Just broke, Manchin says he will NOT vote for Build Back Better

This is a big relief to middle-earning people who have saved for their retirement over 40 years, and who depend on their IRA and 401 K investments to help fund a moderately comfortable retirement. Had Biden been able to push through his inflation-hiking bill, the Fed would have been under even more pressure to quickly raise interest rates to try and control Biden’s out-of-control inflation, and the entire middle class - in addition to dealing with double-digit inflation - would have seen their investments plummet.
"Manchin Says He Won't Vote for ‘Build Back Better' Bill - WSJ" Manchin Says He Won't Vote for ‘Build Back Better' Bill

We need to buy this man a case of beer!

Thank you JOE

Great news? For who?

The benefits in the bill poll highly with the people of West Virginia.

That sound you hear are Democratic strategists, making campaign commercials for next year, making sure the fine folks in West Virginia see Joe sitting on his yacht, with his Maserati parked out front, telling them how they won't be getting the child tax credit any more, or billions in infrastructure for their state.

Old Joe may have just retained control of the Senate for the Democrats. Maybe even the House.

Congrats on the big victory.
"Manchin Says He Won't Vote for ‘Build Back Better' Bill - WSJ" Manchin Says He Won't Vote for ‘Build Back Better' Bill

We need to buy this man a case of beer!

Thank you JOE


Furious Jen Psaki is blindsided by Joe Manchin's 'sudden and inexplicable' decision to kill Biden's $1.75 trillion Build Back Better spending bill: Democrat 'refused' to take call from the White House minutes before announcing position live on TV​

  • The White House lashed out at Joe Manchin on Sunday for finally definitively coming out against Joe Biden's Build Back Better agenda
  • Jen Psaki said 'Manchin's comments... are at odds with his discussions this week with the President, with White House staff, and with his own public utterances'
  • Manchin, a Democrat, said that he can't vote for BBB – even after the New Year
  • 'I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation,' Manchin told Fox. 'I just can't,' he added. 'I've tried everything humanly possible. I can't get there'
  • Senator Bernie Sanders immediately condemned the remarks, saying: 'Well, I think he's gonna have a lot of explaining to do to the people of West Virginia'
  • Chuck Schumer on Friday pushed back the BBB vote until after the holidays

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has become a thorn in the side of Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and especially Joey Xi Bai Dung.
"The mood at the White House following news from Manchin's office was described by Politico as 'panic and disbelief'.:
Chuck Schumer has failed in bringing Manchin to heel. He has offered Manchin untold wealth and other goodies to no avail.
Why exactly is Jen Psaki “furious” and “blindsided”? Joe Manchin has been quite open about his opposition views regarding the Build Back Broke Bill.
Just love it, A Senator with a brain and common sense! We do not need more Social Programs; We can't even manage what we've already got. what with inflation, taxes and gas prices are climbing, as they do under every single Democrat who has ever tried to run this country! Good move for all Americans, unless you're a lazy welfare queen!!
Isn't it funny how Democrats like Nancy Pelosi continue to become millionaires while working in congress and you never notice because she's a Democrat that she's still actually becoming a millionaire on your watch. Sure, Cowboy, you're for millionaires funding your great experiment. Sure you are

Martha Stewart went to jail for crimes Nancy commits every work day
Fuck Biden. Let him fund his stinking giveaway 'programs' with his own money.

STOP creating more welfare dependents, Joe.

If people cannot afford to support their own kids -- then don't have any kids - until you CAN support them. Government actions should NOT be about paying everyone's bills or feeding their kids. That's what JOBS are for.
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Great news? For who?

The benefits in the bill poll highly with the people of West Virginia.

That sound you hear are Democratic strategists, making campaign commercials for next year, making sure the fine folks in West Virginia see Joe sitting on his yacht, with his Maserati parked out front, telling them how they won't be getting the child tax credit any more, or billions in infrastructure for their state.

Old Joe may have just retained control of the Senate for the Democrats. Maybe even the House.

Congrats on the big victory.
Hillary before the 2016 election made statements about shutting down all the plants, the coal mines and the tens of thousands of coal mining jobs and tens of thousands of jobs associated with that in West Virginia. Pipe dream failed Prog policies does not make jobs. All the agendas over the decades cause the need for more agendas and more agendas of which much is subsidizing people because of this Great Society we created that needs to keep expanding more and more as the taxes rise and the people in general become poorer. The Millennial Generation and those behind is/are the first ones to have less than the ones in front of them.
Great news? For who?

The benefits in the bill poll highly with the people of West Virginia.

