Just Got My New Rates for 2017...350% Increase! Are You Kidding?

Facts huh?


Here are some facts.

In 2007 (looking at pg 22) 45 million people were uninsured which appears to be 15% of the population.

8 million of these were under 18 years old. 33 million of these were native born with 9.7 million not being naturalized citizens. This doesn't mean they're illegal, it means they're not citizens, some of these could potentially be foreigner workers in the US with legal status.

The South is the area with the highest amount, at 18% of the population.

13 million of these people earned less than $25,000
14.5 million between $25,000 and $50,000.
25.4% of those are people who didn't work. Remember that this was 2007 before the crash.

Only 7.8%, not 20% as you stated, live in households earning more than $75,000 a year.

Some people might have chosen not to get health insurance. That's not really the point. In the UK you don't have this choice, you pay if you work, and it gets taken out of your wages.

Then when the shit hits the fan, they're covered regardless.

But you're using lots of numbers to say this isn't many people. I disagree.

$13.5 million people didn't have health insurance and probably couldn't afford it. That's a lot of people in my view. But you think those $13.5 million people should just be ignored because.... why exactly?
How many millions will drop their HC next year because they can't afford the 350% increase?

Is everyone going to get a 350% increase? We have one person claiming they have such a rise.

But then again this is more reason to get rid of insurance companies altogether and go for a Nationalized health service.

Yeah, then we can wait 3 years to get health care.... but at least it will be cheap. Instead of Canadians coming to the US to get care, we and the Canadians will have to got to Mexico.

Socialized care is the VA. Have you not been paying attention? The VA sucks. Even my brother in law that came back from Iraq, paid for health care after realizing it would be years before he was seen.

You morons.

3 years to wait? Only if people start playing around with it. Some people in the US didn't wait three years, they just died. But hey.

Just because VA sucks, doesn't mean healthcare that is nationalized has to suck. I know people who have gone through nationalized healthcare and come out of it pretty well.
VA is overwhelmed with REMFs bringing their 5 year olds in for a skinned knee. The VA was meant for injuries sustained on the battlefield, not a comprehensive free medical plan for every supply line, statesider and their entire family.
"The Continental Congress of 1776 encouraged enlistments during the American Revolutionary War by providing pensions for soldiers who were disabled. Direct medical and hospital care given to veterans in the early days of the U.S. was provided by the individual states and communities. In 1811, the first domiciliary and medical facility for veterans was authorized by the federal government, but not opened until 1834. In the 19th century, the nation's veterans assistance program was expanded to include benefits and pensions not only for veterans, but also their widows and dependents."
You might pass that information along to Ravi...who thinks I'm lying when I say my premiums are going up 350%!
If yours is going up 350% with an Obamacare policy, and Fenton's is going up 400% with a non-Obamacare policy, what does that tell you?

Think about it before posting.
What it tells me is that he's a low wage earner looking to be subsidized by taxpayers :thup:
nahhh, If he receives subsidy, the subsidy will go up to cover the higher costs is what I had read.... those in need and on the exchange don't get hurt

Ok, well, now I have concrete absolute proof of our claim.

View attachment 96373

Here was my old plan.

$80, which was $20 higher than the previous plan.

Here's what it's saying now.

View attachment 96375

$125 a month. I can't afford that. Thus ends my health insurance. Can't afford that.

From $60 to $125? Nah, sorry. Doubled my premiums in 2 years.

And by the way, the $60 had a $2,500 deductible. The $80 had a $5,000 deductible. Now it will be a $7,150 deductible.

You people... just live in your stupid socialists bubble, where your heros on high tell you endlessly how much better everything is, and ignore the voices of the people who actually live in the real world, facing the real costs..... even though they are the very people you claim to want to help.

Since I can't afford health insurance, I'll just go to the ER if I get sick, and you morons can foot 100% of the bill.
Andy, I don't know why you have had to go from your employee health care plan to Obamacare on the exchange and can only presume you are between jobs?

Your employer paid a great deal of your health care insurance and Ocare does not contribute as much towards your policy it what it could be?

Whatever you do, please check out a Silver Plan, the govt will come in and help you with your deductibles and out of pocket expenses and some other things in ADDITION to the premium subsidy IF your income is low..

