Just Go Away Teacher Unions!...

Right wingers should just ban teachers in their states. Most of their kids drop out anyway so what's the big deal. Look at all the money they would save is they closed down unnecessary schools that taught all that lying science. Besides, it's the blue states that mostly foot the bill. If they have any class, they would refuse the money.

That's why parents opt for Charter and Homeschooling...even those schools that are attached to that eeeeevil religion deany-bub...by their choice...

As it should be. Government doesn't exist to give people jobs...especially teaching our children.

That belongs to the parents, and localities/States. The DOE needs to go as do the Unions.

Define Tenure for us....most people not in Education don't even know what the word means.
Too stupid to find out for yourself?

That's why parents opt for Charter and Homeschooling...even those schools that are attached to that eeeeevil religion deany-bub...by their choice...

As it should be. Government doesn't exist to give people jobs...especially teaching our children.

That belongs to the parents, and localities/States. The DOE needs to go as do the Unions.

Define Tenure for us....most people not in Education don't even know what the word means.
Too stupid to find out for yourself?


I am perfectly aware of what Tenure is...sadly many people are not and hold it up like some awful boogeyman that means that teachers cannot be fired. Wrong and wrong. So, obviously you have no idea what tenure is, thus the rude bullying answer. So predictable you are. :lol:
Define Tenure for us....most people not in Education don't even know what the word means.
Too stupid to find out for yourself?


I am perfectly aware of what Tenure is...sadly many people are not and hold it up like some awful boogeyman that means that teachers cannot be fired. Wrong and wrong. So, obviously you have no idea what tenure is, thus the rude bullying answer. So predictable you are. :lol:
If you are perfectly aware of what tenure is, then why in the fuck are you asking for it to be explained?

That's why parents opt for Charter and Homeschooling...even those schools that are attached to that eeeeevil religion deany-bub...by their choice...

As it should be. Government doesn't exist to give people jobs...especially teaching our children.

That belongs to the parents, and localities/States. The DOE needs to go as do the Unions.

Define Tenure for us....most people not in Education don't even know what the word means.
Too stupid to find out for yourself?


She's being idiotically obteuse...otherwise known as shit normal.
Right wingers should just ban teachers in their states. Most of their kids drop out anyway so what's the big deal. Look at all the money they would save is they closed down unnecessary schools that taught all that lying science. Besides, it's the blue states that mostly foot the bill. If they have any class, they would refuse the money.

That's why parents opt for Charter and Homeschooling...even those schools that are attached to that eeeeevil religion deany-bub...by their choice...

As it should be. Government doesn't exist to give people jobs...especially teaching our children.
That belongs to the parents, and localities/States. The DOE needs to go as do the Unions.

So now your conservative religion has walked you away from the founding fathers as well. sigh, not surprised a bit.............

"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare,..........they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union;" James Madison's argument against general welfare that was quickly defeated.

Alexander Hamilton, argued for a broad interpretation which viewed spending as an enumerated power Congress could exercise independently to benefit the general welfare, such as to assist national needs in agriculture or education, provided that the spending is general in nature and does not favor any specific section of the country over any other.
Too stupid to find out for yourself?


I am perfectly aware of what Tenure is...sadly many people are not and hold it up like some awful boogeyman that means that teachers cannot be fired. Wrong and wrong. So, obviously you have no idea what tenure is, thus the rude bullying answer. So predictable you are. :lol:
If you are perfectly aware of what tenure is, then why in the fuck are you asking for it to be explained?


So, it's pretty well established that you don't know and want to goad me into revealing the correct answer....like bullying test answers from fellow students. Those bad habits die hard, don't they, Wicked?
That's why parents opt for Charter and Homeschooling...even those schools that are attached to that eeeeevil religion deany-bub...by their choice...

As it should be. Government doesn't exist to give people jobs...especially teaching our children.

That belongs to the parents, and localities/States. The DOE needs to go as do the Unions.

Define Tenure for us....most people not in Education don't even know what the word means.
Too stupid to find out for yourself?


Hmm, went over the uneducated imbecile's head.:eusa_whistle:
What I AM saying, however...is that this notion that its the BAD teachers that are causing all the problems and that if we could just get rid of unions everything would be fine...is simply laughable. Are their bad teachers? Absolutely. Do they cause problems? Absolutely. Should there be easier ways to fire them? ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY! But certainly not in the amount that some here seem to think...in fact, most teachers are highly educated, highly qualified, deeply involved and caring employees who - if taken out of a collective bargaining system, would be in a position to ask for (and be worth) a hell of a lot more than 40,000. And I don't think all the people here who claim they want to pay good teachers what they are really worth would be singing the same tune when they saw what that bill looks like.

Who here is making that claim? Public employee unions for ALL public employees are a huge problem, not just for teachers...
What I AM saying, however...is that this notion that its the BAD teachers that are causing all the problems and that if we could just get rid of unions everything would be fine...is simply laughable. Are their bad teachers? Absolutely. Do they cause problems? Absolutely. Should there be easier ways to fire them? ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY! But certainly not in the amount that some here seem to think...in fact, most teachers are highly educated, highly qualified, deeply involved and caring employees who - if taken out of a collective bargaining system, would be in a position to ask for (and be worth) a hell of a lot more than 40,000. And I don't think all the people here who claim they want to pay good teachers what they are really worth would be singing the same tune when they saw what that bill looks like.

Who here is making that claim? Public employee unions for ALL public employees are a huge problem, not just for teachers...

Yep, when the unions shut down government the problem is going to be huge........
Teachers unions are there to protect teachers' jobs! The GOP has been on a union busting campaign since Raygun! WHY? So they can lower labor costs ( which also lowers the American standard of living!)
They also want to eliminate tenure, which only means that the school ha to provide documented cause to dismiss a teacher. The reason for that is that they want to be able to fire teachers when they start to make good money and hire cheaper teachers. This GOP campaign cocntinues all across the country! It's not about corruption, tenure etc........ it's about MONEY!
Isn't it odd that since last nite, not one person has been able to define "Tenure" for us even tho they rant against it?

Should we blame their teachers for them being so woefully inadequate in the educated department?
Unions have become nothing more than an ARM of the Democrat party.
And they use their members as COMMUNITY AGAITATORS against the REST of the American people.
It's time to bust the hell out of them.
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Unions have become nothing more than an ARM of the Democrat party. Nothing more.
And they use their members as COMMUNITY AGAITATORS against the REST of the American people.
It's time to bust the hell out of them.

And then you can fire at will and go for those willing to be paid the lowest for your teachers, nurses, firemen, and police. YAY!!!
Unions have become nothing more than an ARM of the Democrat party. Nothing more.
And they use their members as COMMUNITY AGAITATORS against the REST of the American people.
It's time to bust the hell out of them.

And then you can fire at will and go for those willing to be paid the lowest for your teachers, nurses, firemen, and police. YAY!!!

Oh dear me, THE DRAMA.
Unions have become nothing more than an ARM of the Democrat party. Nothing more.
And they use their members as COMMUNITY AGAITATORS against the REST of the American people.
It's time to bust the hell out of them.

And then you can fire at will and go for those willing to be paid the lowest for your teachers, nurses, firemen, and police. YAY!!!

Oh dear me, THE DRAMA.

Isn't that what you want, Stephanie? And you call your own wishes "Drama"? Ok, now that we've established that.....are you a product of public education? Can we blame your teachers for your apparent lack of vocabulary?

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