Just Go Away Teacher Unions!...

Then they have to listen to lots of other people jump on the "blame the teacher" bandwagon just because it is more convenient to blame teachers or it fits better with their political ideology or just utter bombastic nonsense about issues of which they have no real knowledge.

It is convenient to "blame the teachers."

However, every other "professional" is measured by their accomplishments...why should teachers be any different? They are, after all PUBLIC School teachers. They are supposed to teach the PUBLIC, not just kids that come from perfect households, and who have high values of self motivation.

Because most other professions rely more upon the actions of the professional than upon the actions of others...especially minors to which you have limited access and control. If doctors were not judged by how much they helped patients heal, but how healthy they were. Imagine if we judged doctors as shit because too many of their patients are getting fat and it's making them sick. Or perhaps their patient is smoking and getting cancer. That is what we're doing with teachers. They can't control whether little johnny goes home and studies or whether he simply picks up his xbox and plays all night. They can't control that little suzie is too busy texting her friends all night and her parents can't be bothered to attend a teacher conference. But yet they are judged "poor teachers" when little johnny and suzy fail their tests.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Please keep posting. I mean Annie, Samson and other republicans are like this:


Durr....Unions are problem. Me think Union busting solve all problem. Ugh.

Yet the problem is much more complex and the unions are at best 1% of the educational problems in this country.
I saw a guy on Fox today saying that unions are the reason our education system is where it is.
That is just absurd.
And he was absolutely right.

Just look at the disparity in test scores and graduation rates between non union private and charter school teachers to unionized public school teachers.

Those numbers tell the real story. Those numbers are what the unions fear most.

Okay then, post it.

You got proof show it. Oh and also leave out the charter schools because those are usually kids have to test into those schools so they are obviously the better student so they will test better.

Also, usually rich people have the resources to pay for things like tutors, personal lessons, and other things that people who send their kids to public schools can't afford.

So even if you are right. That doesn't mean Unions = poor students. Its a bigger social problem than that.

IF he lies about small things like "incompetent teachers," I can image what he can do with a big assignment like this. LMAO!!:lol:
Stay out of it lil' one. This is between the perve and myself.

Oh, and the USMB became a a den of trolls when wee ones such as yourself invaded it.

I would say that we have almost never had such a shining example of the kind of person that our public school teachers have to deal with in order to teach thru to the other students.

Can anyone here JUST IMAGINE what Wicked Jester was like in the classroom? Can anyone JUST IMAGINE how the teachers earned their pay when he was in their classes? Can anyone JUST IMAGINE how the teachers and other students cringed when he came in the room (probably tardy) and cheered when he was suspended?

Wicked is a shining example as to how some teachers may not have been paid enough.
Stay out of it lil' one. This is between the perve and myself.

Oh, and the USMB became a a den of trolls when wee ones such as yourself invaded it.

Thanks for the lil comment. Former offensive linemen don't get that very often. And people who have read my posts know that I'm not a troll. I rarely make it a point to call names. It is the lowest form of argument and is the sign of an intellectual midget whose arguments can't stand the scrutiny of reason. So they lash out and call people with whom they disagree names like "perv".

Just keep sitting around in Malibu thinking big thoughts like, "huh, huh, I called a lesbian 'Butch'...I'm so damn clever" and the I'll talk with the grown-up men and women who can have a coherent and reasonable discussion.
The only point you've ever made up here is the fact that you're an abject LIAR.......Oh, yeah, and an immoral perve!

Heard them boo's yet?

Attended flight school yet?

Yeah, that's what I thought.:eusa_liar:

Thank you again for proving my point...Rarely do we see such quick response. Now everyone has a pretty good picture of your level of....ahem...maturity and willingness (or lack thereof) to learn in the public school setting. Brava! :clap2:
Being drunk, bitter, lonely, miserable, and perverted is no way to live your life there, Butch.

Go get some help, ya' seriously need it.:cuckoo:

Then, you certainly need to do something about it since it's quite evident by your posts that you are batting 1000 in that regard, Wicked. :eusa_eh:
The only point you've ever made up here is the fact that you're an abject LIAR.......Oh, yeah, and an immoral perve!

Heard them boo's yet?

Attended flight school yet?

Yeah, that's what I thought.:eusa_liar:

Thank you again for proving my point...Rarely do we see such quick response. Now everyone has a pretty good picture of your level of....ahem...maturity and willingness (or lack thereof) to learn in the public school setting. Brava! :clap2:

Seems he did poorly in school, while other smart kids were getting the A+s, and now he wants to blame incompetent teachers for his dragging nut sack. LOL!:eusa_whistle:

He's the type of student that I'm sure was disruptive, non-responsive and the school yard bully. He has "Bully" written all over him. Too bad he didn't learn people skills...or much else. Our tax dollars were wasted, sad to see.
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be salvaged.

