Just Got My New Rates for 2017...350% Increase! Are You Kidding?

A 350% increase in my premiums isn't an "emotional itch", you buffoon! You're even dumber than Care is...and that's saying something!

You're on Obamacare? Mine went up this year as well, 400%, and the deductable went up 300%, through the corporation I work for.

You might pass that information along to Ravi...who thinks I'm lying when I say my premiums are going up 350%!
If yours is going up 350% with an Obamacare policy, and Fenton's is going up 400% with a non-Obamacare policy, what does that tell you?

Think about it before posting.
What it tells me is that he's a low wage earner looking to be subsidized by taxpayers :thup:
nahhh, If he receives subsidy, the subsidy will go up to cover the higher costs is what I had read.... those in need and on the exchange don't get hurt
Right. If he qualifies for a subsidy he's expecting us taxpayers to pay the difference. Kind of odd for a "conservative" to make that admission.
I've said it again, and I guess I'll just keep repeating myself.

In 2006, I got an insurance policy for just $67 a month.

Today, the cheapest insurance is $250.

ObamaCare did this. If you voted for Obama, then you got what you asked for.

Everyone who voted for the Affordable Care Act should be tarred and feathered and run out of Washington DC on a rail. They have screwed us so badly with this legislation!

And those who hatched the plan at the Heritage Foundation?
They didn't implement their idea in legislation, democrats did. Sorry, but you're going to have to put blame for the stool sample where it really belongs.
They could have. Democrats asked them to co-write the bill and introduce their own amendments. They refused to do anything because they thought they could just defeat the whole thing.

Another disastrous Republican calculation.

Actually, the Republicans WERE heavily involved in the bill....the Repubs got 150 Amendments to the bill passed before the final vote!

Oh please give us a break, in the end not one republican voted for the final Obama care bill

Download the Excel file here.

After all, they said, most of the 160 amendments were technical, rather than substantive, changes. Lisa Murkowsi of Alaska told the New York Times that, while it was "pretty impressive" that 20 of her amendments were accepted, "they were all technical."
Everyone who voted for the Affordable Care Act should be tarred and feathered and run out of Washington DC on a rail. They have screwed us so badly with this legislation!

And those who hatched the plan at the Heritage Foundation?
They didn't implement their idea in legislation, democrats did. Sorry, but you're going to have to put blame for the stool sample where it really belongs.
They could have. Democrats asked them to co-write the bill and introduce their own amendments. They refused to do anything because they thought they could just defeat the whole thing.

Another disastrous Republican calculation.

Actually, the Republicans WERE heavily involved in the bill....the Repubs got 150 Amendments to the bill passed before the final vote!

Oh please give us a break, in the end not one republican voted for the final Obama care bill

Download the Excel file here.

After all, they said, most of the 160 amendments were technical, rather than substantive, changes. Lisa Murkowsi of Alaska told the New York Times that, while it was "pretty impressive" that 20 of her amendments were accepted, "they were all technical."
what the republicans chose to amend and/or ignore is THEIR problem, not mine.... it was their paid time with my tax dollars, that they chose to use for this so called, technical stuff.... what a bunch of 'do nothing' congress/senate critters....
And those who hatched the plan at the Heritage Foundation?
They didn't implement their idea in legislation, democrats did. Sorry, but you're going to have to put blame for the stool sample where it really belongs.
They could have. Democrats asked them to co-write the bill and introduce their own amendments. They refused to do anything because they thought they could just defeat the whole thing.

Another disastrous Republican calculation.

Actually, the Republicans WERE heavily involved in the bill....the Repubs got 150 Amendments to the bill passed before the final vote!

Oh please give us a break, in the end not one republican voted for the final Obama care bill

Download the Excel file here.

After all, they said, most of the 160 amendments were technical, rather than substantive, changes. Lisa Murkowsi of Alaska told the New York Times that, while it was "pretty impressive" that 20 of her amendments were accepted, "they were all technical."
what the republicans chose to amend and/or ignore is THEIR problem, not mine.... it was their paid time with my tax dollars, that they chose to use for this so called, technical stuff.... what a bunch of 'do nothing' congress/senate critters....

The panel was 13 democrats and 10 republicans, none of the republicans voted for it and how many amendments did the democrats throw out?
I've said it again, and I guess I'll just keep repeating myself.

