

Did you not know you pay higher taxes for not buying a house? Did you not know this? If you don't buy a house, you have to carry those who did on your back.

And you thought you were free. :lol:

To a liberal like you, that is heaven. And since when should I be punished for making my own choices in life? WHAT IS THIS COUNTRY COMING TO?!
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You don't enroll in the exchange. You use the exchange to search for a private health care plan which is licensed to practice in your state. It's called capitalism. That means it's not a government take over of health care.

With that said, this is one of the reasons I don't much listen to Republicans anymore when they talk about the issues. They either don't know what they're talking about, or they misrepresent the facts. The woeful ignorance of their sycophantic follower is further evidence of that travesty of leadership.

This is a test of your "government take over.."
Do you know what the "Medical liability ratio" is regarding one of the 1,300 already existing insurance companies?
Do you know why that ratio is important with respect to the ACA?
Finally are you totally buying into the bogus number that per Obama has stated
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"

EVEN though it is a FACT that 18 million are under 34 , make over $50k and don't want to spend more on employers plans.. so bogus number!
14 million are already covered all need to do is register with Medicaid!
10 million are NOT citizens!

18 million Source: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
14 million SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_...ed-America.pdf
10 million SOURCE: US Census Bureau

If you still think there are 46 million as Obama bogusly uses... PLEASE FOR your own sake DON"T MAKE SMARMY IGNORANT comments about
"woeful ignorance of their sycophantic follower"
BECAUSE YOU are totally showing your ignorance./
Thing is, you don't get to tell me what House and refrigerator I buy, nor what mortgage plan I select. I'll buy whatever the hell I want.

And if you don't, you will be penalized.

And now the same is true for health insurance. You can buy whatever insurance you want (Bronze, Silver, Gold, employer-sponsored, etc.), but will be penalized if you don't.

No difference.

Did you not know you pay higher taxes for not buying a house? Did you not know this? If you don't buy a house, you have to carry those who did on your back.

And you thought you were free. :lol:

To a liberal like you, that is heaven. And since when should I be punished for making my own choices in life? WHAT IS THIS COUNTRY COMING TO?!

It would help if you understood what G5000 is saying. You maketh a fool of thyself.
Thing is, you don't get to tell me what House and refrigerator I buy, nor what mortgage plan I select. I'll buy whatever the hell I want.

And if you don't, you will be penalized.

And now the same is true for health insurance. You can buy whatever insurance you want (Bronze, Silver, Gold, employer-sponsored, etc.), but will be penalized if you don't.

No difference.

Did you not know you pay higher taxes for not buying a house? Did you not know this? If you don't buy a house, you have to carry those who did on your back.

And you thought you were free. :lol:

To a liberal like you, that is heaven. And since when should I be punished for making my own choices in life? WHAT IS THIS COUNTRY COMING TO?!

You only think you are making your own choices. You have been hypnotized into believing making someone pay higher taxes for renting instead of buying is a good thing.

You have been hypnotized into believing making someone pay higher taxes for owning the wrong refrigerator is a good thing.

You are so accustomed to government crutches propping up the business world that you would scream like a hippie if your crutches were threatened.
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This is what government social engineering looks like on Tax Day:

Did you buy a house?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Did you buy the right kind of appliances?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Did you produce any consumers of minority age?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Do you have health insurance?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Um, people who can't afford a house or appliances probably don't owe federal income tax.

Sorry to make you look like an idiot, but it sounds like you really didn't think things through.

Better luck next time.

Nice try. Plenty of middle class people can afford to buy but choose to rent. And the bigger the house you buy (the richer you are), the bigger the tax burden you put on everyone else with your deduction! This is an extremely regressive burden the Right and the Left demand be placed on the shoulders of others.

And mortgage interest rate deductions are but one of the thousands of tax expenditure crutches in the code. There are thousands of such social engineering experiments in the code. Too bad you are too ignorant to be aware of this.

Better luck next time.

And if you can afford insurance why would you not buy it -- do you want to burden society with your medical bills?

The government should not be penalizing anyone with extra taxation for not buying products. Whether it be a house or a refrigerator or an insurance policy.
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This is what government social engineering looks like on Tax Day:

Did you buy a house?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Did you buy the right kind of appliances?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Did you produce any consumers of minority age?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Do you have health insurance?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

One mans junk..or one mans incentive is another's fee.
This is what government social engineering looks like on Tax Day:

Did you buy a house?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Did you buy the right kind of appliances?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Did you produce any consumers of minority age?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

Do you have health insurance?

Bad boy! You will have to pay more in taxes.

One mans junk..or one mans incentive is another's fee.

Every dollar you accept from the government in the form of a tax expenditure is another dollar someone else has to cough up (pay extra for not buying a house, for example) or has to be added to the national debt.
Nearly two weeks ago, Obamacare opened for business, opening "exchanges" where people could sign up for it.