So let me get this straight... Teachers "suck money" and you for a different example "earn" yours.

Both of my parents college graduates at the University of Washington decided to offer something back to the community and went back to college after retiring from their vocations.. They invested many thousands of their own dollars getting accredited to teach. My dad, a writer, for the Boeing co. ..he made commercials for selling commercial aircraft... My mom ... well she was just rich..Her only job before getting married was a writer for Hallmark. Up on Orcas she tutored students in English decided to take it to the next level.

Dad taught Communications, marketing and making commercials to HS students for about ten years and Mom took her teaching to Montana and Wyoming Indian reservations and taught English, writing, math and history for free. They both worked very hard to get credited to teach and worked even harder to pass their knowledge along.

I take offense at your assumptions. It is my experience that most teachers work very hard. You have done a dis service to them for what purpose? Are THEY the cause of the economic conditions that have led to this? It was the idiots and thieves that created this mess that have received bonuses for their treachery. How many of them have been sent to prison?

Using the theft and deceit by some in the financial institutions as an excuse to take away collective bargaining is vile. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Teachers need to accept that it's not just the parents & children who are responsible for our Public School collapse. Teachers played a big part in this collapse. I have yet to see Teachers own up to their responsibility in the collapse. They're always blaming someone else. Teacher Unions have fought viciously against any standards testing evaluations of Teacher job performance. Why have they fought so hard against that? These testing evaluations would ensure that our children are only being taught by the best of the best. These tests would also reward Teachers who excel. Their hostile opposition to that really is pathetic.

It's just time for Teachers to compromise and make some concessions. They want more cash? Well they're going to have to accept more responsibility and accountability. No more free rides. Until these Unions are ready to compromise,their only support is going to come from the usual suspect fringe element. Most people are just tired of all their whining and complaining. It is what it is.
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Teachers need to accept that it's not just the parents & children who are responsible for our Public School collapse. Teachers played a big part in this collapse. I have yet to see Teachers own up to their responsibility in the collapse. They're always blaming someone else. Teacher Unions have fought viciously against any standards testing evaluations of Teacher job performance. Why have they fought so hard against that? These testing evaluations would ensure that our children are only being taught by the best of the best. These tests would also reward Teachers who excel. It's just time for Teachers to compromise and make some concessions. They want more cash? Well they're going to have to accept more responsibility and accountability. No more free rides. Until these Unions are ready to compromise,their only support is going to come from the usual suspect fringe element. Most people are just tired of all their whining and complaining. It is what it is.

And Tenure needs to be a thing of the past and not a shield to hide behind for poor performance.
Thanks for the lil comment. Former offensive linemen don't get that very often. And people who have read my posts know that I'm not a troll. I rarely make it a point to call names. It is the lowest form of argument and is the sign of an intellectual midget whose arguments can't stand the scrutiny of reason. So they lash out and call people with whom they disagree names like "perv".

Just keep sitting around in Malibu thinking big thoughts like, "huh, huh, I called a lesbian 'Butch'...I'm so damn clever" and the I'll talk with the grown-up men and women who can have a coherent and reasonable discussion.
Former offensive lineman in Pop Warner football doesn't count, lil' one.

Stay out of it. This is between Butch and myself........She's said plenty to me in the past. If you know not what you speak of, then beat feet. She started it long ago. I just continue to finish it.......Believe me, wee one, you're not coming to the rescue of a fair maiden whatsoever......She's not the person you think she is. I exposed her acts and lies long ago. She wants to continue getting hammered by running her big mouth, that's her problem. I'll accomodate her every time.

Now, run along!
Right wingers should just ban teachers in their states. Most of their kids drop out anyway so what's the big deal. Look at all the money they would save is they closed down unnecessary schools that taught all that lying science. Besides, it's the blue states that mostly foot the bill. If they have any class, they would refuse the money.
With most Teachers it's just the same ole same ole. It's always the kids & parent's fault. But it's never the Teacher's fault. Well that's just cop-out B.S. to me. Sometimes it really is the Teacher. Blaming everyone else is just their way of giving themselves a free pass. Teachers need to be held to tougher & higher standards. Maybe if the Unions allow this,the big bucks will follow? Demanding more cash while our Public Schools are failing so miserably,just doesn't sit well with most Americans. I can't feel any sympathy for the Teacher Unions at this point.
teachers need to accept that it's not just the parents & children who are responsible for our public school collapse. Teachers played a big part in this collapse. I have yet to see teachers own up to their responsibility in the collapse. They're always blaming someone else. Teacher unions have fought viciously against any standards testing evaluations of teacher job performance. Why have they fought so hard against that? These testing evaluations would ensure that our children are only being taught by the best of the best. These tests would also reward teachers who excel. Their hostile opposition to that really is pathetic.

