Just for shits and giggles I went onto the exchange to see how much it would cost


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
A single guy for insurance since they said they would be the highest. The lowest cost was 48.00 a month. Cheap yea. But your DEDUCTABLE Is 10K. So is that really insurance I think not . YOu are paying 600 year for basically shit insurance .. This is what my sons will have to look forward too when they get old enough to get insurance if their jobs do not cover them which is becoming more and more in the work place . They hire more part time employee and my kids are all going to college!!
A single guy for insurance since they said they would be the highest. The lowest cost was 48.00 a month. Cheap yea. But your DEDUCTABLE Is 10K. So is that really insurance I think not . YOu are paying 600 year for basically shit insurance .. This is what my sons will have to look forward too when they get old enough to get insurance if their jobs do not cover them which is becoming more and more in the work place . They hire more part time employee and my kids are all going to college!!

riight now I'm paying for insurance that cost me 450 dollars with a 5000 dollar deductible ... I guess If I pay 96 dollars a month I'll get it down to 5000 dollar deductible and if I pay192 dollars a month it go down to 2500 dollars a month and if I pay 384 dollars a month I have 1200 dollar deductible ... anyway you look at it I'm better off with Obama care then with what I have now ...
A single guy for insurance since they said they would be the highest. The lowest cost was 48.00 a month. Cheap yea. But your DEDUCTABLE Is 10K. So is that really insurance I think not . YOu are paying 600 year for basically shit insurance .. This is what my sons will have to look forward too when they get old enough to get insurance if their jobs do not cover them which is becoming more and more in the work place . They hire more part time employee and my kids are all going to college!!

It's called "Catastrophic" insurance for a reason you know.
A single guy for insurance since they said they would be the highest. The lowest cost was 48.00 a month. Cheap yea. But your DEDUCTABLE Is 10K. So is that really insurance I think not . YOu are paying 600 year for basically shit insurance .. This is what my sons will have to look forward too when they get old enough to get insurance if their jobs do not cover them which is becoming more and more in the work place . They hire more part time employee and my kids are all going to college!!

That is called catastrophic insurance. Dump a motorbike at 60+ and see how little 10K is compared to the total bill. Don't know what you pay for fire insurance on your house, but do you consider that wasted money? You just gave a real good endorsement of the ACA. 48 dollars a month is a bargain for catastrophic health insurance for a young single male. Take a look at the stats for the type of hospital admissions for that segment of the population.
A single guy for insurance since they said they would be the highest. The lowest cost was 48.00 a month. Cheap yea. But your DEDUCTABLE Is 10K. So is that really insurance I think not . YOu are paying 600 year for basically shit insurance .. This is what my sons will have to look forward too when they get old enough to get insurance if their jobs do not cover them which is becoming more and more in the work place . They hire more part time employee and my kids are all going to college!!

That is called catastrophic insurance. Dump a motorbike at 60+ and see how little 10K is compared to the total bill. Don't know what you pay for fire insurance on your house, but do you consider that wasted money? You just gave a real good endorsement of the ACA. 48 dollars a month is a bargain for catastrophic health insurance for a young single male. Take a look at the stats for the type of hospital admissions for that segment of the population.

So this single guy is going to pay 10,576 out of pocket before he has any insurance coverage----and you think thats a good deal?
A single guy for insurance since they said they would be the highest. The lowest cost was 48.00 a month. Cheap yea. But your DEDUCTABLE Is 10K. So is that really insurance I think not . YOu are paying 600 year for basically shit insurance .. This is what my sons will have to look forward too when they get old enough to get insurance if their jobs do not cover them which is becoming more and more in the work place . They hire more part time employee and my kids are all going to college!!

That is called catastrophic insurance. Dump a motorbike at 60+ and see how little 10K is compared to the total bill. Don't know what you pay for fire insurance on your house, but do you consider that wasted money? You just gave a real good endorsement of the ACA. 48 dollars a month is a bargain for catastrophic health insurance for a young single male. Take a look at the stats for the type of hospital admissions for that segment of the population.

A broken leg is 10K at the least. More if you need physical therapy.
A single guy for insurance since they said they would be the highest. The lowest cost was 48.00 a month. Cheap yea. But your DEDUCTABLE Is 10K. So is that really insurance I think not . YOu are paying 600 year for basically shit insurance .. This is what my sons will have to look forward too when they get old enough to get insurance if their jobs do not cover them which is becoming more and more in the work place . They hire more part time employee and my kids are all going to college!!

That is called catastrophic insurance. Dump a motorbike at 60+ and see how little 10K is compared to the total bill. Don't know what you pay for fire insurance on your house, but do you consider that wasted money? You just gave a real good endorsement of the ACA. 48 dollars a month is a bargain for catastrophic health insurance for a young single male. Take a look at the stats for the type of hospital admissions for that segment of the population.

So this single guy is going to pay 10,576 out of pocket before he has any insurance coverage----and you think thats a good deal?

Compared to his cost and ours if he doesn't have it? Hell to the yeah.
A single guy for insurance since they said they would be the highest. The lowest cost was 48.00 a month. Cheap yea. But your DEDUCTABLE Is 10K. So is that really insurance I think not . YOu are paying 600 year for basically shit insurance .. This is what my sons will have to look forward too when they get old enough to get insurance if their jobs do not cover them which is becoming more and more in the work place . They hire more part time employee and my kids are all going to college!!

That is called catastrophic insurance. Dump a motorbike at 60+ and see how little 10K is compared to the total bill. Don't know what you pay for fire insurance on your house, but do you consider that wasted money? You just gave a real good endorsement of the ACA. 48 dollars a month is a bargain for catastrophic health insurance for a young single male. Take a look at the stats for the type of hospital admissions for that segment of the population.