In 2006, I got an insurance policy for just $67 a month.

Today, the cheapest insurance is $250.

ObamaCare did this. If you voted for Obama, then you got what you asked for.

Everyone who voted for the Affordable Care Act should be tarred and feathered and run out of Washington DC on a rail. They have screwed us so badly with this legislation!

And those who hatched the plan at the Heritage Foundation?

Are people still spouting this lie ?

Boy, it's sad when hacks run out of new material.
A 350% increase in my premiums isn't an "emotional itch", you buffoon! You're even dumber than Care is...and that's saying something!

You're on Obamacare? Mine went up this year as well, 400%, and the deductable went up 300%, through the corporation I work for.

You might pass that information along to Ravi...who thinks I'm lying when I say my premiums are going up 350%!
If yours is going up 350% with an Obamacare policy, and Fenton's is going up 400% with a non-Obamacare policy, what does that tell you?

Think about it before posting.
What it tells me is that he's a low wage earner looking to be subsidized by taxpayers :thup:
nahhh, If he receives subsidy, the subsidy will go up to cover the higher costs is what I had read.... those in need and on the exchange don't get hurt

Ok, well, now I have concrete absolute proof of our claim.

Screen Shot 2016-11-01 at 3.05.02 AM copy.png

Here was my old plan.

$80, which was $20 higher than the previous plan.

Here's what it's saying now.


$125 a month. I can't afford that. Thus ends my health insurance. Can't afford that.

From $60 to $125? Nah, sorry. Doubled my premiums in 2 years.

And by the way, the $60 had a $2,500 deductible. The $80 had a $5,000 deductible. Now it will be a $7,150 deductible.

You people... just live in your stupid socialists bubble, where your heros on high tell you endlessly how much better everything is, and ignore the voices of the people who actually live in the real world, facing the real costs..... even though they are the very people you claim to want to help.

Since I can't afford health insurance, I'll just go to the ER if I get sick, and you morons can foot 100% of the bill.
Other societies have figure this out, we don't want it figured out here.

Are you kidding me, Fenton? That's your response? You progressives shoved this bill down the throats of everyone in this country and now healthcare costs are exploding and your only response is that we need to figure it out? HOW ABOUT FIGURING IT OUT BEFORE YOU PASSED LEGISLATION THAT AFFECTED 1/6 OF OUR ECONOMY AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!! YOU ASSHAT!!!

Company/ Requested Premium Change / Approved
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. 14.5% 19.0%

Why Florida OKed higher 2017 premiums than health insurers sought

Florida Blue -- up 19.0%, not 350%.

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?

The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
You're so full of shit, your eyes are brown...

Florida’s Obamacare premiums to rise average 19 percent in 2017, state says

Do you morons understand the word "average"? It means some people could see huge rate increases, and if your special interest groups get smaller increases, it would "average" out.
No, it wasn't. Only in your mythology you used to justify screwing us all over, has it "always been the case".

Oh, right, so millions of people didn't have to choose between healthcare and putting food on the table before? then explain why so many people didn't have healthcare before Obamacare then?

Huh? Really? After all this time, you never heard the facts?

First of, according to the US census, 40% of those without insurance, were making over $50,000 a year. If you make over $50,000 a year and don't have insurance, it's because you bought a house, car, beer, and speed boat, instead of getting insurance.

Further, 20% of those, were living in households making $75K or more. No excuses.

Only 30% made less than $25,000 a year.

Moreover, about 10% are illegals, which you claim can't get ObamaCare. So why are you complaining they don't have insurance?

Lastly, because they choose to not get insurance. There's a video on YouTube where a reporter asked this girl in California, why she didn't have insurance. She was single, no kids, and had a middle class income. "Well it's too expensive". So they punched in her information, and found she could qualify for a basic health insurance plan and pay just $90 a month. She said straight up "well I think it's ridiculous that I have to pay for health care".

Even more ironic, later in the interview she openly admitted that she easily spent $800 a month on eating out.

I myself went years without health insurance. It was a choice. I could afford it... but choose not to have it. Similarly I know other people who bought health insurance, and then canceled it. They said very openly... why have it? I don't need it. So why pay for it?

Extremely few people simply can't afford health insurance.

And as a final note, even of those, the US Census found that 30% of the uninsured qualified for government insurance, and simply choose to not enroll in Medicaid or S-CHIP, or other programs.

