Just at at Mickey Ds at airport today and wow!

why does that matter given that the majority minimum wage employees are adults with families and cars. outside of major urban centers (where it is most expensive to live) you can't even get to work without a car.

not sure why you think that's relevant unless you're living in the pre-bush economic crash era when high school kids had the minimum wage jobs and mommy and daddy took care of their needs.
LOL, you should do standup. Pre-Bush? So the shrinking middle class is his fault?

If you are an adult and minimum wage is all you are worth you should not be reproducing.
Then why have you?
How do you know what the worker made an hour?
Also you have the luxury of flying on an airplane , this worker has probably never left his city because he works 20 hours a day to just pay rent.

IF I may......I believe the point Chief is making is that he punched a board to enter his order. No $15/hour worker required at order entry. Maybe they have priced themselves out of order entry job?

or maybe in that particular location there was never a manned brick and mortar shop.

$15 an hour shouldn't price anyone out of the market.
Oh, really?

Traditionally, you'd approach the McD's counter and speak your order to an official McDonalds order taker, who then had to punch the correct corrolating pictures/words on the order pad, tell the patron the price, work the exchange of cash/change or credit/debit card swipes, and eventually fetch the patron's order. All with a smile, communicated in understandable English, and hopefully having correctly ordered what the patron asked for in the first place.

Bottom line is fewer employees needed per store no matter what their hourly pay.
Yes, but Mc Donalds corporate will find a way to put that money in their own pockets.
The franchisee will have reduced server costs, or however they ID them. Assuming other operational, inventory, etc. costs don't eat up that savings the store may very well increase its profit, and corporate McD's could benefit too assuming the franchise fee they collect is a fixed percent of that profit.

The objective of the business is to make money. Know that sounds evil to some lefty idiots but, hey, they're lefty idiots!
How do you know what the worker made an hour?
Also you have the luxury of flying on an airplane , this worker has probably never left his city because he works 20 hours a day to just pay rent.

IF I may......I believe the point Chief is making is that he punched a board to enter his order. No $15/hour worker required at order entry. Maybe they have priced themselves out of order entry job?

Oh My.....Automation has become more common over the last few decades, and you think the next logical step in automation was only caused by workers wanting a fair wage. Did bank tellers wanting more money cause the inundation of ATM machines? The fight for fair wages has nothing to do with the automated age which has already been here and growing for a while.

I never said it was the cause dingbat
Do I need to dumb it down more for you to comprehend?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

seems like you're the one who needs it dumbed down.

you should probably stop stamping your feet, drooling at the mouth and insulting the intelligence of others. it just draws attention to your own inability to frame an argument and your complete lack of knowledge.

Shuddup fatso

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

stop projecting, loser. if one of us is fat, it still isn't me, freakboy.

and I don't shut up for anyone, particularly ignorant scum like you. :thup:
How do you know what the worker made an hour?
Also you have the luxury of flying on an airplane , this worker has probably never left his city because he works 20 hours a day to just pay rent.

IF I may......I believe the point Chief is making is that he punched a board to enter his order. No $15/hour worker required at order entry. Maybe they have priced themselves out of order entry job?

or maybe in that particular location there was never a manned brick and mortar shop.

$15 an hour shouldn't price anyone out of the market.
Oh, really?

Traditionally, you'd approach the McD's counter and speak your order to an official McDonalds order taker, who then had to punch the correct corrolating pictures/words on the order pad, tell the patron the price, work the exchange of cash/change or credit/debit card swipes, and eventually fetch the patron's order. All with a smile, communicated in understandable English, and hopefully having correctly ordered what the patron asked for in the first place.

Bottom line is fewer employees needed per store no matter what their hourly pay.

It will all go to customers using a smartphone app, punching in their order and paying all from their phone

Doesn't matter what you pay the workers
why does that matter given that the majority minimum wage employees are adults with families and cars. outside of major urban centers (where it is most expensive to live) you can't even get to work without a car.

not sure why you think that's relevant unless you're living in the pre-bush economic crash era when high school kids had the minimum wage jobs and mommy and daddy took care of their needs.
LOL, you should do standup. Pre-Bush? So the shrinking middle class is his fault?