"Could" might be too nice a word. Participation is MANDATORY, with Federal law imposing stiff penalties if you don't sign up.

Now the numbers are starting to trickle out: Almost nobody is signing up, even with threats of penalties and IRS crackdowns hanging over their heads.

It looks like the grim facts are proving true, despite rosy media predictions: THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DON'T WANT OBAMACARE, AND NEVER DID.

How many of the nonexistent signups, are due to the huge problems and glitches in these "exchanges"?

OTOH, how many people took a look at the huge problems and glitches, and said, "Forget it, I'm not signing up for something that poorly run!"?

How many of the signups they DID get, are people who tried to sign up once, ran into glitches and crashes, and came back later to try again, start from scratch, and wound up signed up twice? Or three times? Or ten?

And how many never wanted to sign up for something that charges such high prices for the diminished service Obamacare offers, in the first place?

Almost as odd, is the fact that the signup numbers are such a "trickle". When asked how the signups are going, Federal officials keep saying they don't know, they don't have the information. Yet the employees of the exchanges, have all that info at their fingertips, and are telling reporters about it.

Do the top official have THAT poor communication with their own employees? Or are they simply afraid to admit the truth: That Obamacare is provinto be a huge flop? That even when threatened with penalties, people still don't want to sign up?


Oh My: Just 51,000 Americans Have Enrolled in Federal Obamacare Exchanges? - Guy Benson

Oh My: Just 51,000 Americans Have Enrolled in Federal Obamacare Exchanges?

Guy Benson | Oct 11, 2013

Remember, the Obama administration has been pretending that they don't have this data, which nobody believes. They've been sitting on it because it's super-embarrassing and underscores the magnitude of their failure and incompetence. Sadly for Sebelius & Co., the media has these things called "sources," and the UK Daily Mail gives the world its first glimpse of Obamacare's trainwreck-by-the-numbers. Wow:

Just 51,000 people completed Obamacare applications during the first week the Healthcare.gov website was online, according to two sources inside the Department of Health and Human Services who gave MailOnline an exclusive look at the earliest enrollment numbers.

The career civil servants, who process data inside the agency, confirmed independently that just 6,200 Americans applied for health insurance through the problem-plagued website on October 1, the day it first opened to the public.

Neither HHS nor the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services would comment on the record about the numbers. Enroll America, the president's organization of health care 'navigators' who are charged with helping Americans sign up, didn't reply to a request for information about its level of success so far. The White House also did not respond to emails seeking comment.

But several administration officials have claimed this month that they didn't have access to the kinds of raw figures MailOnline obtained from the people who work for them. And the anemic totals suggest a far lower level of interest in coverage through the Affordable Care Act than the Obama administration has hoped to see.

A devastating paragraph. First of all 51,000 people out of the entire combined populations of 36 states is microscopic. It's a rounding error. It's as if a sold-out Yankee Stadium signed up -- and nobody else. In a nation of 300 million.

Questions: Of the lucky 51,000, how many aren't actually signed up, thanks to another related snag? And how many are duplicates?

The British paper also smacks down the White House's obvious lie that they aren't aware of these numbers. The figures were provided to the press by people who report to the very officials who say they don't have access to them.

At the state level, potential enrollees' experiences have varied, though not even the uber-prepared state of Maryland has met with much success. In Iowa, home to a hybrid state/federal exchange, five people have signed up. In Hawaii, which runs its own exchange, zero people have obtained coverage.

The Mail article suggests that public interest in Obamacare is unsustainably low, given the enrollment levels required to keep the program afloat. I think that's a premature conclusion. How many people have tried to sign on and failed due to all the glitches and crashes?

Healthcare.gov needs to get those programming kids from Amazon to do some moonlighting. The problem is 34 states on one server. The problem will be resolved once they expand hard disk space and bandwidth. Or else convert some of the most populous states to their own servers, like New Jersey. The states that have their own servers are doing fine.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44SR2irS188]A HACKERS WET DREAM: LOSE YOUR IDENTITY AND SAVINGS WITH OBAMACARE 10/3/13 - YouTube[/ame]
Imagine two neighbors who earn an identical income. Imagine the segment of road in front of their two houses represents all government expenses and that this adds up to $600 a year for that road segment.

Since they earn identical incomes, their individual burdens should be $300 each.

But wait! American A bought a mortgage for his house. American B is renting. American A is therefore given a $100 gift by the government for going along with the government's social engineering plans.

So now American A has only a $200 tax bill, and he happily votes for the politician's who gave him this present.

But...the road still costs $600.

This means American B is going to have to cough up $400 (instead of $300) so the road can be paid for. He must pay for his neighbor's gift from the government. It would be even worse for him if his neighbor has kids or bought the right kind of refrigerator or bought the right kind of electricity to run his refrigerator.