If you are healthy, and can afford to go for an annual check up with labs at least once a year out of your own pocket, and are not some Mountain Climber or race car driver that is prone to accidents, I would PASS on that useless bronze plan and pay the penalty, if you have to...but check out the penalty exemptions, cuz you may even be able to get out of that....depending on your circumstances.

As a citizen, I am willing to pay for you with my taxes if you end up in the Emergency Room.
Andy, are you a smoker? Quit smoking. The rates are much lower for healthy people.
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?

I don't believe you.

Very few people who need to buy insurance on the ACA exchange do so without getting a subsidy. Those who qualify for the subsidy will get an increase in the subsidy that covers the bulk of the increase in premiums.

If you are someone with an income that exceeds the limit for a subsidy....and yiu don't have insurance through an employer, the GREAT LIKLIHOOD is that you are paying less on the exchange for a better plan than you would have if the ACA were not passed.

Tell us the whole story, please.
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?

Yeah, blame Obamacare. Don't blame those who have pushed for all the corruption.

How much do you have to pay just for the insurance company? A completely UNNECESSARY waste of space, and you have to pay loads just for them to do something useless and then make profits on it.

How much do you pay in drugs costing too much? Doctors choosing the most ridiculously expensive drug when a cheap one would do? How much do you have to pay for hospital profits, and for them to charge you for anything and everything.

The UK spends half what the US pays for healthcare, and people in the UK have complained (mostly the rich) that it costs too much. If you paid more than the UK pays for healthcare you'd have a decent system, AND pay less.

But no, blame Obama for trying to get poor people having insurance.

So I shouldn't blame Obama for lying to me about what the ACA would cost? I shouldn't blame Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi for rushing an absolutely horrible piece of legislation through Congress before the representatives that the people elected to stop them could be seated? The liberal wing of the Democratic Party owns ObamaCare and owns it's failure. They wrote the law. They passed the law.
Many problems with the ACA could be fixed but Republicans won't let it get fixed because they don't want it to be successful.

But you refuse to blame Republicans.

Also, please show me where in the ACA it forces you to change doctors. It doesn't. Insurers make you do that.
Well at least you are now acknowledging that the ACA has many problems. That is the first step to recovery.

It has always had problems and we have ALWAYS admitted this. Stop lying.
In the case of my previous doctor he made the decision to drop people on ObamaCare because he was getting paid less for services for them then he was for those with private insurance plans. I couldn't "keep" my doctor because he wouldn't take my plan! Do you really not know that people all over the country are having a hard time finding doctors that accept ObamaCare patients?

You are lying. We know it. It is sad.
You know what, Willow? Anyone with a dollop of common sense and an 8th grade education could do the math and see that none of the numbers added up for what Barry, Harry and Nancy were promising us...so I knew I was going to see huge rate increases at some point. I'm shocked by how much it's increasing though. How do they expect people to pay for this?
What they want is universal health care and they expect your taxes to cover that while 47% of them get a free ride! They ain't done with you yet.

Like those european systems that work better for less?
Hey! Dipshit. We don't live in Europe, you can get there though and live on their system. The reality is this country is 20 trillion in debt, 47% contribute no taxes to the federal system, they take and take and take and take and howl for more. Democrats own this clusterfuck lock stock and barrel. And do not tell us this will work better for less, did you not just hear the man tell you his premiumns are up 350%?

Ever wonder why that is? Others can do this with much less wealth than we can with all we have? WHO and others consistently rate US healthcare outcomes far behind other nations, for the planet's most expensive healthcare system. Fine with me, blame whoever you want, but that will never resolve anything, it in fact feeds the system who is quite comfortable with the way things are.
When you get ready to agree that we need a flat tax on absolutely everyone to fund your wildest desires for a European lifestyle get back to me.

We need to do whatever makes us globally competitive. Dream? Wild? Other societies have figured this out, for less expense to society. Clearly employers here are moving this expense off their books, and will continue to, they have been for a good while. Flat tax? Maybe, depends, we always need to fuck the unsubstantial people here, hard to imagine it wouldn't work out that way again, always has. But sure, why not look at that.
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

And who knows what to believe. You've been so anti hillary since you got here in 2012. Your first post is a Benghazi thread. Do you know how many Benghazis happened on bush and Reagan's watch?