That's why people don't have insurance. It's a choice.

Facts huh?


Here are some facts.

In 2007 (looking at pg 22) 45 million people were uninsured which appears to be 15% of the population.

8 million of these were under 18 years old. 33 million of these were native born with 9.7 million not being naturalized citizens. This doesn't mean they're illegal, it means they're not citizens, some of these could potentially be foreigner workers in the US with legal status.

The South is the area with the highest amount, at 18% of the population.

13 million of these people earned less than $25,000
14.5 million between $25,000 and $50,000.
25.4% of those are people who didn't work. Remember that this was 2007 before the crash.

Only 7.8%, not 20% as you stated, live in households earning more than $75,000 a year.

Some people might have chosen not to get health insurance. That's not really the point. In the UK you don't have this choice, you pay if you work, and it gets taken out of your wages.

Then when the shit hits the fan, they're covered regardless.

But you're using lots of numbers to say this isn't many people. I disagree.

$13.5 million people didn't have health insurance and probably couldn't afford it. That's a lot of people in my view. But you think those $13.5 million people should just be ignored because.... why exactly?
How many millions will drop their HC next year because they can't afford the 350% increase?

Is everyone going to get a 350% increase? We have one person claiming they have such a rise.

But then again this is more reason to get rid of insurance companies altogether and go for a Nationalized health service.

Yeah, then we can wait 3 years to get health care.... but at least it will be cheap. Instead of Canadians coming to the US to get care, we and the Canadians will have to got to Mexico.

Socialized care is the VA. Have you not been paying attention? The VA sucks. Even my brother in law that came back from Iraq, paid for health care after realizing it would be years before he was seen.

You morons.
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
You're so full of shit, your eyes are brown...

Florida’s Obamacare premiums to rise average 19 percent in 2017, state says

Do you morons understand the word "average"? It means some people could see huge rate increases, and if your special interest groups get smaller increases, it would "average" out.
First of all, if everyone's average is 19%, no one's is 350%. Secondly, if you see my very next post, you see Florida Blue went up 19%, not 350%. Thirdly, Oldstyle lies all the time; it's what he does.
You're on Obamacare? Mine went up this year as well, 400%, and the deductable went up 300%, through the corporation I work for.

You might pass that information along to Ravi...who thinks I'm lying when I say my premiums are going up 350%!
If yours is going up 350% with an Obamacare policy, and Fenton's is going up 400% with a non-Obamacare policy, what does that tell you?

Think about it before posting.
What it tells me is that he's a low wage earner looking to be subsidized by taxpayers :thup:
nahhh, If he receives subsidy, the subsidy will go up to cover the higher costs is what I had read.... those in need and on the exchange don't get hurt

Ok, well, now I have concrete absolute proof of our claim.

View attachment 96373

Here was my old plan.

$80, which was $20 higher than the previous plan.

Here's what it's saying now.

View attachment 96375

$125 a month. I can't afford that. Thus ends my health insurance. Can't afford that.

From $60 to $125? Nah, sorry. Doubled my premiums in 2 years.

And by the way, the $60 had a $2,500 deductible. The $80 had a $5,000 deductible. Now it will be a $7,150 deductible.

You people... just live in your stupid socialists bubble, where your heros on high tell you endlessly how much better everything is, and ignore the voices of the people who actually live in the real world, facing the real costs..... even though they are the very people you claim to want to help.

Since I can't afford health insurance, I'll just go to the ER if I get sick, and you morons can foot 100% of the bill.
You are comparing employee coverage that you got from your employer to an individual policy on the exchange. Why is that?
Oh, right, so millions of people didn't have to choose between healthcare and putting food on the table before? then explain why so many people didn't have healthcare before Obamacare then?

Huh? Really? After all this time, you never heard the facts?

First of, according to the US census, 40% of those without insurance, were making over $50,000 a year. If you make over $50,000 a year and don't have insurance, it's because you bought a house, car, beer, and speed boat, instead of getting insurance.

Further, 20% of those, were living in households making $75K or more. No excuses.

Only 30% made less than $25,000 a year.

Moreover, about 10% are illegals, which you claim can't get ObamaCare. So why are you complaining they don't have insurance?

