Just another day in Oakland

they sure seem like to shoot em up in these liberal towns

a recent CDC reports suggests the same
I've been to the Bronx, Chicago, LA. But, I've never felt as unsafe anywhere as Oakland. I was at the Oracle Arena and wanted to walk somewhere to eat. But, there didn't seem to be anywhere close and I knew it was ghetto all around cos I had drove through it all while looking for the arena. I even saw some dude just randomly start beating his ho right there in the middle of the street.
they sure seem like to shoot em up in these liberal towns

a recent CDC reports suggests the same

Quick question.........................do you have a link to the CDC report (that you claim to have seen) so that the rest of us can make our own decisions about the subject?

I'm guessing you don't.........................:eusa_whistle:
they sure seem like to shoot em up in these liberal towns

a recent CDC reports suggests the same

Quick question.........................do you have a link to the CDC report (that you claim to have seen) so that the rest of us can make our own decisions about the subject?

I'm guessing you don't.........................:eusa_whistle:

Given your dicky attitude; I wouldn't give you the report even if I had it as a saved search.
Anyone else notice the gunmen were black men in hoodies (Cough media, trayvon).

facts = hate speech

We need to pretend this didn't happen, and then worry about the next potential zimmerman, because that is the biggest threat to young black men.
they sure seem like to shoot em up in these liberal towns

a recent CDC reports suggests the same

Quick question.........................do you have a link to the CDC report (that you claim to have seen) so that the rest of us can make our own decisions about the subject?

I'm guessing you don't.........................:eusa_whistle:

Given your dicky attitude; I wouldn't give you the report even if I had it as a saved search.

Just what I thought..................you have no proof, and because you can't provide any, you decide to attack those who question your assertions.

BTW.......................does the CDC actually track gunshot victims, and furthermore, do they really divide the towns up into "liberal" and "conservative"?

I'm guessing they don't, you just wanted to spew some more confusion, bias and bigotry out into the world.
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I suppose we can be thankful Obama sons are such bad shots. Otherwise, there would be a lot more dead bodies in America's Obama areas every day and night.
I suppose we can be thankful Obama sons are such bad shots. Otherwise, there would be a lot more dead bodies in America's Obama areas every day and night.

When did Obama have a son? When he was referring to Trayvon, he'd said "he COULD HAVE BEEN my son", meaning that if Obama had a son, Trayvon could have been him.

But....................since he's only had daughters (and I know that the rabid conservatives are going to say he's not a man because he has no male heirs), how can you say that "we can be thankful Obama sons are such bad shots"?

It's a false statement, and you're being stupid for bringing it up.
Okay, so that shooter COULD HAVE BEEN AN OBAMA SON according to Obama. Feel better?
Okay, so that shooter COULD HAVE BEEN AN OBAMA SON according to Obama. Feel better?

Your apology is kinda hollow, because you were shamed into admitting you were wrong.

I'm not sure if you're sorry for transmitting the lie, or sorry that you got caught.

I'm guessing the latter for you, because you seem like a really big bigot.
Okay, so that shooter COULD HAVE BEEN AN OBAMA SON according to Obama. Feel better?

Your apology is kinda hollow, because you were shamed into admitting you were wrong.

I'm not sure if you're sorry for transmitting the lie, or sorry that you got caught.

I'm guessing the latter for you, because you seem like a really big bigot.

Obama is the bigot
The fact that we don't treat crime equally is the problem I have. What is so fucking special about a black thug attacking a man that deserves over a year of media coverage? But let's not discuss the twice as many whites that are killed by them every year.

The left is all about sound bites instead of reality.
Okay, so that shooter COULD HAVE BEEN AN OBAMA SON according to Obama. Feel better?

Your apology is kinda hollow, because you were shamed into admitting you were wrong.

I'm not sure if you're sorry for transmitting the lie, or sorry that you got caught.

I'm guessing the latter for you, because you seem like a really big bigot.

Obama is the bigot

Really? Okay................I'll play along..........................

Provide links to show bigoted behavior by Obama.

At least five would be good.
The fact that we don't treat crime equally is the problem I have. What is so fucking special about a black thug attacking a man that deserves over a year of media coverage? But let's not discuss the twice as many whites that are killed by them every year.

The left is all about sound bites instead of reality.

Actually, the people providing sound bites and bumper sticker slogans so far have been the conservatives on the right.

Why else do you think the GOP lost the vote? More people liked Democrats than Republicans this last election cycle, and if the GOP keeps going like it has, they're going to lose even more votes this next cycle (2014), and see a Democrat majority not only in the Senate, but in the House as well.
The fact that we don't treat crime equally is the problem I have. What is so fucking special about a black thug attacking a man that deserves over a year of media coverage? But let's not discuss the twice as many whites that are killed by them every year.

The left is all about sound bites instead of reality.

Actually, the people providing sound bites and bumper sticker slogans so far have been the conservatives on the right.

Why else do you think the GOP lost the vote? More people liked Democrats than Republicans this last election cycle, and if the GOP keeps going like it has, they're going to lose even more votes this next cycle (2014), and see a Democrat majority not only in the Senate, but in the House as well.

are you taking bets?

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