So you are a partisan hack. I hope your premiums bankrupt your stupid broke ass.

Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

WTF? A middle class worker like I making $28 bucks an hour don't make enough money to vote democrat and I have no desire to not to work so only one I can afford to vote for is republican.
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

And who knows what to believe. You've been so anti hillary since you got here in 2012. Your first post is a Benghazi thread. Do you know how many Benghazis happened on bush and Reagan's watch?

So you are a partisan hack. I hope your premiums bankrupt your stupid broke ass.

Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

WTF? A middle class worker like I making $28 bucks an hour don't make enough money to vote democrat and I have no desire to not to work so only one I can afford to vote for is republican.

I haven't seen much in america this election cycle that indicates most of ya got enough sense to vote at all, regardless of income. But please do, I want you to see this "change" you think the system will bring you this time. Yet again.
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

And who knows what to believe. You've been so anti hillary since you got here in 2012. Your first post is a Benghazi thread. Do you know how many Benghazis happened on bush and Reagan's watch?

So you are a partisan hack. I hope your premiums bankrupt your stupid broke ass.

Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

WTF? A middle class worker like I making $28 bucks an hour don't make enough money to vote democrat and I have no desire to not to work so only one I can afford to vote for is republican.

I haven't seen much in america this election cycle that indicates most of ya got enough sense to vote at all, regardless of income. But please do, I want you to see this "change" you think the system will bring you this time. Yet again.

What's your problem scum bucket still afraid to tell us where your from?

Btw if you don't live in the United States you owe us tax payers billions of dollars to protect your ass.


Pay up.
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

And who knows what to believe. You've been so anti hillary since you got here in 2012. Your first post is a Benghazi thread. Do you know how many Benghazis happened on bush and Reagan's watch?

So you are a partisan hack. I hope your premiums bankrupt your stupid broke ass.

I'm a Middle Class American. I used to have healthcare coverage that was affordable and I could see my long time doctor with that healthcare plan. Then you progressives "fixed" healthcare with the Affordable Care Act and I now longer can see that doctor because he's not taking ObamaCare patients and my healthcare premiums will be going up 350% as of January. My ass isn't broke yet but if you clowns get to run things for much longer...it probably WILL be!
Facts huh?


Here are some facts.

In 2007 (looking at pg 22) 45 million people were uninsured which appears to be 15% of the population.

8 million of these were under 18 years old. 33 million of these were native born with 9.7 million not being naturalized citizens. This doesn't mean they're illegal, it means they're not citizens, some of these could potentially be foreigner workers in the US with legal status.

The South is the area with the highest amount, at 18% of the population.

13 million of these people earned less than $25,000
14.5 million between $25,000 and $50,000.
25.4% of those are people who didn't work. Remember that this was 2007 before the crash.

Only 7.8%, not 20% as you stated, live in households earning more than $75,000 a year.

Some people might have chosen not to get health insurance. That's not really the point. In the UK you don't have this choice, you pay if you work, and it gets taken out of your wages.

Then when the shit hits the fan, they're covered regardless.

But you're using lots of numbers to say this isn't many people. I disagree.

$13.5 million people didn't have health insurance and probably couldn't afford it. That's a lot of people in my view. But you think those $13.5 million people should just be ignored because.... why exactly?
How many millions will drop their HC next year because they can't afford the 350% increase?

Is everyone going to get a 350% increase? We have one person claiming they have such a rise.

But then again this is more reason to get rid of insurance companies altogether and go for a Nationalized health service.

Yeah, then we can wait 3 years to get health care.... but at least it will be cheap. Instead of Canadians coming to the US to get care, we and the Canadians will have to got to Mexico.

Socialized care is the VA. Have you not been paying attention? The VA sucks. Even my brother in law that came back from Iraq, paid for health care after realizing it would be years before he was seen.

You morons.

3 years to wait? Only if people start playing around with it. Some people in the US didn't wait three years, they just died. But hey.