Lastly, because they choose to not get insurance. There's a video on YouTube where a reporter asked this girl in California, why she didn't have insurance. She was single, no kids, and had a middle class income. "Well it's too expensive". So they punched in her information, and found she could qualify for a basic health insurance plan and pay just $90 a month. She said straight up "well I think it's ridiculous that I have to pay for health care".

Even more ironic, later in the interview she openly admitted that she easily spent $800 a month on eating out.

I myself went years without health insurance. It was a choice. I could afford it... but choose not to have it. Similarly I know other people who bought health insurance, and then canceled it. They said very openly... why have it? I don't need it. So why pay for it?

Extremely few people simply can't afford health insurance.

And as a final note, even of those, the US Census found that 30% of the uninsured qualified for government insurance, and simply choose to not enroll in Medicaid or S-CHIP, or other programs.

That's why people don't have insurance. It's a choice.

Facts huh?


Here are some facts.

In 2007 (looking at pg 22) 45 million people were uninsured which appears to be 15% of the population.

8 million of these were under 18 years old. 33 million of these were native born with 9.7 million not being naturalized citizens. This doesn't mean they're illegal, it means they're not citizens, some of these could potentially be foreigner workers in the US with legal status.

The South is the area with the highest amount, at 18% of the population.

13 million of these people earned less than $25,000
14.5 million between $25,000 and $50,000.
25.4% of those are people who didn't work. Remember that this was 2007 before the crash.

Only 7.8%, not 20% as you stated, live in households earning more than $75,000 a year.

Some people might have chosen not to get health insurance. That's not really the point. In the UK you don't have this choice, you pay if you work, and it gets taken out of your wages.

Then when the shit hits the fan, they're covered regardless.

But you're using lots of numbers to say this isn't many people. I disagree.

$13.5 million people didn't have health insurance and probably couldn't afford it. That's a lot of people in my view. But you think those $13.5 million people should just be ignored because.... why exactly?
How many millions will drop their HC next year because they can't afford the 350% increase?

Is everyone going to get a 350% increase? We have one person claiming they have such a rise.

But then again this is more reason to get rid of insurance companies altogether and go for a Nationalized health service.

Yeah, then we can wait 3 years to get health care.... but at least it will be cheap. Instead of Canadians coming to the US to get care, we and the Canadians will have to got to Mexico.

Socialized care is the VA. Have you not been paying attention? The VA sucks. Even my brother in law that came back from Iraq, paid for health care after realizing it would be years before he was seen.

You morons.

3 years to wait? Only if people start playing around with it. Some people in the US didn't wait three years, they just died. But hey.

Just because VA sucks, doesn't mean healthcare that is nationalized has to suck. I know people who have gone through nationalized healthcare and come out of it pretty well.
The food industry pumps people full of unhealthy foods. The tobacco industry pumps them full of tobacco. The alcohol industry pumps them full of alcohol. The "illegal" drug industry pumps them full of the worst addictive substances. The pharmaceutical industry pumps them full of drugs. Then when they get sick, the hospital industry takes people in and charges outrageously for what should be simple procedures.

And who pays? Why, you do! The average, working American sucker!

How does it feel?
The letter from Florida Blue arrived yesterday and my insurance premiums will have a 350% increase starting this January. Affordable Care Act? Thanks Barry! Thanks Harry! Thanks Nancy! Thanks Democrats!

What the hell happened to my savings of $2,500 a year?
Clearly you don't make enough money to be voting Republican.

And who knows what to believe. You've been so anti hillary since you got here in 2012. Your first post is a Benghazi thread. Do you know how many Benghazis happened on bush and Reagan's watch?

So you are a partisan hack. I hope your premiums bankrupt your stupid broke ass.
Huh? Really? After all this time, you never heard the facts?

First of, according to the US census, 40% of those without insurance, were making over $50,000 a year. If you make over $50,000 a year and don't have insurance, it's because you bought a house, car, beer, and speed boat, instead of getting insurance.

Further, 20% of those, were living in households making $75K or more. No excuses.

Only 30% made less than $25,000 a year.

Moreover, about 10% are illegals, which you claim can't get ObamaCare. So why are you complaining they don't have insurance?

Lastly, because they choose to not get insurance. There's a video on YouTube where a reporter asked this girl in California, why she didn't have insurance. She was single, no kids, and had a middle class income. "Well it's too expensive". So they punched in her information, and found she could qualify for a basic health insurance plan and pay just $90 a month. She said straight up "well I think it's ridiculous that I have to pay for health care".

