Just a reminder to Liberals: Trump BEGINS his Presidency in two months.

What you are watching on the streets is just a pre-game warmup. The country is going to see civil rights era size crowds in the streets in the coming two years. And the more wannabe Mussolini tries to act tough the worst it will get.

He's a piece of shit. Doesn't matter what party he claims to belong to, he's a piece of shit.
We'll see if you SJW can take an attack dog or head clubbing like MLK marchers endured.

Yes we know conservatives are deathly afraid of blood and pain, it would require leaving their mom's basement and being an adult. But the most telling thing is how many cons seem to take pleasure in the pain of others. P.o.shit trump has alos expressed a joy in such things. The mark of a coward.

Hey how'd that election turn out for you? :biggrin:

For me fine, I'm a middle aged white male. Sorry to burst that bitch bubble of yours.

Now we see p.o.shit trump gathering his colony of lepers. Good. It's best to drag the toadstools out into the sunshine for everyone to see.
What you are watching on the streets is just a pre-game warmup. The country is going to see civil rights era size crowds in the streets in the coming two years. And the more wannabe Mussolini tries to act tough the worst it will get.

He's a piece of shit. Doesn't matter what party he claims to belong to, he's a piece of shit.
We'll see if you SJW can take an attack dog or head clubbing like MLK marchers endured.

Yes we know conservatives are deathly afraid of blood and pain, it would require leaving their mom's basement and being an adult. But the most telling thing is how many cons seem to take pleasure in the pain of others. P.o.shit trump has alos expressed a joy in such things. The mark of a coward.

Hey how'd that election turn out for you? :biggrin:

For me fine, I'm a middle aged white male. Sorry to burst that bitch bubble of yours.

Now we see p.o.shit trump gathering his colony of lepers. Good. It's best to drag the toadstools out into the sunshine for everyone to see.

toadstools?? wow, so is the racist?

So far Trump seems to have a list of women, blacks, latinos and gays to fill his administration

Muslims and jews have come out in support of Trump, though I don't know if any are on his administration list yet. I don't know if he will try to include his son in law.

He will take the best and brightest that he trusts regardless of race, gender or religion.
Trump: 62,972,226
Clinton: 62,277,750

Trump got 306 Electoral College
Clinton got 232.

Why do people keep spreading this bullshit? Can you not fucking read???

99% reporting

View attachment 98419
Donald Trump
View attachment 98420
Hillary Clinton

old count
Plus, considering there are over 300 highly populated "sanctuary cities" across the country, you can bet that about three million of the Hillary voters were fraudulent illegals.
What you are watching on the streets is just a pre-game warmup. The country is going to see civil rights era size crowds in the streets in the coming two years. And the more wannabe Mussolini tries to act tough the worst it will get.

He's a piece of shit. Doesn't matter what party he claims to belong to, he's a piece of shit.
Marching in the streets, chanting, wailing and crying, despite the number of those involved, won't change the election results. He's already been elected and that isn't going to change, unless you plan to remove him by force and implement a dictatorship. There are only two ways to overcome the election: One is to actually take up arms against the newly elected administration and the millions who supported him. Oh, wait.....you whiny pampered anti-gun types will just continue stomping your feet like children in stores who don't get their way, as you are opposed to the right to bear arms. The other is to just plan and wait for four years when the vote comes around again. This time however, pick a candidate that has huge name recognition and popularity, even if it's just a celebrity.

Suck it up Cubby, bad times are a comin' for p.o.shit trump and his mail order prostitute.
Be a good Democrap and ready to mail cigarettes to the federal prison cell holding the two lovers Hillary and Huma. :clap2:
Trump: 62,972,226
Clinton: 62,277,750

Trump got 306 Electoral College
Clinton got 232.

Why do people keep spreading this bullshit? Can you not fucking read???

99% reporting

View attachment 98419
Donald Trump
View attachment 98420
Hillary Clinton

old count
Plus, considering there are over 300 highly populated "sanctuary cities" across the country, you can bet that about three million of the Hillary voters were fraudulent illegals.
The incoming administration needs to go after the sanctuary cities. Replace the Mayors. Arrest them for obstruction of justice and send in the National Guard. That'd be entertaining.
Trump: 62,972,226
Clinton: 62,277,750

Trump got 306 Electoral College
Clinton got 232.

Why do people keep spreading this bullshit? Can you not fucking read???

99% reporting

View attachment 98419
Donald Trump
View attachment 98420
Hillary Clinton

old count
Plus, considering there are over 300 highly populated "sanctuary cities" across the country, you can bet that about three million of the Hillary voters were fraudulent illegals.
The incoming administration needs to go after the sanctuary cities. Replace the Mayors. Arrest them for obstruction of justice and send in the National Guard. That'd be entertaining.
Threatening to cut off federal funding to various govt. services would be enough. They will do a 180 immediately.
Trump: 62,972,226
Clinton: 62,277,750

Trump got 306 Electoral College
Clinton got 232.

Why do people keep spreading this bullshit? Can you not fucking read???

99% reporting

View attachment 98419
Donald Trump
View attachment 98420
Hillary Clinton

old count
Plus, considering there are over 300 highly populated "sanctuary cities" across the country, you can bet that about three million of the Hillary voters were fraudulent illegals.
The incoming administration needs to go after the sanctuary cities. Replace the Mayors. Arrest them for obstruction of justice and send in the National Guard. That'd be entertaining.