That sound you hear are Democratic strategists, making campaign commercials for next year, making sure the fine folks in West Virginia see Joe sitting on his yacht, with his Maserati parked out front, telling them how they won't be getting the child tax credit any more, or billions in infrastructure for their state.

Old Joe may have just retained control of the Senate for the Democrats. Maybe even the House.

Congrats on the big victory.
The country can’t afford to give any more handouts. People are refusing to work, or quitting their jobs, because they don’t need to help support their own families. The government is doing it for them.

This bill would have sent inflation skyrocketing even more, and all the people who have saved dutifully for their retirement years so that they wouldn’t become a burden on society, are relieved.

We simply cannot keep spending money we don’t have, and driving prices so high they people MUST depend on govt handouts. Unless, of course, that is the Democrats’ plan.
Great news? For who?

The benefits in the bill poll highly with the people of West Virginia.

That sound you hear are Democratic strategists, making campaign commercials for next year, making sure the fine folks in West Virginia see Joe sitting on his yacht, with his Maserati parked out front, telling them how they won't be getting the child tax credit any more, or billions in infrastructure for their state.

Old Joe may have just retained control of the Senate for the Democrats. Maybe even the House.

Congrats on the big victory.
People aren't refusing to work there loser. The jobs unfilled that don't pay much DO NOT need to be filled.
Inflation may break 10%. The BBB plan did lie about funding for child tax credits for only one year. My guess is inflation tipped the scales for Manchin. I'm not opposed to the whole bill, but the progs were never honest, and not they accuse Manchin of dishonesty. Typical of them.
People aren't refusing to work there loser. The jobs unfilled that don't pay much DO NOT need to be filled.
That’s a bunch of liberal hogwash. People are quitting jobs they were doing before all the handouts enabled them to quit.

You leftists are trying to force employers to pay above-market rates by bribing people to stay home unless they do. All that will accomplish is to drive the businesses who managed to hang on by a thread through COVID out of business, meaning less available jobs, meaning more people on the government dole.

And you people claim you’re not trying to enact socialism.
Inflation may break 10%. The BBB plan did lie about funding for child tax credits for only one year. My guess is inflation tipped the scales for Manchin. I'm not opposed to the whole bill, but the progs were never honest, and not they accuse Manchin of dishonesty. Typical of them.
The only people I know who aren’t complaining about inflation are the ones who pay no income taxes and are now getting an extra $600 or $900 a month (tax-free) as part of the government child support checks. That amount makes up for the extra cost to fill up the tank or buy hamburger.

Other people, including moderate-earning couples without children, young single adults, and seniors of fixed income are really feeling the pinch.
Want employees attract them. Those lower paying jobs DO NOT need to be done. Such an easy call. You think a business should have access to employees just because there's a vacancy? Pffffft ON you. Offer them something to attract them or better yet, BETTER YET, DO NOT hire.
Want employees attract them. Those lower paying jobs DO NOT need to be done. Such an easy call. You think a business should have access to employees just because there's a vacancy? Pffffft ON you. Offer them something to attract them or better yet, BETTER YET, DO NOT hire.
You know nothing about how the free market should work. The problem is that the government is interfering - giving some people so much of other people’s money that they now feel entitled to have other people support them.

Turn off the government spigot, and people will be lining up for jobs again. And if people never learned a skill or trade, than pfffftttt…..they don’t get paid much.

Forcing employers to compete with the government - with its endless printing press - has created a society where people feel working is optional. THAT is how a country fails, and that is what the Marxist Dems want.
Good employers find great workers easily. Bad ones struggle. Every single business who can't find workers is bad and deserves to struggle and I hope they do. You want employers to have all the power. You are anti labor.
Great news? For who?

The benefits in the bill poll highly with the people of West Virginia.

That sound you hear are Democratic strategists, making campaign commercials for next year, making sure the fine folks in West Virginia see Joe sitting on his yacht, with his Maserati parked out front, telling them how they won't be getting the child tax credit any more, or billions in infrastructure for their state.

Old Joe may have just retained control of the Senate for the Democrats. Maybe even the House.

Congrats on the big victory.
The fact is a merican employers have never had it easier to find great workers. The current workforce is the greatest this nation has ever seen. The only problem is we have wackos saying people are lazy.
Good employers find great workers easily. Bad ones struggle. Every single business who can't find workers is bad and deserves to struggle and I hope they do. You want employers to have all the power. You are anti labor.
Wasn’t the case until the government started interfering with the free market by paying people not to work.

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