Even more ironic, later in the interview she openly admitted that she easily spent $800 a month on eating out.

I myself went years without health insurance. It was a choice. I could afford it... but choose not to have it. Similarly I know other people who bought health insurance, and then canceled it. They said very openly... why have it? I don't need it. So why pay for it?

Extremely few people simply can't afford health insurance.

And as a final note, even of those, the US Census found that 30% of the uninsured qualified for government insurance, and simply choose to not enroll in Medicaid or S-CHIP, or other programs.

That's why people don't have insurance. It's a choice.

Facts huh?


Here are some facts.

In 2007 (looking at pg 22) 45 million people were uninsured which appears to be 15% of the population.

8 million of these were under 18 years old. 33 million of these were native born with 9.7 million not being naturalized citizens. This doesn't mean they're illegal, it means they're not citizens, some of these could potentially be foreigner workers in the US with legal status.

The South is the area with the highest amount, at 18% of the population.

13 million of these people earned less than $25,000
14.5 million between $25,000 and $50,000.
25.4% of those are people who didn't work. Remember that this was 2007 before the crash.

Only 7.8%, not 20% as you stated, live in households earning more than $75,000 a year.

Some people might have chosen not to get health insurance. That's not really the point. In the UK you don't have this choice, you pay if you work, and it gets taken out of your wages.

Then when the shit hits the fan, they're covered regardless.

But you're using lots of numbers to say this isn't many people. I disagree.

$13.5 million people didn't have health insurance and probably couldn't afford it. That's a lot of people in my view. But you think those $13.5 million people should just be ignored because.... why exactly?
How many millions will drop their HC next year because they can't afford the 350% increase?

Is everyone going to get a 350% increase? We have one person claiming they have such a rise.

But then again this is more reason to get rid of insurance companies altogether and go for a Nationalized health service.

Yeah, then we can wait 3 years to get health care.... but at least it will be cheap. Instead of Canadians coming to the US to get care, we and the Canadians will have to got to Mexico.

Socialized care is the VA. Have you not been paying attention? The VA sucks. Even my brother in law that came back from Iraq, paid for health care after realizing it would be years before he was seen.

You morons.

3 years to wait? Only if people start playing around with it. Some people in the US didn't wait three years, they just died. But hey.

Just because VA sucks, doesn't mean healthcare that is nationalized has to suck. I know people who have gone through nationalized healthcare and come out of it pretty well.
Even my conservative German, Canadian and British friends love their countries socialized healthcare
You're on Obamacare? Mine went up this year as well, 400%, and the deductable went up 300%, through the corporation I work for.

You might pass that information along to Ravi...who thinks I'm lying when I say my premiums are going up 350%!
If yours is going up 350% with an Obamacare policy, and Fenton's is going up 400% with a non-Obamacare policy, what does that tell you?

Think about it before posting.
What it tells me is that he's a low wage earner looking to be subsidized by taxpayers :thup:
nahhh, If he receives subsidy, the subsidy will go up to cover the higher costs is what I had read.... those in need and on the exchange don't get hurt

Ok, well, now I have concrete absolute proof of our claim.

View attachment 96373

Here was my old plan.

$80, which was $20 higher than the previous plan.

Here's what it's saying now.

View attachment 96375

$125 a month. I can't afford that. Thus ends my health insurance. Can't afford that.

From $60 to $125? Nah, sorry. Doubled my premiums in 2 years.

And by the way, the $60 had a $2,500 deductible. The $80 had a $5,000 deductible. Now it will be a $7,150 deductible.

You people... just live in your stupid socialists bubble, where your heros on high tell you endlessly how much better everything is, and ignore the voices of the people who actually live in the real world, facing the real costs..... even though they are the very people you claim to want to help.

Since I can't afford health insurance, I'll just go to the ER if I get sick, and you morons can foot 100% of the bill.
Andy, I don't know why you have had to go from your employee health care plan to Obamacare on the exchange and can only presume you are between jobs?

Your employer paid a great deal of your health care insurance and Ocare does not contribute as much towards your policy it what it could be?

Whatever you do, please check out a Silver Plan, the govt will come in and help you with your deductibles and out of pocket expenses and some other things in ADDITION to the premium subsidy IF your income is low..