So this single guy is going to pay 10,576 out of pocket before he has any insurance coverage----and you think thats a good deal?

It's what they offer at Wal Mart.
That is called catastrophic insurance. Dump a motorbike at 60+ and see how little 10K is compared to the total bill. Don't know what you pay for fire insurance on your house, but do you consider that wasted money? You just gave a real good endorsement of the ACA. 48 dollars a month is a bargain for catastrophic health insurance for a young single male. Take a look at the stats for the type of hospital admissions for that segment of the population.

So this single guy is going to pay 10,576 out of pocket before he has any insurance coverage----and you think thats a good deal?

Compared to his cost and ours if he doesn't have it? Hell to the yeah.

what if he doesn't have the 10K to pay the deductible? does he get turned away? no, the rest of us pay it for him, just like we did before ACA. But without the huge govt beaurocracy. Nothing is improved or really changed, all it does is put the govt in control of more and more of the economy.
That is called catastrophic insurance. Dump a motorbike at 60+ and see how little 10K is compared to the total bill. Don't know what you pay for fire insurance on your house, but do you consider that wasted money? You just gave a real good endorsement of the ACA. 48 dollars a month is a bargain for catastrophic health insurance for a young single male. Take a look at the stats for the type of hospital admissions for that segment of the population.

So this single guy is going to pay 10,576 out of pocket before he has any insurance coverage----and you think thats a good deal?

It's what they offer at Wal Mart.

so you are saying that the govt should copy wal mart's insurance policies? I thought you guys hated wal mart.
A single guy for insurance since they said they would be the highest. The lowest cost was 48.00 a month. Cheap yea. But your DEDUCTABLE Is 10K. So is that really insurance I think not . YOu are paying 600 year for basically shit insurance .. This is what my sons will have to look forward too when they get old enough to get insurance if their jobs do not cover them which is becoming more and more in the work place . They hire more part time employee and my kids are all going to college!!

That is called catastrophic insurance. Dump a motorbike at 60+ and see how little 10K is compared to the total bill. Don't know what you pay for fire insurance on your house, but do you consider that wasted money? You just gave a real good endorsement of the ACA. 48 dollars a month is a bargain for catastrophic health insurance for a young single male. Take a look at the stats for the type of hospital admissions for that segment of the population.

A broken leg is 10K at the least. More if you need physical therapy.

under obamacare an old person like you would just get the leg wrapped in a Ace bandage and be sent home with a bottle of aspirin. no value to society------no treatment. :lol:
That is called catastrophic insurance. Dump a motorbike at 60+ and see how little 10K is compared to the total bill. Don't know what you pay for fire insurance on your house, but do you consider that wasted money? You just gave a real good endorsement of the ACA. 48 dollars a month is a bargain for catastrophic health insurance for a young single male. Take a look at the stats for the type of hospital admissions for that segment of the population.

So this single guy is going to pay 10,576 out of pocket before he has any insurance coverage----and you think thats a good deal?

It's what they offer at Wal Mart.

Yabut, you gotta admit, Lovebear probably doesn't get classes in how to scam the government like WalMart employees do.
That is called catastrophic insurance. Dump a motorbike at 60+ and see how little 10K is compared to the total bill. Don't know what you pay for fire insurance on your house, but do you consider that wasted money? You just gave a real good endorsement of the ACA. 48 dollars a month is a bargain for catastrophic health insurance for a young single male. Take a look at the stats for the type of hospital admissions for that segment of the population.

A broken leg is 10K at the least. More if you need physical therapy.

under obamacare an old person like you would just get the leg wrapped in a Ace bandage and be sent home with a bottle of aspirin. no value to society------no treatment. :lol:

No value..? That could be said about the majority of obammy voters.
As I said. The only winners will be those we are forced to subsidize.

This is going to be one more expensive entitlement we simply can't afford.
A single guy for insurance since they said they would be the highest. The lowest cost was 48.00 a month. Cheap yea. But your DEDUCTABLE Is 10K. So is that really insurance I think not . YOu are paying 600 year for basically shit insurance .. This is what my sons will have to look forward too when they get old enough to get insurance if their jobs do not cover them which is becoming more and more in the work place . They hire more part time employee and my kids are all going to college!!

Look! That was basically the cost BEFORE the exchanges!
The reason is
1) YES the deductible IS $10K... SO what???
Is your son suffering from a disease or illness that would require hospitalization,etc. greater then $10K???
Hell no! The point of YOUR son is they don't have shit like that happen to ALL of them ALL of the time!
YES it does happen ! BUT NOT TO EVERY male your son's age!

2) So ok... SAY your son is in a car accident! WHO PAYS??? insurance for a car accident!
3) OK... say your son jumps off your roof and runs up a $10K bill... WHO pays your home insurance!

DO YOU comprehend HoW f...king ignorant people like you are when you make that stupid dumb comparison?
And NOW with the STUPID ACA it gets even dumber!!!
There is NO reason for your son to have ACA health insurance! WHY are you having him spend shit for something he will NEVER USE??

What I think is needed is a GIGANTIC education of how "insurance" WORKS!!!
Moved to appropriate forum.
As I said. The only winners will be those we are forced to subsidize.

This is going to be one more expensive entitlement we simply can't afford.

By 'those we are forced to subsidize', let's be clear who we're talking about. We're talking about all the 'major players' that Obama 'invited to the table' when all the horse-trading over ACA was going down. The insurance industry, big pharma, hospitals, doctors, etc, etc... They're the real winners. We've been hoodwinked again folks. Welcome to corporatism. Enjoy your stay.
never was about insurance. You guys are barking up the wrong tree. It's about redistribution of wealth and making the democratic party more powerful

Imagine conservatives passing laws and creating government agencies that make them more powerful

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