Just got a 2,000 dollar ER bill

/-----/ "Those impoverished citizens who cannot afford medical care should not be condemned to die because of a lack of money."

Helping the truly needy is perfectly fine and honorable, but giving everyone a free ride on the backs of taxpayers is morally wrong.
So, in your mind, people who take good care of themselves and lead a healthy lifestyle should pay the medical bills for smokers, morbidly obese and drug addicts? What happened to personal responsiblity?

What happened to it? When was personal responsibility a common trait?

And I specifically addressed this as helping the needy. I never suggested that everyone be given a free ride.

What I actually said was "Those impoverished citizens who cannot afford medical care should not be condemned to die because of a lack of money."
What happened to it? When was personal responsibility a common trait?

And I specifically addressed this as helping the needy. I never suggested that everyone be given a free ride.

What I actually said was "Those impoverished citizens who cannot afford medical care should not be condemned to die because of a lack of money."
/----/ And what I said was: Helping the truly needy is perfectly fine and honorable,
Helping the truly needy is perfectly fine and honorable, but giving everyone a free ride on the backs of taxpayers is morally wrong.
One is continually amazed at how dense are deplorables. As though everyone isn't a taxpayer.

It's obvious why US society remains a dysfunctional feeding frenzy, while wittering about 'morals'.

Those impoverished citizens who cannot afford medical care should not be condemned to die because of a lack of money.

I believe it is in our best interest to pay for their initial care, so it doesn't grow into more serious health issues.

If nothing else, how a nation takes care of the least of its citizens speaks volumes. We are a community.
Many Americans don’t understand this simple and profound statement.
/----/ And what I said was: Helping the truly needy is perfectly fine and honorable,

Yes you did. But then you added "So, in your mind, people who take good care of themselves and lead a healthy lifestyle should pay the medical bills for smokers, morbidly obese and drug addicts?", which I did not say or even imply.

We agree on this and yet, somehow, you take offense at my post. lol Why am I not surprised?
/-----/ "Those impoverished citizens who cannot afford medical care should not be condemned to die because of a lack of money."

Helping the truly needy is perfectly fine and honorable, but giving everyone a free ride on the backs of taxpayers is morally wrong.
So, in your mind, people who take good care of themselves and lead a healthy lifestyle should pay the medical bills for smokers, morbidly obese and drug addicts? What happened to personal responsiblity?
Why? We give big corporations and billionaires a free ride.
I had to go to ER and now my insurance is saying it was not an emergency

I had racing and irregular heart beat due to drug withdraw.

This is nonsense
I tend to do all I can to avoid the American HC “system.” I hadn't seen a doctor or nurse in ten years, until recently.

My experience sucked too. I went to a medcenter to get a sebaceous cyst removed. Waited an hour to see a nurse for five minutes. Of course the front desk female was cold rude and abrupt, as she demanded identification and insurance info. The nurse looks at it and says we don’t do that here. WTF? Why? It takes too long, was her response.

That’s not the worst of it. I get a bill two fucking months later for $485…for a service that did nothing. Amazingly Medicare paid $305 and I paid the rest.

I had to go to ER and now my insurance is saying it was not an emergency

I had racing and irregular heart beat due to drug withdraw.

This is nonsense
Good thing all you needed was an aspirin. $2,000 is nothing.
One is continually amazed at how dense are deplorables. As though everyone isn't a taxpayer.

It's obvious why US society remains a dysfunctional feeding frenzy, while wittering about 'morals'.

Don’t shake your head too hard
You might scramble your brain
/———/ I’m paying for my coverage directly. And yes, I understand how insurance works.

If you did understand how insurance works you would understand you are paying for more than just your coverage.

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