Just because VA sucks, doesn't mean healthcare that is nationalized has to suck. I know people who have gone through nationalized healthcare and come out of it pretty well.
Even my conservative German, Canadian and British friends love their countries socialized healthcare

Yeah, a lot do, it's only the really rich who don't.
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

And who knows what to believe. You've been so anti hillary since you got here in 2012. Your first post is a Benghazi thread. Do you know how many Benghazis happened on bush and Reagan's watch?

So you are a partisan hack. I hope your premiums bankrupt your stupid broke ass.

Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

WTF? A middle class worker like I making $28 bucks an hour don't make enough money to vote democrat and I have no desire to not to work so only one I can afford to vote for is republican.

I haven't seen much in america this election cycle that indicates most of ya got enough sense to vote at all, regardless of income. But please do, I want you to see this "change" you think the system will bring you this time. Yet again.

What's your problem scum bucket still afraid to tell us where your from?

Btw if you don't live in the United States you owe us tax payers billions of dollars to protect your ass.


Pay up.
Or we could stop protecting the rest of the world. That doesn't benefit me
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

And who knows what to believe. You've been so anti hillary since you got here in 2012. Your first post is a Benghazi thread. Do you know how many Benghazis happened on bush and Reagan's watch?

So you are a partisan hack. I hope your premiums bankrupt your stupid broke ass.

I'm a Middle Class American. I used to have healthcare coverage that was affordable and I could see my long time doctor with that healthcare plan. Then you progressives "fixed" healthcare with the Affordable Care Act and I now longer can see that doctor because he's not taking ObamaCare patients and my healthcare premiums will be going up 350% as of January. My ass isn't broke yet but if you clowns get to run things for much longer...it probably WILL be!
Look how much healthcare went up from 2000-2008. Yes healthcare needs to be fixed. We should have never let the insurance giants write it. Single payer is what we need.

Take out the profit motive
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

And who knows what to believe. You've been so anti hillary since you got here in 2012. Your first post is a Benghazi thread. Do you know how many Benghazis happened on bush and Reagan's watch?

So you are a partisan hack. I hope your premiums bankrupt your stupid broke ass.

Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

WTF? A middle class worker like I making $28 bucks an hour don't make enough money to vote democrat and I have no desire to not to work so only one I can afford to vote for is republican.

I haven't seen much in america this election cycle that indicates most of ya got enough sense to vote at all, regardless of income. But please do, I want you to see this "change" you think the system will bring you this time. Yet again.

What's your problem scum bucket still afraid to tell us where your from?

Btw if you don't live in the United States you owe us tax payers billions of dollars to protect your ass.


Pay up.
Or we could stop protecting the rest of the world. That doesn't benefit me

Yea I know you don't give a crap about no one except yourself...

I did my civic duty last Saturday night..
Went to get money out of wells Fargo bank...

It was late and saw this black woman alone in her car and a creep standing outside...

I got out of my truck and look at this fuck head and looked at her..

I am like its cool, he walked away , she got out of her car and said thank you..

I told her you use the atm first I have your back..

She got her money thanked me again and I told her to have a great life..

She said the same thing to me

That's what real guys do...


That's why we have a military to protect the entire world from fucking scum bags of the earth...

Do you get it yet?

Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

And who knows what to believe. You've been so anti hillary since you got here in 2012. Your first post is a Benghazi thread. Do you know how many Benghazis happened on bush and Reagan's watch?

So you are a partisan hack. I hope your premiums bankrupt your stupid broke ass.

Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

WTF? A middle class worker like I making $28 bucks an hour don't make enough money to vote democrat and I have no desire to not to work so only one I can afford to vote for is republican.

I haven't seen much in america this election cycle that indicates most of ya got enough sense to vote at all, regardless of income. But please do, I want you to see this "change" you think the system will bring you this time. Yet again.

What's your problem scum bucket still afraid to tell us where your from?

Btw if you don't live in the United States you owe us tax payers billions of dollars to protect your ass.


Pay up.
Or we could stop protecting the rest of the world. That doesn't benefit me

Yea I know you don't give a crap about no one except yourself...

I did my civic duty last Saturday night..
Went to get money out of wells Fargo bank...

It was late and saw this black woman alone in her car and a creep standing outside...

I got out of my truck and look at this fuck head and looked at her..

I am like its cool, he walked away , she got out of her car and said thank you..

I told her you use the atm first I have your back..