If you are healthy, and can afford to go for an annual check up with labs at least once a year out of your own pocket, and are not some Mountain Climber or race car driver that is prone to accidents, I would PASS on that useless bronze plan and pay the penalty, if you have to...but check out the penalty exemptions, cuz you may even be able to get out of that....depending on your circumstances.

As a citizen, I am willing to pay for you with my taxes if you end up in the Emergency Room.
You might pass that information along to Ravi...who thinks I'm lying when I say my premiums are going up 350%!
If yours is going up 350% with an Obamacare policy, and Fenton's is going up 400% with a non-Obamacare policy, what does that tell you?

Think about it before posting.
What it tells me is that he's a low wage earner looking to be subsidized by taxpayers :thup:
nahhh, If he receives subsidy, the subsidy will go up to cover the higher costs is what I had read.... those in need and on the exchange don't get hurt

Ok, well, now I have concrete absolute proof of our claim.

View attachment 96373

Here was my old plan.

$80, which was $20 higher than the previous plan.

Here's what it's saying now.

View attachment 96375

$125 a month. I can't afford that. Thus ends my health insurance. Can't afford that.

From $60 to $125? Nah, sorry. Doubled my premiums in 2 years.

And by the way, the $60 had a $2,500 deductible. The $80 had a $5,000 deductible. Now it will be a $7,150 deductible.

You people... just live in your stupid socialists bubble, where your heros on high tell you endlessly how much better everything is, and ignore the voices of the people who actually live in the real world, facing the real costs..... even though they are the very people you claim to want to help.

Since I can't afford health insurance, I'll just go to the ER if I get sick, and you morons can foot 100% of the bill.
Andy, I don't know why you have had to go from your employee health care plan to Obamacare on the exchange and can only presume you are between jobs?

Your employer paid a great deal of your health care insurance and Ocare does not contribute as much towards your policy it what it could be?

Whatever you do, please check out a Silver Plan, the govt will come in and help you with your deductibles and out of pocket expenses and some other things in ADDITION to the premium subsidy IF your income is low..

If you are healthy, and can afford to go for an annual check up with labs at least once a year out of your own pocket, and are not some Mountain Climber or race car driver that is prone to accidents, I would PASS on that useless bronze plan and pay the penalty, if you have to...but check out the penalty exemptions, cuz you may even be able to get out of that....depending on your circumstances.

As a citizen, I am willing to pay for you with my taxes if you end up in the Emergency Room.
If you look at his MemeIt post of healthcare.gov you will see the taxpayer is paying about half of his plan. He's being charged $124 and without the subsidy it would be $241.

I would be quite happy with $124 a month for coverage.
If yours is going up 350% with an Obamacare policy, and Fenton's is going up 400% with a non-Obamacare policy, what does that tell you?

Think about it before posting.
What it tells me is that he's a low wage earner looking to be subsidized by taxpayers :thup:
nahhh, If he receives subsidy, the subsidy will go up to cover the higher costs is what I had read.... those in need and on the exchange don't get hurt

Ok, well, now I have concrete absolute proof of our claim.

View attachment 96373

Here was my old plan.

$80, which was $20 higher than the previous plan.

Here's what it's saying now.

View attachment 96375

$125 a month. I can't afford that. Thus ends my health insurance. Can't afford that.

From $60 to $125? Nah, sorry. Doubled my premiums in 2 years.

And by the way, the $60 had a $2,500 deductible. The $80 had a $5,000 deductible. Now it will be a $7,150 deductible.

You people... just live in your stupid socialists bubble, where your heros on high tell you endlessly how much better everything is, and ignore the voices of the people who actually live in the real world, facing the real costs..... even though they are the very people you claim to want to help.

Since I can't afford health insurance, I'll just go to the ER if I get sick, and you morons can foot 100% of the bill.
Andy, I don't know why you have had to go from your employee health care plan to Obamacare on the exchange and can only presume you are between jobs?

Your employer paid a great deal of your health care insurance and Ocare does not contribute as much towards your policy it what it could be?

Whatever you do, please check out a Silver Plan, the govt will come in and help you with your deductibles and out of pocket expenses and some other things in ADDITION to the premium subsidy IF your income is low..

