Just another day in Oakland

The fact that we don't treat crime equally is the problem I have. What is so fucking special about a black thug attacking a man that deserves over a year of media coverage? But let's not discuss the twice as many whites that are killed by them every year.

The left is all about sound bites instead of reality.

Actually, the people providing sound bites and bumper sticker slogans so far have been the conservatives on the right.

Why else do you think the GOP lost the vote? More people liked Democrats than Republicans this last election cycle, and if the GOP keeps going like it has, they're going to lose even more votes this next cycle (2014), and see a Democrat majority not only in the Senate, but in the House as well.

are you taking bets?

Sure......................what ya wanna bet? On this site we can talk about rep or siglines.

However..................on PM's we can talk about trips to Cancun.

What ya wanna bet?
Okay, so that shooter COULD HAVE BEEN AN OBAMA SON according to Obama. Feel better?

Your apology is kinda hollow, because you were shamed into admitting you were wrong.

I'm not sure if you're sorry for transmitting the lie, or sorry that you got caught.

I'm guessing the latter for you, because you seem like a really big bigot.

Obama is the bigot

He's the one playing racial politics to divide the herd.
Your apology is kinda hollow, because you were shamed into admitting you were wrong.

I'm not sure if you're sorry for transmitting the lie, or sorry that you got caught.

I'm guessing the latter for you, because you seem like a really big bigot.

Obama is the bigot

He's the one playing racial politics to divide the herd.

Actually......................the ones playing racial politics to divide the herd are the GOP.

Wanna talk about the voter suppression that is going on right now because of the SC?
He's the one playing racial politics to divide the herd.

Actually......................the ones playing racial politics to divide the herd are the GOP.

Wanna talk about the voter suppression that is going on right now because of the SC?

Wanna talk about the black panthers or the unions forcing immigrants to go through the voting booths countless times?

Do you have an actual factual link, or are you going with the scare tactics that FAUX Nooze used in 2008?

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