She got her money thanked me again and I told her to have a great life..

She said the same thing to me

That's what real guys do...


That's why we have a military to protect the entire world from fucking scum bags of the earth...

Do you get it yet?

Never let it be said you didn't do the least you could do.

That's why I love no one but myself and ain't a nigga crossed me and lived to tell. Death row bitch!
Other societies have figure this out, we don't want it figured out here.

Are you kidding me, Fenton? That's your response? You progressives shoved this bill down the throats of everyone in this country and now healthcare costs are exploding and your only response is that we need to figure it out? HOW ABOUT FIGURING IT OUT BEFORE YOU PASSED LEGISLATION THAT AFFECTED 1/6 OF OUR ECONOMY AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!! YOU ASSHAT!!!

Company/ Requested Premium Change / Approved
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. 14.5% 19.0%

Why Florida OKed higher 2017 premiums than health insurers sought

Florida Blue -- up 19.0%, not 350%.

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Changes you'll see to your plan in 2017

Your new premium
* Your 2016 monthly premium is $120.61.
This reflects a monthly premium of $743.61 minus 623.00 of financial help per month.
* Starting in January, your estimated monthly premium will be $401.58.
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

And who knows what to believe. You've been so anti hillary since you got here in 2012. Your first post is a Benghazi thread. Do you know how many Benghazis happened on bush and Reagan's watch?

So you are a partisan hack. I hope your premiums bankrupt your stupid broke ass.

I'm a Middle Class American. I used to have healthcare coverage that was affordable and I could see my long time doctor with that healthcare plan. Then you progressives "fixed" healthcare with the Affordable Care Act and I now longer can see that doctor because he's not taking ObamaCare patients and my healthcare premiums will be going up 350% as of January. My ass isn't broke yet but if you clowns get to run things for much longer...it probably WILL be!
Look how much healthcare went up from 2000-2008. Yes healthcare needs to be fixed. We should have never let the insurance giants write it. Single payer is what we need.

Take out the profit motive

Oh, for the love of God! The insurance giants didn't write the Affordable Care Act...that was written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, voted into being by Democrats and signed by Barack Obama! I'm sorry, Faun...but you guys OWN ObamaCare...lock stock and barrel!
Other societies have figure this out, we don't want it figured out here.

Are you kidding me, Fenton? That's your response? You progressives shoved this bill down the throats of everyone in this country and now healthcare costs are exploding and your only response is that we need to figure it out? HOW ABOUT FIGURING IT OUT BEFORE YOU PASSED LEGISLATION THAT AFFECTED 1/6 OF OUR ECONOMY AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!! YOU ASSHAT!!!

Company/ Requested Premium Change / Approved
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. 14.5% 19.0%

Why Florida OKed higher 2017 premiums than health insurers sought

Florida Blue -- up 19.0%, not 350%.

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Changes you'll see to your plan in 2017

Your new premium
* Your 2016 monthly premium is $120.61.
This reflects a monthly premium of $743.61 minus 623.00 of financial help per month.
* Starting in January, your estimated monthly premium will be $401.58.
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

And who knows what to believe. You've been so anti hillary since you got here in 2012. Your first post is a Benghazi thread. Do you know how many Benghazis happened on bush and Reagan's watch?

So you are a partisan hack. I hope your premiums bankrupt your stupid broke ass.

I'm a Middle Class American. I used to have healthcare coverage that was affordable and I could see my long time doctor with that healthcare plan. Then you progressives "fixed" healthcare with the Affordable Care Act and I now longer can see that doctor because he's not taking ObamaCare patients and my healthcare premiums will be going up 350% as of January. My ass isn't broke yet but if you clowns get to run things for much longer...it probably WILL be!
Look how much healthcare went up from 2000-2008. Yes healthcare needs to be fixed. We should have never let the insurance giants write it. Single payer is what we need.

Take out the profit motive

Oh, for the love of God! The insurance giants didn't write the Affordable Care Act...that was written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, voted into being by Democrats and signed by Barack Obama! I'm sorry, Faun...but you guys OWN ObamaCare...lock stock and barrel!
The insurance companies did write it. They mandated that everyone must buy they products and they have some time where they get to raise their rates.

We all know the aca needs to be fixed. Let's do it

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