American B pitches a screaming hissy fit about this. He absolutely refuses to tolerate higher taxes.

So he votes for the politician who won't raise his taxes and who will borrow the $100 from China instead.

And that is how we got a $17 trillion debt, ladies and gentlemen.

$1.4 trillion of gifts in the form of tax expenditures given away every year. Year after year. This totally dwarfs the $800 million spent on ObamaPhones.

If anyone suggested to Citizen A he no longer receive gifts from the government so that Citizen B's taxes could be lowered and no more debt be built up, he would scream like a welfare queen.
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Nearly two weeks ago, Obamacare opened for business, opening "exchanges" where people could sign up for it.

"Could" might be too nice a word. Participation is MANDATORY, with Federal law imposing stiff penalties if you don't sign up.

Now the numbers are starting to trickle out: Almost nobody is signing up, even with threats of penalties and IRS crackdowns hanging over their heads.

It looks like the grim facts are proving true, despite rosy media predictions: THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DON'T WANT OBAMACARE, AND NEVER DID.

How many of the nonexistent signups, are due to the huge problems and glitches in these "exchanges"?

OTOH, how many people took a look at the huge problems and glitches, and said, "Forget it, I'm not signing up for something that poorly run!"?

How many of the signups they DID get, are people who tried to sign up once, ran into glitches and crashes, and came back later to try again, start from scratch, and wound up signed up twice? Or three times? Or ten?

And how many never wanted to sign up for something that charges such high prices for the diminished service Obamacare offers, in the first place?

Almost as odd, is the fact that the signup numbers are such a "trickle". When asked how the signups are going, Federal officials keep saying they don't know, they don't have the information. Yet the employees of the exchanges, have all that info at their fingertips, and are telling reporters about it.

Do the top official have THAT poor communication with their own employees? Or are they simply afraid to admit the truth: That Obamacare is provinto be a huge flop? That even when threatened with penalties, people still don't want to sign up?


Oh My: Just 51,000 Americans Have Enrolled in Federal Obamacare Exchanges? - Guy Benson

Oh My: Just 51,000 Americans Have Enrolled in Federal Obamacare Exchanges?

Guy Benson | Oct 11, 2013

Remember, the Obama administration has been pretending that they don't have this data, which nobody believes. They've been sitting on it because it's super-embarrassing and underscores the magnitude of their failure and incompetence. Sadly for Sebelius & Co., the media has these things called "sources," and the UK Daily Mail gives the world its first glimpse of Obamacare's trainwreck-by-the-numbers. Wow:

Just 51,000 people completed Obamacare applications during the first week the Healthcare.gov website was online, according to two sources inside the Department of Health and Human Services who gave MailOnline an exclusive look at the earliest enrollment numbers.

The career civil servants, who process data inside the agency, confirmed independently that just 6,200 Americans applied for health insurance through the problem-plagued website on October 1, the day it first opened to the public.

Neither HHS nor the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services would comment on the record about the numbers. Enroll America, the president's organization of health care 'navigators' who are charged with helping Americans sign up, didn't reply to a request for information about its level of success so far. The White House also did not respond to emails seeking comment.

But several administration officials have claimed this month that they didn't have access to the kinds of raw figures MailOnline obtained from the people who work for them. And the anemic totals suggest a far lower level of interest in coverage through the Affordable Care Act than the Obama administration has hoped to see.

A devastating paragraph. First of all 51,000 people out of the entire combined populations of 36 states is microscopic. It's a rounding error. It's as if a sold-out Yankee Stadium signed up -- and nobody else. In a nation of 300 million.

Questions: Of the lucky 51,000, how many aren't actually signed up, thanks to another related snag? And how many are duplicates?

The British paper also smacks down the White House's obvious lie that they aren't aware of these numbers. The figures were provided to the press by people who report to the very officials who say they don't have access to them.

At the state level, potential enrollees' experiences have varied, though not even the uber-prepared state of Maryland has met with much success. In Iowa, home to a hybrid state/federal exchange, five people have signed up. In Hawaii, which runs its own exchange, zero people have obtained coverage.

The Mail article suggests that public interest in Obamacare is unsustainably low, given the enrollment levels required to keep the program afloat. I think that's a premature conclusion. How many people have tried to sign on and failed due to all the glitches and crashes?
New York was Tuesday's big star, saying that more than 40,000 residents had completed the application process and been ruled eligible for the plans. this was for first week. California announced 16,311 had completed their application and 27,305 were partially completed. Washington state reported 17,952. Kentucky has reported 7,000. 10,000 applications were received by the companies. That's 100,000 for the first week. Most of remaining states have not reported. Of the 50 states, only 3 states have submitted a complete tally and 2 have submitted partial tallies. The remaining 45 states have not released numbers.

States disclose tens of thousands enrolled in Obamacare
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