If you are an adult and minimum wage is all you are worth you should not be reproducing.

and you should get an education.

but people don't always start out minimum wage. sometimes they take minimum wage jos when rightwingnuts cost our economy billions of dollars by crashing it and then shutting it down.
Yes, but Mc Donalds corporate will find a way to put that money in their own pockets.
You do realize most of them are franchises?

Corporate Info :: McDonalds.com

Still many corporate run businesses
And they sit sipping champagne on their mega yacht , while the peasant's flips burgers for a dime........

and the rightwing policies that create and support the absurd disparities in wealth are supported by the very low education/low wage people you see on this board. why? G-d, guns and gays.....
IF I may......I believe the point Chief is making is that he punched a board to enter his order. No $15/hour worker required at order entry. Maybe they have priced themselves out of order entry job?

Oh My.....Automation has become more common over the last few decades, and you think the next logical step in automation was only caused by workers wanting a fair wage. Did bank tellers wanting more money cause the inundation of ATM machines? The fight for fair wages has nothing to do with the automated age which has already been here and growing for a while.

I never said it was the cause dingbat
Do I need to dumb it down more for you to comprehend?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

seems like you're the one who needs it dumbed down.

you should probably stop stamping your feet, drooling at the mouth and insulting the intelligence of others. it just draws attention to your own inability to frame an argument and your complete lack of knowledge.

Shuddup fatso

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

stop projecting, loser. if one of us is fat, it still isn't me, freakboy.

and I don't shut up for anyone, particularly ignorant scum like you. :thup:

Thanks fatty

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, but Mc Donalds corporate will find a way to put that money in their own pockets.
You do realize most of them are franchises?

Corporate Info :: McDonalds.com

Still many corporate run businesses
And they sit sipping champagne on their mega yacht , while the peasant's flips burgers for a dime........
Peasants? Oh, I see, you are living in some communist country. I'm not a peasant, started out with shit jobs and worked my way up. No yacht but I do OK. Most franchise owners operate with very slim margins though and doubt they have yachts. Pull yourself up instead of making demands and sticking your hands in somebody else's pockets.
why does that matter given that the majority minimum wage employees are adults with families and cars. outside of major urban centers (where it is most expensive to live) you can't even get to work without a car.

not sure why you think that's relevant unless you're living in the pre-bush economic crash era when high school kids had the minimum wage jobs and mommy and daddy took care of their needs.
LOL, you should do standup. Pre-Bush? So the shrinking middle class is his fault?

If you are an adult and minimum wage is all you are worth you should not be reproducing.

and you should get an education.

but people don't always start out minimum wage. sometimes they take minimum wage jos when rightwingnuts cost our economy billions of dollars by crashing it and then shutting it down.
Oh, so everything is OK now? Problem solved, right?
Yes, but Mc Donalds corporate will find a way to put that money in their own pockets.
You do realize most of them are franchises?

Corporate Info :: McDonalds.com

Still many corporate run businesses
And they sit sipping champagne on their mega yacht , while the peasant's flips burgers for a dime........

and the rightwing policies that create and support the absurd disparities in wealth are supported by the very low education/low wage people you see on this board. why? G-d, guns and gays.....

So since you're very low education/low wage you support that?
Not even with no kids and no car?

Doubtful. Say you full time $600/wk gross.....$31K/yr. SSI/MED takes what 10%? Medical subsidized $50/mo. You start out about $2000/mo take home maybe. Rent is $2500 for filthy studio. OK split it up 3 ways if you can get away with it?

If you live far away it cost at least $100/mo for bus pass, more for BART or CalTrain. utilities. Food. Not a great life. 1.5hour commute is typical. At least $20/day commute if you don't buy passes.

People are renting storage lockers and sleeping there, hunting bathrooms. It is costly and cold.
Somebody mentioned Small Business. Yes that is the lifeblood of this ecnonomy, and where all the big successful fortune 500 start out. This is what BHO and his regulators have shut down for 8 years. This is why his GDP is poor and employed is poor. No secret.

These people look at Tax return and see 5mil gross! He is rich, he can pay more Tax and wage. They don't realize all the costs.........labor, building, insurance, utilities, trash, fees ..... on and on. They lucky if they make any profit first few years. You want to risk your life savings to play BHO games?

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