It's just time for teachers to compromise and make some concessions. They want more cash? Well they're going to have to accept more responsibility and accountability. No more free rides. Until these unions are ready to compromise,their only support is going to come from the usual suspect fringe element. Most people are just tired of all their whining and complaining. It is what it is.
Teachers need to accept that it's not just the parents & children who are responsible for our Public School collapse. Teachers played a big part in this collapse. I have yet to see Teachers own up to their responsibility in the collapse. They're always blaming someone else. Teacher Unions have fought viciously against any standards testing evaluations of Teacher job performance. Why have they fought so hard against that? These testing evaluations would ensure that our children are only being taught by the best of the best. These tests would also reward Teachers who excel. Their hostile opposition to that really is pathetic.

It's just time for Teachers to compromise and make some concessions. They want more cash? Well they're going to have to accept more responsibility and accountability. No more free rides. Until these Unions are ready to compromise,their only support is going to come from the usual suspect fringe element. Most people are just tired of all their whining and complaining. It is what it is.

Really so how much you want to pay these well qualified teachers because they aren't going to be cheap which means your taxes go up?

But we can't raise taxes right?

Teachers need to take a big role? They didn't have a free ride. They worked their ass off to get tenure. In my school, only 3 teachers have tenure, the youngest one to have it is 45. She has been teaching for 23 years and finally got tenure. They don't just give it to you, you have to have a proven track record of success with children.

But there job is depended on 15 year olds and how well they pay attention. I see kids in class drawing on their notebooks, doing other classes homework in my classes and trying to secretly text their awesome new girlfriend or boyfriend.

We don't got much to prevent it. Facing lawsuits if we hit kids, or try to take away their phones. We only have 34 hours a week with these kids, thats only 21% of the week. Who is in charge of the other 79%? THE PARENTS. We can do so much yet now we have to take more responsiblity from parents who don't sit down with their kids and do their jobs? Please.
Teachers need to accept that it's not just the parents & children who are responsible for our Public School collapse. Teachers played a big part in this collapse. I have yet to see Teachers own up to their responsibility in the collapse. They're always blaming someone else. Teacher Unions have fought viciously against any standards testing evaluations of Teacher job performance. Why have they fought so hard against that? These testing evaluations would ensure that our children are only being taught by the best of the best. These tests would also reward Teachers who excel. It's just time for Teachers to compromise and make some concessions. They want more cash? Well they're going to have to accept more responsibility and accountability. No more free rides. Until these Unions are ready to compromise,their only support is going to come from the usual suspect fringe element. Most people are just tired of all their whining and complaining. It is what it is.

And Tenure needs to be a thing of the past and not a shield to hide behind for poor performance.

Define Tenure for us.
Former offensive lineman in Pop Warner football doesn't count, lil' one.

Stay out of it. This is between Butch and myself........She's said plenty to me in the past. If you know not what you speak of, then beat feet. She started it long ago. I just continue to finish it.......Believe me, wee one, you're not coming to the rescue of a fair maiden whatsoever......She's not the person you think she is. I exposed her acts and lies long ago. She wants to continue getting hammered by running her big mouth, that's her problem. I'll accomodate her every time.

Now, run along!

You don't like it that your bullying ways are recognized for what they are, do you? Don't be afraid, you have your little drunken syncophant to back you up.....maybe....unless that's him passed out in the corner.
Right wingers should just ban teachers in their states. Most of their kids drop out anyway so what's the big deal. Look at all the money they would save is they closed down unnecessary schools that taught all that lying science. Besides, it's the blue states that mostly foot the bill. If they have any class, they would refuse the money.

That's why parents opt for Charter and Homeschooling...even those schools that are attached to that eeeeevil religion deany-bub...by their choice...

As it should be. Government doesn't exist to give people jobs...especially teaching our children.

That belongs to the parents, and localities/States. The DOE needs to go as do the Unions.
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You don't like it that your bullying ways are recognized for what they are, do you? Don't be afraid, you have your little drunken syncophant to back you up.....maybe....unless that's him passed out in the corner.
Well, if you consider calling you out on all your abject lies that you constantly tell up here to be "bullying", then that's your problem......You should learn to just keep your mouth shut and avoid me.......And, YOU are not my 'syncophant", Butch. Therefore, I don't have a drunk backing me up. I can't stand drunks who pass out in corners hence, that's why I can't stand YOU!
Right wingers should just ban teachers in their states. Most of their kids drop out anyway so what's the big deal. Look at all the money they would save is they closed down unnecessary schools that taught all that lying science. Besides, it's the blue states that mostly foot the bill. If they have any class, they would refuse the money.

That's why parents opt for Charter and Homeschooling...even those schools that are attached to that eeeeevil religion deany-bub...by their choice...

As it should be. Government doesn't exist to give people jobs...especially teaching our children.

That belongs to the parents, and localities/States. The DOE needs to go as do the Unions.

Define Tenure for us....most people not in Education don't even know what the word means.

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