If you are healthy, and can afford to go for an annual check up with labs at least once a year out of your own pocket, and are not some Mountain Climber or race car driver that is prone to accidents, I would PASS on that useless bronze plan and pay the penalty, if you have to...but check out the penalty exemptions, cuz you may even be able to get out of that....depending on your circumstances.

As a citizen, I am willing to pay for you with my taxes if you end up in the Emergency Room.
If you look at his MemeIt post of healthcare.gov you will see the taxpayer is paying about half of his plan. He's being charged $124 and without the subsidy it would be $241.

I would be quite happy with $124 a month for coverage.
I would be happy too, IF IT WERE NOT that stupid Bronze Plan with the deductible in the thousands.... sure it will cover an annual and any labs but outside of that, it all comes out of his pocket....

NO ONE should buy in to one of those Bronze plans imho, NO ONE! they shouldn't even exist as far as I am concerned, unless the payment was something like $40 a month!
Huh? Really? After all this time, you never heard the facts?

First of, according to the US census, 40% of those without insurance, were making over $50,000 a year. If you make over $50,000 a year and don't have insurance, it's because you bought a house, car, beer, and speed boat, instead of getting insurance.

Further, 20% of those, were living in households making $75K or more. No excuses.

Only 30% made less than $25,000 a year.

Moreover, about 10% are illegals, which you claim can't get ObamaCare. So why are you complaining they don't have insurance?

Lastly, because they choose to not get insurance. There's a video on YouTube where a reporter asked this girl in California, why she didn't have insurance. She was single, no kids, and had a middle class income. "Well it's too expensive". So they punched in her information, and found she could qualify for a basic health insurance plan and pay just $90 a month. She said straight up "well I think it's ridiculous that I have to pay for health care".

Even more ironic, later in the interview she openly admitted that she easily spent $800 a month on eating out.

I myself went years without health insurance. It was a choice. I could afford it... but choose not to have it. Similarly I know other people who bought health insurance, and then canceled it. They said very openly... why have it? I don't need it. So why pay for it?

Extremely few people simply can't afford health insurance.

And as a final note, even of those, the US Census found that 30% of the uninsured qualified for government insurance, and simply choose to not enroll in Medicaid or S-CHIP, or other programs.

That's why people don't have insurance. It's a choice.

Facts huh?


Here are some facts.

In 2007 (looking at pg 22) 45 million people were uninsured which appears to be 15% of the population.

8 million of these were under 18 years old. 33 million of these were native born with 9.7 million not being naturalized citizens. This doesn't mean they're illegal, it means they're not citizens, some of these could potentially be foreigner workers in the US with legal status.

The South is the area with the highest amount, at 18% of the population.

13 million of these people earned less than $25,000
14.5 million between $25,000 and $50,000.
25.4% of those are people who didn't work. Remember that this was 2007 before the crash.

Only 7.8%, not 20% as you stated, live in households earning more than $75,000 a year.

Some people might have chosen not to get health insurance. That's not really the point. In the UK you don't have this choice, you pay if you work, and it gets taken out of your wages.

Then when the shit hits the fan, they're covered regardless.

But you're using lots of numbers to say this isn't many people. I disagree.

$13.5 million people didn't have health insurance and probably couldn't afford it. That's a lot of people in my view. But you think those $13.5 million people should just be ignored because.... why exactly?
How many millions will drop their HC next year because they can't afford the 350% increase?

Is everyone going to get a 350% increase? We have one person claiming they have such a rise.

But then again this is more reason to get rid of insurance companies altogether and go for a Nationalized health service.

Yeah, then we can wait 3 years to get health care.... but at least it will be cheap. Instead of Canadians coming to the US to get care, we and the Canadians will have to got to Mexico.

Socialized care is the VA. Have you not been paying attention? The VA sucks. Even my brother in law that came back from Iraq, paid for health care after realizing it would be years before he was seen.

You morons.

3 years to wait? Only if people start playing around with it. Some people in the US didn't wait three years, they just died. But hey.

Just because VA sucks, doesn't mean healthcare that is nationalized has to suck. I know people who have gone through nationalized healthcare and come out of it pretty well.
VA is overwhelmed with REMFs bringing their 5 year olds in for a skinned knee. The VA was meant for injuries sustained on the battlefield, not a comprehensive free medical plan for every supply line, statesider and their entire family.

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