Fascism often is.
That means it is not possible for him to fail at anything YET because he ISN'T THE PRESIDENT. So do your yoga, weed, drinks, or meds and calm down. The sky is not falling, you're candidate lost, that's all.
That means it is not possible for him to fail at anything YET because he ISN'T THE PRESIDENT. So do your yoga, weed, drinks, or meds and calm down. The sky is not falling, you're candidate lost, that's all.
Why is it, after Obama won, you tea party white nuts went insane, showing up at the white house, protesting with guns and hate signs, and nobody gave a damn. No guys like you calling for calm, nothing...but when liberals do it, its a fuckin crime??

Keep in mind you kum ba ya, idiot...Obama's only crime while running for president, was being BLACK....Trump on the other hand....come on.....face it, the rioters are being tamed based on the shit Trump said and did.

Please all of you morons, please lets all keep in touch...I promise you, you'll cry Uncle before we do!!

Your moron protestors aren't protesters they are criminals committing criminal acts, even going as far as causing the father of a four year old to DIE, ,, LET THAT SINK IN DIE... BECAUSE THE ASSHOLES WOULDN'T MOVE blocking traffic.
That means it is not possible for him to fail at anything YET because he ISN'T THE PRESIDENT. So do your yoga, weed, drinks, or meds and calm down. The sky is not falling, you're candidate lost, that's all.

That and bad grammar, nothing two sea hear!

Don't forget to remind the right that Trump will be president in 2 months, and when they find out he's not what they think they voted for....
doubtful, but tried telling you loons the same for Obama and that criminal bitch Clinton.
That means it is not possible for him to fail at anything YET because he ISN'T THE PRESIDENT. So do your yoga, weed, drinks, or meds and calm down. The sky is not falling, you're candidate lost, that's all.
That means it is not possible for him to fail at anything YET because he ISN'T THE PRESIDENT. So do your yoga, weed, drinks, or meds and calm down. The sky is not falling, you're candidate lost, that's all.
Why is it, after Obama won, you tea party white nuts went insane, showing up at the white house, protesting with guns and hate signs, and nobody gave a damn. No guys like you calling for calm, nothing...but when liberals do it, its a fuckin crime??

Keep in mind you kum ba ya, idiot...Obama's only crime while running for president, was being BLACK....Trump on the other hand....come on.....face it, the rioters are being tamed based on the shit Trump said and did.

Please all of you morons, please lets all keep in touch...I promise you, you'll cry Uncle before we do!!

Your moron protestors aren't protesters they are criminals committing criminal acts, even going as far as causing the father of a four year old to DIE, ,, LET THAT SINK IN DIE... BECAUSE THE ASSHOLES WOULDN'T MOVE blocking traffic.

I call bullshit. Can you produce a link from a LEGITIMATE news source, i.e. something apart from The Blaze, Brietbart, InfoWars, etc.?
That means it is not possible for him to fail at anything YET because he ISN'T THE PRESIDENT. So do your yoga, weed, drinks, or meds and calm down. The sky is not falling, you're candidate lost, that's all.
That means it is not possible for him to fail at anything YET because he ISN'T THE PRESIDENT. So do your yoga, weed, drinks, or meds and calm down. The sky is not falling, you're candidate lost, that's all.
Why is it, after Obama won, you tea party white nuts went insane, showing up at the white house, protesting with guns and hate signs, and nobody gave a damn. No guys like you calling for calm, nothing...but when liberals do it, its a fuckin crime??

Keep in mind you kum ba ya, idiot...Obama's only crime while running for president, was being BLACK....Trump on the other hand....come on.....face it, the rioters are being tamed based on the shit Trump said and did.

Please all of you morons, please lets all keep in touch...I promise you, you'll cry Uncle before we do!!

Your moron protestors aren't protesters they are criminals committing criminal acts, even going as far as causing the father of a four year old to DIE, ,, LET THAT SINK IN DIE... BECAUSE THE ASSHOLES WOULDN'T MOVE blocking traffic.

paid by soros, who should be arrest
That means it is not possible for him to fail at anything YET because he ISN'T THE PRESIDENT. So do your yoga, weed, drinks, or meds and calm down. The sky is not falling, you're candidate lost, that's all.

That and bad grammar, nothing two sea hear!

Don't forget to remind the right that Trump will be president in 2 months, and when they find out he's not what they think they voted for....
doubtful, but tried telling you loons the same for Obama and that criminal bitch Clinton.

Wow, insults.
That means it is not possible for him to fail at anything YET because he ISN'T THE PRESIDENT. So do your yoga, weed, drinks, or meds and calm down. The sky is not falling, you're candidate lost, that's all.
That means it is not possible for him to fail at anything YET because he ISN'T THE PRESIDENT. So do your yoga, weed, drinks, or meds and calm down. The sky is not falling, you're candidate lost, that's all.
Why is it, after Obama won, you tea party white nuts went insane, showing up at the white house, protesting with guns and hate signs, and nobody gave a damn. No guys like you calling for calm, nothing...but when liberals do it, its a fuckin crime??

Keep in mind you kum ba ya, idiot...Obama's only crime while running for president, was being BLACK....Trump on the other hand....come on.....face it, the rioters are being tamed based on the shit Trump said and did.

Please all of you morons, please lets all keep in touch...I promise you, you'll cry Uncle before we do!!

Your moron protestors aren't protesters they are criminals committing criminal acts, even going as far as causing the father of a four year old to DIE, ,, LET THAT SINK IN DIE... BECAUSE THE ASSHOLES WOULDN'T MOVE blocking traffic.

paid by soros, who should be arrest

Why? If you pay money to the police, and they then go beat someone up, should you be arrested?

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